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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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Haha wow... thats like asking where something is and it's in your hand. I don't know how many times I clicked through folders... hahahahaha

Thanks again :)

When I setup the person for mail under vendors under questing how do I tell it what I would like to mail to my alt?
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Hey Kick. Tried to turn this on a few minutes ago and it won't work on my druid. It keeps saying I have to be able to fly to use this profile. It's working on my Rogue on my other acct. It was working fine last night. I SVN everything before I start every day. Here's my log.

[6:41:42 PM:604] Compiling expression '!CanFly()' @ line 160
[6:41:43 PM:669] Compiling quest behavior from 'C:\Users\David\Bots\HB\Quest Behaviors\UserDialog.cs'
[6:41:44 PM:59] Goal: User Attention Required...
[6:41:44 PM:59] Activity: Waiting for user dialog to close
[6:41:46 PM:391] Activity: Honorbuddy stopped due to  Profile Writer request
[6:41:46 PM:393] [UserDialog(user response) @line 161]: Honorbuddy stopped due to  Profile Writer request

Does your toon have a flying mount / skill?
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Damn you're quick. Yeah he does. It worked fine last night using the same profile and fine on your Hyjal profile.
in your profile, delete the whole if condition !canfly() statement (all 3 lines), save and click start

if you don't have your flightmaster license it may not work correctly
OK I did it and now it's running. He isn't flying yet but atleast he's moving. My rogue is still working correctly.
Hi there

I have a request for a anti stuck handling of quest deliverment.
As you can see in this logfile (thats too big :p). View attachment 22536
It tryed to deliver a quest from 22:35 till 01:41.

Something like after 10 failed quest delivery's auto logoff ???
Hi there

I have a request for a anti stuck handling of quest deliverment.
As you can see in this logfile (thats too big :p). View attachment 22536
It tryed to deliver a quest from 22:35 till 01:41.

Something like after 10 failed quest delivery's auto logoff ???

I talked to a Flight Master for 6 strait hours.. some kind of error checking/logout would be great.
uhh is it just me or did u guys not fix when the bot runs to mail fills bag with herbs then beats off in corner. it says bagspace 9 then fills it doesnt even stop rofl gg
Yeah indeed Kick, thats the problem. But it only mounts my Archerus Deathcharger instead... :(

Maybe its a HB thing, and not your profile since I am the only one having troubles with.

Next to that: keep up the great work ++
I had the same problem at Ashes to Ashenvale, so I just opened up the profile and removed that quest pickup/turn in from the script and it seems to be fine.

Hopefully the developer doesn't mind me reposting the version I'm using, and I make no promises that I haven't broken anything later on by doing this (Pretty sure it'll be ok though, looking at the formatting the quest hand in and pickup stuff is all independant of other scripting so this shouldn't break anything)


It also appears to break during quest "The Reason Why", at the interactions with the quest objects it would get to the first one and then just activate that object over and over instead of progressing to the next one. The only way I could get the bot to proceed was to remove the line referring to activating that object, which is obviously a lot slower than just manually completing the quest :)

It also then broke again just after at quest ID 13626, instead of following the scripted instruction to equip and use a quest object is just crashes the script.

So far this profile has proven un-afkable for more than maybe 10 minutes at a time before you need to intervene and unbreak something, but it's still easier than doing it by hand :)
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Quest "Unsolid Ground" is bugged, it does not copmplete the quest, it tries to turn it in before it has completed it.

By restarting the bot it goes back and finish it, but not always as the cords it run to is a bit wrong it seems and it tries to use the item in an area where it cannot, by manually moving the bot 0,5 yards it works, now this happens about 50% of the times after restarting the bot as it tries to turn it in as completed.

View attachment 22539

from time to time it places the item but does not lure anything.
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Quest "Unsolid Ground" is bugged, it does not copmplete the quest, it tries to turn it in before it has completed it.

By restarting the bot it goes back and finish it, but not always as the cords it run to is a bit wrong it seems and it tries to use the item in an area where it cannot, by manually moving the bot 0,5 yards it works, now this happens about 50% of the times after restarting the bot as it tries to turn it in as completed.

View attachment 22539

from time to time it places the item but does not lure anything.

actually it spam picks it up because it's marked wrong on the wow servers. i'll look into it
Also one more thing about a ptoblem i have been having for a while now, all your Cataclysm profiles bugs after i reboot HB, and only the Cataclysm profiles, everytime i reboot, even if it states that is uses the last profile that is your profile i have to press "Load profile" or it will state no profile loaded.
It's really sad that there is no update for this profile ... From the release date to today it's all the same with alot of bugs!
Updated to 3.0

  • Updated to 3.0
  • Now as GUI version
  • Able to add vendors, blackposts, mailboxes!
Hey Kick :)..

How come i can't use flight form when starting your profile?

It tells me that i need to have Flying tho i have, just not a flying mount. So it's not possible to use flight form or?

Edit: Alt + F4'ing the User Dialog window helped. Using Flight Form now.
What have I to do to start your skinning profile ([A] QO Skinning 1-525 [Kick])?
Only start it in Grindmode?
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