log?Amazing profile used it plenty of times!
I'm having a problem on my monk im using the [A - Quest] EK 12-58 [Kick] and it works great the only problem is questgivers that offer more then 1 quest my guy will keep talking to them and closing the window over and over without picking up the quest which i manually do for him.
Amazing profile used it plenty of times!
I'm having a problem on my monk im using the [A - Quest] EK 12-58 [Kick] and it works great the only problem is questgivers that offer more then 1 quest my guy will keep talking to them and closing the window over and over without picking up the quest which i manually do for him.
Hi. When i start profile for Dominance Offensive dailies - [Rep] Dominance [Brodie].xml
I have this error :
XML comment cannot contain '--', and '-' cannot be the last character. Line 363, position 6.
Bot Stopped! Reason: An XML comment cannot contain '--', and '-' cannot be the last character. Line 363, position 6.
Bot just farming mobs in Winterspring at lvl 54 after he finish few quests ... (no quests in Quest Log)
.View attachment 79977
Apoc said it was a wrong offset on the server and restarting hb should fix the quest issues