Just a quick question, I do not know if it is a bug, i guess its not. Ive botted up both herb and mining to 221(give and take a few) with very good results, some babysitting but no problems whatsoever.
Now, according to guides etc, Mithril is the thing i skill on as a miner, tho my bot is still farming for Iron deposits, even if i only have Mithril Ore "enabled" in the "Choose nodes"-option. So it keeps on flying around Barrens looking for Mithril, but never finds it (since its in Felwood), and the only command i get is (moving to the next hotspot)
Not that i do NOT have Iron ore "checked" in my "choose nodes"-option, only mithril. Does he farm automatically, until mining-iron-skill turns gey, not providing more skill? Or am i doing something wrong?
Should i enable everything in the "gather nodes"-option and let the bot do all the work?
Edit: previously the bot flew to Uldum searching, flying around looking for herbs/nodes, at 221 skill,
There is no Error Command, so i will not attach anything, i am just asking whats up

Edit: Now it says "Activity: Moving to next hotspot" and the bot is flying around in Uldum again.
Using the 1-525 herb/mining Flying GB2(v2)
Thank you very much for the bot, and thank you for any help you may or maynot give.
Compiler Error:116 <--- Whut is that ?