You can temporary fix this urself partly by going onto Class Config and at "Garrison Ability: at Health%" and "Garrison Ability: at mob count" change these to 0 and 999. There is also a beta singular you can download which automatically skips using non-dmg garrison abilities in combat until a new honorbuddy version is out.Same problem here, good way to get banned.... DO NOT AFK for Arak until this is fixed!
Getting stuck at garrison in front of Rokhan waiting for a quest that he does not give, instead the Command Board does.
Completed the quest manually.
Horde's profile for Talador 94-96.
Garrison level 2
Log follows.
View attachment 159162
Is no one else having issues after the update from yesterday with the WoD profiles not showing up?
If I go to load from buddy store, and go to kicks, it shows everything but the WoD section. Was working on Sunday.
I'm assuming I need to re install?
[16:07:21.763 D] Could not generate full path from {1280.066, 1984.093, 339.7268} to {1178.352, 2017.988, 356.6443} (time used: 0 milliseconds)My honorbuddy just decided to close itself. Any chance you can figure it out why it did it?
View attachment 158858
[01:29:11.912 Q] Bot stopping! Reason: Auth Session is invalidnot sure if its hb or if its the profile but it seems like my hb is crashing during questing here is the log
run hb as adminHi,
Im trying the 90-92 SMV. It picks up the initial quest and goes through the portal but he is stuck there without moving. If I help him to move to Khadgar (just in front of him) he picks the quest but again he is stucked. Here is the log of the two things.
View attachment 159289
reinstall hb from scratch. not a profile issueHaving some issues with the bot, went from the 90-92 profile, so and so working, once i load the 92-94 i get alot of red text and errors.
log attached.
once i then start the bot it only moves to durotan and awaits a quest that he does not have. Then it just stands there untill it times out and logout.
any ideas?
[05:32:02.267 D] Goal: Picking Up Quest - The Axe of Earthly Sundering (The Axe of Earthly Sundering - Quest - World of Warcraft) : From - Slate Quicksand (Slate Quicksand - NPC - World of Warcraft)Actually the character is in Deepholm trying to pickup some quest, not hyjal. the Character has no additional quests and is level 83.