Hi again,
Hraki, and thanks for the fresh log.
The failure mode of your problem has completely changed:
[23:17:11.238 N] Warning: XML Error: Could not parse 'If' body node! - On line 1469 - [<If Condition="Me.IsAlliance">
<CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="[Fly][A - Quest] LK 68-80 [Kick]" />
[23:17:11.242 N] Warning: Tipo de excep??o 'Styx.CommonBot.Profiles.ProfileException' accionado.
[23:17:11.245 N] Warning: XML Error: Could not parse 'If' body node! - On line 1480 - [<If Condition="(!IsQuestCompleted(11969))">
<!-- Warsong Hold Quests -->
<CustomBehavior File="Message" Text="Compiling Warsong Hold Quests" LogColor="CornflowerBlue" />
<If Condition="((!HasQuest(11585)) && (!IsQuestCompleted(11585)))">
<CustomBehavior File="RunMacro" Macro="/run for i=1,GetNumQuestLogEntries() do SelectQuestLogEntry(i); SetAbandonQuest(); AbandonQuest(); end" />
<PickUp QuestName="Hellscream's Vigil" QuestId="11585" GiverName="Warsong Recruitment Officer" GiverId="25273" X="2822.696" Y="6171.691" Z="121.9802" />
<!-- Train riding -->
Either your Honorbuddy installation is damaged, or your copy of
Kick's profiles--I can't tell which. The other thing it could be is you failed to copy the quest behaviors
Kick provides across to your Honorbuddy
/Quest Behaviors/ directory.
I'd start with a 'clean install', and see if that repairs things first. If not, you'll have to investigate your copy of
Kick's profiles. If you don't have success, you should take your problem to the
Support forum, as what you are experiencing is not a problem with
Kick's profiles.
[post=1142611]Hraki's 'damaged Honorbuddy installation' problem w/log[/post][/size]