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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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I bought the fly plugin, so i could try this profile, but im having problems, he hardly flies, he uses ground mount, Ive set use flying mount, not ground, but still uses, he flies sometimes...

whats the problem here?
it is clearly stated in post 2 of the SVN thread. So if you don't comprehend the video, the text is there to tell you exactly what to do
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Any news on some fixes? Updates? Improvements? Tuba's version was helluva lot better and I wish I had kept it now.

Been over a month and raphus only made 2 posts on this entire thread. 3000+ downloads , tons of people reporting issues and no fixes , last posting 4/15/11 ... I know people are busy , but damn ...
Croga said:
It doesn't really add anything.

Of course it does--its fewer quest we have to do manually to get the zone achievement. :D

I don't understand a disparity...
  • Sholazar Basin is the zone that's *supposed* to get you to 77 by Blizzard design.
    I've run this profile six times, and have yet to NOT be 77 when hitting Force of Nature. I always start Northrend at 70.something--as that's where other questing profiles leave me when they complete, and I don't cut them short. Perhaps our difference is you went into Northrend pre-70.
  • The Grind is just a 'check to make sure'. I've yet to Grind at all in this profile. Again, perhaps this again is due to disparity of level when we start the profile.

My vote is to leave all the quests in and add more. But at the moment, Kick doesn't have enough behaviors to do more quests; otherwise, they'd already be included. We're slowly working to solve that problem. :D

yep yep, i have a huge list of things to fix on this profile - i'm just waiting on the behavior devs to schedule a day of annoyance of both sides working, debugging, complaining, and lots of coffee
it is clearly stated in post 2 of the SVN thread. So if you don't comprehend the video, the text is there to tell you exactly what to do

I'm a dumbass when it comes to this stuff, hell check my posts you'll see. But I set up svn no problems. Lol

Kick, I know your busy with like five million other things, but have you had a chance to look at the red ridge issue I'm having?
[*] Sholazar Basin is the zone that's *supposed* to get you to 77 by Blizzard design.
I've run this profile six times, and have yet to NOT be 77 when hitting Force of Nature. I always start Northrend at 70.something--as that's where other questing profiles leave me when they complete, and I don't cut them short. Perhaps our difference is you went into Northrend pre-70.
[*] The Grind is just a 'check to make sure'. I've yet to Grind at all in this profile. Again, perhaps this again is due to disparity of level when we start the profile.
okay, two hypotheticals:
- If the character can pick up Force of Nature, then the grind is useless as the character is already 77.
- If the character needs the grind, it will not be able to pick up force of nature.

So either way, the profile can be adapted. If we assume that the toon will be high enough level to pick up Force of nature, the grind part can be removed. If we assume the grind part is needed then Force of Nature needs to be removed (otherwise it'll fly half way across the world to grind to 77, then fly halfway across the world back to do 3 quests).

Yes, I did start at 68 with little in the way of XP bonusses but that does not negate the dilemma I mentioned. Also; I don't really mind. I know I have to watch the bots when they're running these profiles and I can solve the issues quite easily (in this case by removing the culprit quests). But the profile is still in a paradox that can be resolved.
I'm a dumbass when it comes to this stuff, hell check my posts you'll see. But I set up svn no problems. Lol

Kick, I know your busy with like five million other things, but have you had a chance to look at the red ridge issue I'm having?

re-svn. that chain is from the yowler must die chain, so tell me if you have issues after svn'ing
in searing gorge and it stopped at the quest where you have to get the twilight collars

look in the log, after the singular casts and such. dont mind my switching profiles afterwards.
[3:34:41 PM:689] Goal: Picking up Lunthistle's Tale
[3:34:41 PM:786] [SetPullDistance(warning)]: This form of the method 'CheckForUnrecognizedAttributes' is deprecated.
Please update your behavior to use one of the replacement methods provided by the CustomForcedBehavior class.
[3:34:41 PM:787] [SetPullDistance(warning)]: This form of the method 'GetAttributeAsInteger' is deprecated.
Please update your behavior to use one of the replacement methods provided by the CustomForcedBehavior class.
[3:34:41 PM:787] Goal: SetPullDistance: Running
[3:34:41 PM:787] Activity: Setting Distance: 35
[3:34:41 PM:922] Activity: Finished!
[3:34:42 PM:54] Could not create current in quest bot; exception was thrown
[3:34:42 PM:54] Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
[3:34:42 PM:54] Stop called!
reinstall hb and try again
Hey kick not sure whats going on wiht the profile. but its taking my 46 shammy out into the middle of the ocean and he dies of fatigue. its taking me to coordinates and not anything to do with quests or grinding. Just to make sure i deleted HB and reinstalled it but still no go. Any thoughts on this?

mesh issue. turn in the quest in your log and press continue
ya, i'll be adding more later

			<If Condition="(Me.Level &gt;= 77)" >

Temp fix for that small quest line. if you're not 77, it will go to stormpeaks

now, i'll need an XYZ to put in there for when those users decide to stop / start the profile and will QQ that it doesn't fly there
I am running this on a 85 toon atm and it is working perfectly (a few minor edit's due to my level) up to beginning of wpl so far
re-svn. that chain is from the yowler must die chain, so tell me if you have issues after svn'ing

Re-Svn'd, and having the same issue, not sure where I would go to fix this? I think I did that quest already.

Edit: I dont see any low level quest givers around here anymore either.
i hate to send you on a hunt, but start here and see what you can do to 'get back on track'
Parker's Report - Quest - World of Warcraft
Yowler Must Die! - Quest - World of Warcraft

Looks like the bot killed yowler, but didnt loot the plans off of him. I just did it now, lemme see where it goes

Edit: Yup that was it.... Just didnt pick up the blackrock plans or whatever off yowler.

And now its going about the business right....

Lvl 38 now, guess ill let it run, and catch up
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I've started to use profile like you said in SW but my GF did not take Board q and went to hyjal by herself skipping SW -> Moonglade part. Now she want to use profile like i do but bot tries to get board q instead of doing futher quests. Is there any posibility to avoid this? I can add logs if you want but i think they're not helpful in this situation.

I did the same i turned in the Sw/Moonglade part and now it just flies south instead of going to the next quest in hyjal
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