behavior issue, we pushed a bad interactwith by accident. it'll be fixed on next pushhad some trouble with collecting "Redpath's Shield" for Heroes of Darrowshire - Quest - World of Warcraft, had to collect it myself else the bot would just stand at Crown Guard Tower
everything is in the first 3 posts; if it's not there, I do it for you.First of all, thank you for this great profile.
What is the best setting for "loot radius" and "pull distance"?
And how is "grind between hotspots" to set? true or false?
Is "profile helper" and "quest helper" needed?
sounds like a cache issuehey, hmm since maintance the bot doenst quest anymore... he keeps talking to the Q giver
log attched
sry lvl62 in Zangar ..
i can, but then we ignore all combat for the quest and dieAnother issue/problem. The following quest planning for the future - Wowhead Search - the mobs you need to "collect" are right next to hostile mobs, meaning any AoE damage eliminates them very quickly. Can any "NoCombatPickup" style overrides be set here?
im new to hb, so hopefully the log posts. The issue is once i start the profile my toon applies the buffs for the specific class, mounts, then attempts to move to get quests and the log just spams moving to type:questpickup. not sure how to fix this thanks for any help
known issue, i'll stick it on my to do listThe following quest (in theory both A and H side) Help Those That Cannot Help Themselves - Quest - World of Warcraft has a pretty big issue.
The item will be used on the calf, and the bot will then follow the calf until it despawns (some 20 seconds later). Obviously this looks very bottish and badAny way of modifying a QB or something to blacklist the mob after using the item?
At first: this is a great profile! Thanx a lot!
My toon gets stuck trying to pick up quest 30785 (Gao-Ran Battlefront). It just stands there talking to Ban Bearheart over and over again.
Somehow that quest isn't available yet or has already been finished. I do not know, because I just jumped in using your profile after completing most of the quests around.
The exception @ 18:36:52 is because my screen saver got activated
@ 19:00:40 I stopped the sceen saver and the profile continued trying to pick up the quest.
I know that 30784 (The Point of No Return) is required to get 30785. But I can't see that quest either ingame. Maybe there is another precondition to get 30784?
Thanx for any help,
Maybe it is a bit poor to ask you in your own thread but can you please help me with creating an useful plugin? I dont know but I have an error in my script and I cant solve it, so please help me. IF you cant, nobody could do this.. add me on skype if you want to help me:syndicate.n4
I have reported this issue (and others like it) onto the Release thread for v534. It was picked up by Natfoth, but as far as a fix or whatnot I am unaware. It would seem something has changed in v534 from v525 where if the bot is stopped midway thru quests, it may report the quest as complete. It might show during the quest, or on turnin. I have yet to witness it firsthand but have had multiple issues reported to me and this is (for now) the best running theory I have so far. More info to come as it comes to me, but for now it is a known issue, but I am not addressing it until I have fully determined whether or not its a bot issue over profile issue.
use the developer forum; but I don't work on plugins and such atm
Yo Mr brodie
Have you been anything on PTR preparing for the new dailies and reputation ?
Would be sick if you got a headstart and could push profiles the same week 5.2 is released
<!-- Stay Klaxxi Check -->
<If Condition="
!IsAchievementCompleted(7313, 1) || !IsAchievementCompleted(7313, 2) ||
!IsAchievementCompleted(7313, 3) || !IsAchievementCompleted(7313, 4) ||
!IsAchievementCompleted(7313, 5) || !IsAchievementCompleted(7313, 6) ||
!IsAchievementCompleted(7313, 7) || !IsAchievementCompleted(7313, 8) ||
!IsAchievementCompleted(7313, 9) || !IsAchievementCompleted(7313, 10)"
<!-- Angel of Death -->
<If Condition="(!IsAchievementCompleted(7313, 1) && !IsAchievementCompleted(7312, 1))" >
<If Condition="!Me.HasAura(131767)" >
<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="62538" GossipOptions="1" WaitForNpcs="False" />
<!-- Raining Blood -->
<If Condition="(!IsAchievementCompleted(7313, 5) && !IsAchievementCompleted(7312, 10))" >
<If Condition="!Me.HasAura(127370)" >
<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="62151" GossipOptions="1" WaitForNpcs="False" />
<!-- Iron Mantid -->
<If Condition="(!IsAchievementCompleted(7313, 6))" >
<If Condition="!Me.HasAura(124529)" >
<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" ObjectType="GameObject" MobId="215872" GossipOptions="1" WaitForNpcs="False" />
<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="63758" GossipOptions="1" WaitForNpcs="False" />
<!-- Silent Lucidity -->
<If Condition="(!IsAchievementCompleted(7313, 7) && !IsAchievementCompleted(7312, 3))" >
<If Condition="!Me.HasAura(127382)" >
<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="65305" GossipOptions="1" WaitForNpcs="False" />
<!-- Children of the Grave -->
<If Condition="(!IsAchievementCompleted(7313, 9) && !IsAchievementCompleted(7312, 7))" >
<If Condition="!Me.HasAura(127794)" >
<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="63072" GossipOptions="1" WaitForNpcs="False" />
<!-- Master of Puppets -->
<If Condition="(!IsAchievementCompleted(7313, 2) && !IsAchievementCompleted(7312, 4))" >
<If Condition="!Me.HasAura(127351)" >
<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="63758" GossipOptions="1" WaitForNpcs="False" />
<!-- Painkiller -->
<If Condition="(!IsAchievementCompleted(7313, 3) && !IsAchievementCompleted(7312, 5))" >
<If Condition="!Me.HasAura(127703)" >
<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="62180" GossipOptions="1" WaitForNpcs="False" />
<!-- Seek and Destroy -->
<If Condition="(!IsAchievementCompleted(7313, 4) && !IsAchievementCompleted(7312, 9))" >
<If Condition="!Me.HasAura(127356)" >
<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="63785" GossipOptions="1" WaitForNpcs="False" />
<!-- Speed King -->
<If Condition="(!IsAchievementCompleted(7313, 8) && !IsAchievementCompleted(7312, 6))" >
<If Condition="!Me.HasAura(127375)" >
<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="65303" GossipOptions="1" WaitForNpcs="False" />
<!-- Battle Hymn -->
<If Condition="(!IsAchievementCompleted(7313, 10) && !IsAchievementCompleted(7312, 8))" >
<If Condition="!Me.HasAura(123219)" >
<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="63071" GossipOptions="1" WaitForNpcs="False" />
</If><!-- end Stay Klaxxi Check -->
Okay thanks, I will set up a thread later. Now I have another poor question.. Do you have a not need Lvl 85 DK or Pala or whatever make many K/H?
