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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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Hey Kicks. I haven't encountered this problem before but now it's becoming irritating. Trying to load the Kun-lai profile for 88-89 and it continues to run me to dread wastes. Any thoughts?

*EDIT: This is also after a clean HB reinstall and a new SVN of your profile pack.


update from svn, report back

also, that log was not 'attached', that was copy / pasted.
How To Attach A Log [Kick]

please "attach" it next time

its attached on the top, the first line of the post.

I have cleaned caches (HB, wow. wow/data) i have restarted PC, re-downloaded the profiles and tried with a clean install of HB, same results.

finally i started looking at the code myself (im no expert, thats why i asked your help). I see that before turn ins, you usually check if a given quest is already done, but not the same at the time of pick up. i feel i might have done the quest. (this is just me guessing, dunno much about the xml code)
My bots stucks on the npc trying to select an item reward but it never select any item.
It just stays there untill i manually select a reward.

Any idea on how to fix it?

I just updated to the latest, like r37... and am getting this... I also seem to be getting quest load errors, trying to get it to happen again so I can post it.

Plugin Pandaria Dailies v2 threw an exception in 'Pulse'! Exception:
System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
Parameter name: index
   at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException()
   at System.Collections.Generic.List`1.get_Item(Int32 index)
   at AzeniusHelper2.AzeniusHelper.Pulse() in c:\Users\xaqqqq\Dropbox\HB\lolr3\Plugins\Pandaria Dailies v2\Pandaria Dailies v2.cs:line 513
   at Styx.Plugins.PluginWrapper.Pulse()

I've gotten that before too. If I remember right its an error with the code relating to Shadowmaster Sydow. Whom I've never even seen. I'll look into it tonight.

Good afternoon. I noticed that after running "[Rep] Daily Grind [Brodie]" my bot fly not on the old route and the new. It's you change it?
I can itself change these routes?

You can change the route yourself, you just have to reprogram every profile to follow a specific path. I've had numerous complaints from....1 person about it doing GL after shado pan, so I made GL first overall since I'm sure half of us start from the center.

Getting stuck on My Town, It's On Fire Again
Activity: Moving to interact with "Mistfall Water Bucket"
[InteractWith-v255(debug) @line 355]: Mistfall Water Bucket

it appears as though the bot walks up to the bucket and starts interacting with it before it gets there, then it just sits there infinitely. If I manually click the bucket it was supposedly interacting with, it moves on. Some of them work fine, others not at all.

I had that yesterday too, I had dropped the range to try and pick it up better, but now that you say it tries before it gets there, maybe I can tweak the timer a bit. Thanks.
Hey Brodie,

there is one error in the file "[Rep] Golden Lotus Dailies [Brodie]".
At the end, it tries to start: <CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="[Rep] The Tillers Dailies [Brodie]" />
But the file name is "[Rep] Tillers Dailies [Brodie]" (without "The").

And why doesn't it start August Celestials after Shado-Pan? It is commented out in the Shado-Pan-File.
Golden Lotus, my bot just says This profile requires at least Revered with Golden Lotus to operate.
Skipping profile and continuing grind. its checking first phase wich is done, so i second phase. whats happening?
I clear my cache, and everything as pointed out. But the bot just leaves Klaxxi, and Golden Lotus half assed. And I have to the quests manually.
Working great, very well polished and mostly complete. A few issues with getting stuck inside the ships during DO dailies, just have to side-step around the walls.

Quick question: What does [Rep] Farm Dailies [Brodie] profile supposed to do? I started it, sits for a min, then starts the Tillers dailies. Is there something I need to do like buy seeds? I have 5 toons and farming 80 plots is getting old fast. If I'm missing something, please let me know. I can attach logs if needed, but curious if this is something simple.

Keep up the great work and I'll be making a donation soon!
Working great, very well polished and mostly complete. A few issues with getting stuck inside the ships during DO dailies, just have to side-step around the walls.

Quick question: What does [Rep] Farm Dailies [Brodie] profile supposed to do? I started it, sits for a min, then starts the Tillers dailies. Is there something I need to do like buy seeds? I have 5 toons and farming 80 plots is getting old fast. If I'm missing something, please let me know. I can attach logs if needed, but curious if this is something simple.

Keep up the great work and I'll be making a donation soon!

Farm dailies is a profile called by tillers that runs to do the Farming Daily provided by farmer yoon. It's only purpose is to buy the seed you need, plant it, and take care of the weeds. It will pick up everything that can be farmed of course. If you have no plots available, I'm pretty sure this profile will not do anything (as there's no soil to use). To grind seeds and plant lots of things, I have seeds profiles in my Grinding section of the SVN.
The Anglers

I've been using this for about a week now and it is absolutely fantastic, I know the Dominance Offensive quests will take some time but everything else is great so far. I use the Daily Grind profile everyday and I have a question about it. Each time I run the profile my toon flies to where The Angler faction is located and then leaves after it processes that no dailies are available. I don't have fishing trained, if I train fishing and leave it at 1 will the dailies become available and will I be leveled to 600 from doing the fishing quests?
I've been using this for about a week now and it is absolutely fantastic, I know the Dominance Offensive quests will take some time but everything else is great so far. I use the Daily Grind profile everyday and I have a question about it. Each time I run the profile my toon flies to where The Angler faction is located and then leaves after it processes that no dailies are available. I don't have fishing trained, if I train fishing and leave it at 1 will the dailies become available and will I be leveled to 600 from doing the fishing quests?

Yes and no. Yes you can start at 1 an get them. No in the sense that its gonna be harsh on the fishing dailies where you actually need to fish. Granted you will level up fairly quick, and the trainer is right in the hub, just be prepared for that!

This gives me the idea though to add a "Has Fishing" check.
i have problems on the quest "My Town, It's On Fire Again" my toon stand on the roof towards the watter and cant pick it up whats wrong?
i starts up daily routine every day with a COMPLETLY new folder.
i have problems on the quest "My Town, It's On Fire Again" my toon stand on the roof towards the watter and cant pick it up whats wrong?
i starts up daily routine every day with a COMPLETLY new folder.

The bot moves onto the roof? Like the roofs where the flames are?

There are reports of it trying to pick up water buckets too early, I'll be making adjustments tonight on that.
You can change the route yourself, you just have to reprogram every profile to follow a specific path. I've had numerous complaints from....1 person about it doing GL after shado pan, so I made GL first overall since I'm sure half of us start from the center.
I need to modify the files? Could you tell me how?
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