Can someone please explain to me why it says i need to be alliance to run his profile?
After 3 separate characters used I wanted to report an issue with the [H - Quest] 94-96 Talador [Kick] | Ikky's Egg - Quest. There is no interaction with the egg, or after manually interacting with it and the bird appearing all subsequent quests have to be manually clicked to start/complete.
edit: log attached and cut down to size usable for upload.
I had that same problem with my Lock. Seems he's not quite close enough to the egg. Move slightly forward and the quest continues normally.
So it seems like no one is answering the question. There is no WoD profile in 1-100 lvling pack guide. My friend got it earlier than me and he has it. But in my profile there is no WoD. I have everything else. help me pls i cant lvl 90-100