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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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Hey Kick, Gonna Give this Profile a Whirl. So Far So Good. Hunter is level 16.

Will keep you posted, Had to do a quest manually, because the character was just running in circles ( First Quest After : Report to Westfall"
with guild withdraw it should keep 10 of your BACKPACK slots empty for crafting.. if you dont have 10 slots it will spam withdraw cause it cant start without 10 slots
Hey kick, just wanted to say thanks very much for all the time and effort you've put into your collection of profiles. I used to write ppather profiles back in the day of glider and know just how much time it can take trying to iron out all the bugs. I've ran this 1-58 profile all the way through and although there were a few moments I felt I had to give a helping hand (as others have mentioned) it generally worked really well and flawlessly. Now onto your BC profile and in terrokar will no real interaction required at all. Thanks again and keep up the good work :)
got loads of errors when running the new alrounder, but then i didnt set it up all the way so it is most likely me.

still running the old one, and one thing i added myself in the milling.cs is
if (item.StackCount >= 5 && NumOfItemsInBag(item.Entry) >= 40)

that 40 could be replaced with a number you set in settings. why i want it to be 40, i don?t want it to mill every second time it stops to gather, this way it mill once every 15?th node or so.

Might be a future to add? to more then just milling then?
First i have to say this is a real great Dwarf Profile! Like it a lot. But got a little Problem, now im 56 and Char is hanging around. Trying to get Loading Tile Azeroth_37_55. i restart it, try to make manual but the Profile doesnt go on :( Maybe someone give me a Hint.

Thank you
ok, maybe i was fast with the post. run a little bit around after 10minutes the char started again. everything is ok!
got loads of errors when running the new alrounder, but then i didnt set it up all the way so it is most likely me.

still running the old one, and one thing i added myself in the milling.cs is
if (item.StackCount >= 5 && NumOfItemsInBag(item.Entry) >= 40)

that 40 could be replaced with a number you set in settings. why i want it to be 40, i don?t want it to mill every second time it stops to gather, this way it mill once every 15?th node or so.

Might be a future to add? to more then just milling then?

allrounder was written to use with crafting toons only but was thinking of re writting for everyday use.. ie with gb2 ect..

ive noticed the errors.. its cause ive pulsed the guildwithdraw and guilddeposit settings without then been enabled so its looking for xmls and cant find them.. has been sorted with next release
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is there a way to make it collect a certain number or herbs or ore before moving on to another profile?
I tried running the winterspring profile last night, and it seems to do everything fine, but I woke up this morning and it had only turned in the quest one time, and then picked it up again before stopping

heres logs
oh thanks for the quick response I didnt even know!

After updating works perfectly now! Is there anyway to make it so it stops killing shardtooth bears after its collected the 5 meat?
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Nope, or well, he walks with the flying mount (walks) from Mining trainer which i had to train automatically, all the way to herb trainer and learns skills -> flies away farming. But he doesnt dismount infront of the mining trainer no, just flying outside it, or hugs the mailbox :) I am not in anyway upset, just checking ifthere is a way to fix it myself :)
ty for the quick reply
The issue with not dismounting is a HB bug that was introduced in last version. It nolonger dismounts while flying nor does it try to land if flying. And frankly I cba to post a work-around. I recommend submitting a bug report for HB so they are aware of the issue and using the previous version of HB. Also I recommend not to use 1-525 mining/herb v2 profile for now.
Original Problem... leveled up thru PvP and IB faster then Questing profile is layed out and as such got caught in loop for quest "The Impotent Leader"... due to the fact I did not have rep/quest to be able to get Quests from the Garadar....

After reviewing the profile.. I would like to suggest you move the "Reinforcements for Garadar" quest pickup/turn to the Lvl 65 link since its the last quest before you have it grind for 2 levels to 65. At Lvl 65 is when it starts using quests in Garadar and this way would prevent looping from occuring.
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Tested this out from level 1- 21 and so far it have worked very good, i only found 2 problems.
1. Was it got stuck in Barrens when dead and was returning to body, it was stuck in some kind of wall.
2. Is so far in Ashenvale where it walks into an Elite when going back to "Forest Elite" and dies many times, where i needed to babysit the bot to work like it should. And dunno how to fix this :/

I have few deaths but i think thats only because i'm a Paladin. But maybe you should support other classes cause i've seen where it had a hard time surviving but just made it.

But awesome profile :) Keep it updated! :cool:
I had number 2, and i got stuck to a wall on a zepplin, and i had to hearth, at level 32 is said picking up nuru pathfinder and it sat still on the edge of elder rise, i restarted it and it jumped off and res'd and then went to quest area
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