Good work mate working perfectly.... Just one thing..... my priest level 73 it lose's hp fast and my bot says we have no food/drink why dont it just heal itself. May not be this profile but im confused hehe.
CC problem or configuration mate..
Good work mate working perfectly.... Just one thing..... my priest level 73 it lose's hp fast and my bot says we have no food/drink why dont it just heal itself. May not be this profile but im confused hehe.
lsuvictory, I would need a log file to look into that one. Next time that occurs please glance at the clock on your computer so you can tell me the system time you noticed the behavior as well. Thanks and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53Could this be used for PVP aslo?
And i was in a heroic healing with a shaman, i didnt have the auto follow tank selected but it still followed the tank.
Anonuzer01, Thanks for the post. I would need the log file to look into that one further. When running glance at the system time when you observe the problematic behavior so you can post the time you observed it occurring. That will make the log file more useful so I can focus on a specific instance of the issue. Thanks and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53Same as Isuvictory. I just duo'd the TB dailies with a guildie. Guildie chosen as tank, follow tank *not* selected but still followed him everywhere he went. I'll find a log and post it up momentarily.
There is a setting under RAF settings "Closely follow leader". I just unchecked that and am going to try again. I'm guessing that was the culprit.
Kuku, The purpose of this Bot is to enable the use of HonorBuddy in a raid or dungeon that isn't supported by other Bots. It is called LazyRaider because it allows you to be responsible for movement (moving according to the raid strategy, out of AoE damage, etc.) and DPS Targeting, while the CustomClass is responsible for spell casting. Your CustomClass (CC) is also responsible for who your character heals. Thanks for the post, Bobby53Just two Questions. 1. What if we run a Raid and have 3 Healers. 2 for 2 Tanks and 1 Healer for the whole group and i am the one who has to heal the whole group and not the Tank?!^^ 2. Just Forgot it xD
[20:06:44:15] Loading Azeroth_31_59
[20:06:45:187] Goal: Grinding to level 5
[20:06:45:218] Goal: Grinding to level 11
[20:06:46:562] Goal: Grinding to level 16
[20:06:46:562] Goal: Grinding to level 21
[20:06:48:234] Goal: Grinding to level 27
[20:06:48:765] Goal: Grinding to level 34
[20:06:49:203] Picking up The Battle for Andorhal : 28749
[20:06:49:203] Goal: Picking up The Battle for Andorhal
[20:06:49:203] Changed POI to: Type: QuestPickUp
[20:06:49:640] Mounting: 13819
[20:06:49:843] Spell_C::CastSpell(13819, 0, 0x0, 0) [10]
[20:06:52:109] Moving to Type: QuestPickUp
[20:06:57:171] interact: 0x3633A468
[20:06:57:203] interact done: 0x3633A468
[20:07:00:546] Cleared POI - Reason Quest Completed
[20:07:00:546] Cleared POI
[20:07:00:812] Changed POI to: Type: QuestPickUp
[20:07:01:250] interact: 0x3633A468
[20:07:01:281] interact done: 0x3633A468
[20:07:04:312] Cleared POI - Reason Quest Completed
[20:07:04:312] Cleared POI
[20:07:04:593] Changed POI to: Type: QuestPickUp
[20:07:05:250] interact: 0x3633A468
[20:07:05:281] interact done: 0x3633A468
[20:07:08:343] Cleared POI - Reason Quest Completed
[20:07:08:343] Cleared POI
[20:07:08:625] Changed POI to: Type: QuestPickUp
[20:07:09:46] interact: 0x3633A468
[20:07:09:78] interact done: 0x3633A468
[20:07:12:390] Cleared POI - Reason Quest Completed
[20:07:12:390] Cleared POI
[20:07:12:671] Changed POI to: Type: QuestPickUp
[20:07:13:93] interact: 0x3633A468
[20:07:13:125] interact done: 0x3633A468
[20:07:16:187] Cleared POI - Reason Quest Completed
[20:07:16:187] Cleared POI
[20:07:16:468] Changed POI to: Type: QuestPickUp
[20:07:17:156] interact: 0x3633A468
[20:07:17:187] interact done: 0x3633A468
[20:07:20:218] Cleared POI - Reason Quest Completed
[20:07:20:218] Cleared POI
[20:07:20:500] Changed POI to: Type: QuestPickUp
[20:07:20:921] interact: 0x3633A468
[20:07:20:953] interact done: 0x3633A468
[20:07:24:281] Cleared POI - Reason Quest Completed
[20:07:24:281] Cleared POI
[20:07:24:562] Changed POI to: Type: QuestPickUp
[20:07:24:984] interact: 0x3633A468
[20:07:25:15] interact done: 0x3633A468
[20:07:28:93] Cleared POI - Reason Quest Completed
I am questing in Dragonblight and am getting the "Could not find quest giver NPC with ID 26206 in Database." I looked through the Quest Profiles, but cannot find this number anywhere. It keeps stopping HB after a few seconds. I have shut down WOW/HB/PC and restarted all with same results. Thanks for your help!