because my lock keeps dying.. and I think its faster for me to level by hand than to pull with my lock so please. If you have one that you dont need for farming or something, let me use him. :x. Also, if you are not sure if you can trust me then add me on skype:syndicate.n4
Hi Brodie,
Thanks as always for the awesome profiles.
I noticed an issue with the Stay Klaxxi achievement check. I had completed the first two objectives, Angel of Death and Painkiller, but the profile was not picking up any of the other Enhancements/Augmentations.
I edited this section and it's working perfectly now. Basically I converted the ElseIfs to separate Ifs and corrected the HasAura for Battle Hymn.
PHP:<!-- Stay Klaxxi Check --> <If Condition=" !IsAchievementCompleted(7313, 1) || !IsAchievementCompleted(7313, 2) || !IsAchievementCompleted(7313, 3) || !IsAchievementCompleted(7313, 4) || !IsAchievementCompleted(7313, 5) || !IsAchievementCompleted(7313, 6) || !IsAchievementCompleted(7313, 7) || !IsAchievementCompleted(7313, 8) || !IsAchievementCompleted(7313, 9) || !IsAchievementCompleted(7313, 10)" > <!-- Enhancements --> <!-- Angel of Death --> <If Condition="(!IsAchievementCompleted(7313, 1) && !IsAchievementCompleted(7312, 1))" > <If Condition="!Me.HasAura(131767)" > <CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="62538" GossipOptions="1" WaitForNpcs="False" /> </If> </If> <!-- Raining Blood --> <If Condition="(!IsAchievementCompleted(7313, 5) && !IsAchievementCompleted(7312, 10))" > <If Condition="!Me.HasAura(127370)" > <CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="62151" GossipOptions="1" WaitForNpcs="False" /> </If> </If> <!-- Iron Mantid --> <If Condition="(!IsAchievementCompleted(7313, 6))" > <If Condition="!Me.HasAura(124529)" > <CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" ObjectType="GameObject" MobId="215872" GossipOptions="1" WaitForNpcs="False" /> <CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="63758" GossipOptions="1" WaitForNpcs="False" /> </If> </If> <!-- Silent Lucidity --> <If Condition="(!IsAchievementCompleted(7313, 7) && !IsAchievementCompleted(7312, 3))" > <If Condition="!Me.HasAura(127382)" > <CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="65305" GossipOptions="1" WaitForNpcs="False" /> </If> </If> <!-- Children of the Grave --> <If Condition="(!IsAchievementCompleted(7313, 9) && !IsAchievementCompleted(7312, 7))" > <If Condition="!Me.HasAura(127794)" > <CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="63072" GossipOptions="1" WaitForNpcs="False" /> </If> </If> <!-- Augmentations --> <!-- Master of Puppets --> <If Condition="(!IsAchievementCompleted(7313, 2) && !IsAchievementCompleted(7312, 4))" > <If Condition="!Me.HasAura(127351)" > <CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="63758" GossipOptions="1" WaitForNpcs="False" /> </If> </If> <!-- Painkiller --> <If Condition="(!IsAchievementCompleted(7313, 3) && !IsAchievementCompleted(7312, 5))" > <If Condition="!Me.HasAura(127703)" > <CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="62180" GossipOptions="1" WaitForNpcs="False" /> </If> </If> <!-- Seek and Destroy --> <If Condition="(!IsAchievementCompleted(7313, 4) && !IsAchievementCompleted(7312, 9))" > <If Condition="!Me.HasAura(127356)" > <CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="63785" GossipOptions="1" WaitForNpcs="False" /> </If> </If> <!-- Speed King --> <If Condition="(!IsAchievementCompleted(7313, 8) && !IsAchievementCompleted(7312, 6))" > <If Condition="!Me.HasAura(127375)" > <CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="65303" GossipOptions="1" WaitForNpcs="False" /> </If> </If> <!-- Battle Hymn --> <If Condition="(!IsAchievementCompleted(7313, 10) && !IsAchievementCompleted(7312, 8))" > <If Condition="!Me.HasAura(123219)" > <CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="63071" GossipOptions="1" WaitForNpcs="False" /> </If> </If> </If><!-- end Stay Klaxxi Check -->