Dread Wastes (Horde)
Quest: The Mariners Revenge (Kill the Squid)
Is there another way to get back on the Harpoon Boat without contacting a GM? If you get disconnected there and want to restart the Quest the phading doesnt work, you dont see the Boat anymore
If anyone know how to fix this without contacting a gm, please help. I tryd to quit the Quest and fly to other Zones and Continents and retry, but always the same (relog too).
thank you
brodie, is there any kind of stuck helper plugin or something that I could I use with these profiles? The default honorbuddy unstuck just doesn't cut it. The bot is constantly getting caught on things or trying to run through or swim through walls/rocks on certain quests.
Messes up at valley of the four winds...
<PickUp QuestName="Life" QuestId="30131" GiverName="Sunwalker Dezco" GiverId="58113" X="-882.0469" Y="140.8629" Z="13.22003" />
<While Condition="(HasQuest(30131) && (!IsQuestCompleted(30131)))">
<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="30131" MobId="58113" GossipOptions="1" CollectionDistance="500" X="-882.3207" Y="137.7747" Z="13.21995" />
<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="2000" GoalText="Waiting for a couple of secs {TimeRemaining}" />
<CustomBehavior File="Misc\RunLua" Lua="StopCinematic()" WaitTime="1000" />
<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="2000" GoalText="Waiting for a couple of secs {TimeRemaining}" />
<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" QuestId="30131" WaitTime="120000" GoalText="Waiting for a couple of secs {TimeRemaining}" />
<TurnIn QuestName="Life" QuestId="30131" TurnInName="Sunwalker Dezco" TurnInId="58113" X="-882.0469" Y="140.8629" Z="13.22003" />
Hey Kick!
I just started levelling up my alts, and noticed a couple small problems (MoP profiles are running very very smoothly now):
1. The Final Blow! (Jade Forest)
This is one of the first quests, for the horde at least, in which you have to go up some sort of spire blowing up the barricades.
Well, thing is, you can hit mobs behind the barricade, but you can't loot them, causing the bot to endlessly get stuck trying to loot.
A possible solution might be reducing the pull distance during that quest.
2. Life (Karasang Wilds)
In this quest you gotta wait by some Tauren while his wide gives birth to a little cow
The problem here is that after the cinematic, you have to exit vehicle.
Of course there's no vehicle, but you have to click on the exit vehicle icon to be able to move forward.
There's no exit vehicle line, so the bot gets stuck trying to turn in the quest.
Code:<PickUp QuestName="Life" QuestId="30131" GiverName="Sunwalker Dezco" GiverId="58113" X="-882.0469" Y="140.8629" Z="13.22003" /> <While Condition="(HasQuest(30131) && (!IsQuestCompleted(30131)))"> <CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="30131" MobId="58113" GossipOptions="1" CollectionDistance="500" X="-882.3207" Y="137.7747" Z="13.21995" /> <CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="2000" GoalText="Waiting for a couple of secs {TimeRemaining}" /> <CustomBehavior File="Misc\RunLua" Lua="StopCinematic()" WaitTime="1000" /> <CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="2000" GoalText="Waiting for a couple of secs {TimeRemaining}" /> <CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" QuestId="30131" WaitTime="120000" GoalText="Waiting for a couple of secs {TimeRemaining}" /> </While> <TurnIn QuestName="Life" QuestId="30131" TurnInName="Sunwalker Dezco" TurnInId="58113" X="-882.0469" Y="140.8629" Z="13.22003" />
Sorry, forgot to take a screenshot for that one, but just inserting an exit vehicle line (dunno if you use a specific behavior or a macro) before turning it in should suffice.
Thanks for your hard work!
jade forest issue:
known issue, i adjusted pulldistance down to 1 and it seemed to fix it for me; when's the last time u updated?
krasarang - added <CustomBehavior File="EjectVeh" />
i've never had an issue there, did blizz put that in in the last couple of days?
I updated this morning, but I did that quest before updating. It was probably an old revision.
I just tried to see if the Quest Bot was working ok (I know you guys had to re-do it from scratch), and since it was working flawlessly I just left it running.
Dunno. The only toon I leveled was my DK, at launch. I honestly don't remember.
But I'll probably start working on more toons now that Questing is working great, so I'll get back to you on this later.