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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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Yes read and undestood instructions. :rolleyes:
level 85 Mage trying to use it to advance Alchemy (curentlu at 425 +-).
Using GB2 as bot ( but have tried quest,combat/heal and do nothing).
Ported to Daleran, started HB (V 4564), installed a blank GB2 profile and started the PB plugin (v. with script [Alchemist](1-500)(Dalaran AH).xml that was loaded through PB and clicked the run button on PB.
The Toon runs to trainer, opens and runs away with nothing to train, goes to AH, opens the AH window and runs back to trainer trains nothing again and goes to AH to buy nothing again. :D

I would like to try my hand at puting a script together for cooking but i have never been able to get a populated "Actions" Tab ( or "Trade Skill" tab for that matter).
just an aside: i am reletively new to HB but I am somewhat talented with the coding thing :o
[10:34:41 PM:64] System.Exception: Unable to load Alchemy
That error seems to be causing your problem. Try disabling all your wow addons and restarting HB to see if that solves it. I know WOW addons can interfere with PB and if this was infact the issue and you figure which one I would be interested to know.
fails picking up "Basic Training" cannot navigate to coldarra, it refuses to use taxi as it thinks run time is faster.
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whats this...it wount start botting...it should stay on quest bot right??

Starting the bot!
Changing current profile to The Twisted Glade
Can not start quest bot - this profile does not contain a quest order!
This is what it is doing at the elevator at fizz.

1. it walks in.
2. it waits for the elevator.
3. it is about to board the elevator and jumps.
4. 25% woohoo worked, 75% nain we jumped to far and ended on the other side of the elevator, lets stand there and look silly for 2 hours.

one more issue, this is a bot issue i know, but you could bring it further, every time you trigger "Fly to" or similar commands it resets all Bot Settings. loot mobs skin and so an all gets unchecked.
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This is what it is doing at the elevator at fizz.

1. it walks in.
2. it waits for the elevator.
3. it is about to board the elevator and jumps.
4. 25% woohoo worked, 75% nain we jumped to far and ended on the other side of the elevator, lets stand there and look silly for 2 hours.

it's an issue w/ the stuck handler bud. not much i can do about it.
fails picking up "Basic Training" cannot navigate to coldarra, it refuses to use taxi as it thinks run time is faster.

get me the XYZ of the quest giver and i'll stick a flyto there in the flying profile


actually, i may be able to fly there on both profiles with an interactwith for the dragon, now that questid is optional
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nice work mate

any chance you will ever do a horde questing profile at some stage in the future (just asking :P) ?
[10:34:41 PM:64] System.Exception: Unable to load Alchemy
That error seems to be causing your problem. Try disabling all your wow addons and restarting HB to see if that solves it. I know WOW addons can interfere with PB and if this was infact the issue and you figure which one I would be interested to know.

I have the exact same issue with mine. With all addons disabled I still get the exact same error message;

Please wait a few seconds while Honorbuddy initializes.
ProfessionBuddy: Adding TradeSkill Alchemy
System.Exception: Unable to load Alchemy
ved HighVoltz.TradeSkillFrame.GetTradeSkill(SkillLine skillLine, Boolean blockFrame) i c:\Users\Removed\Downloads\Honorbuddy_2.0.0.4564\Plugins\ProfessionBuddy\Tradeskill.cs:linje 172
ved HighVoltz.Professionbuddy.loadTradeSkills() i c:\Users\Removed\Downloads\Honorbuddy_2.0.0.4564\Plugins\ProfessionBuddy\ProfessionBuddy.cs:linje 391
An easy fix for the tilemap errors is to start the bot on a wipe or something, get out of the instance in some way, and start it, then go back in. Honorbuddy doesn't recognize ZG as an area for some odd reason, but it works if you exit the instance, start the bot, and go back in.

I dont think ZA or ZG are even meshed.
fails picking up "Basic Training" cannot navigate to coldarra, it refuses to use taxi as it thinks run time is faster.

alright, this should work for other users now :) i stuck a manual flight path in there

			<If Condition="((!HasQuest(11918)) &amp;&amp; (!IsQuestCompleted(11918)))" >
				<CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" X="3573.648" Y="5956.59" Z="135.7549" />
				<CustomBehavior File="ForcedDismount" />
				<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="24795" NumOfTimes="1" GossipOptions="1" WaitTime="1000" CollectionDistance="50" X="3573.648" Y="5956.59" Z="135.7549" />
little bug fix

<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="27600" MobId="46245" NumOfTimes="1" GossipOptions="1" WaitTime="1" CollectionDistance="50" X="-10168.8" Y="-4177.78" Z="22.68565" />


<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="27600" MobId="46245" NumOfTimes="1" GossipOptions="1" WaitTime="1" CollectionDistance="50" X="-9988.384" Y="-4559.589" Z="-0.9728275" />

there was a bug with the coordinates of the object and the toon tried to swim anywhere
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