hawtness, now how do I make this action perform every day at 3 am automated. Wondering same about SVN update.
Edit: Alright, I got all the above automated now.
There were some slight bugs in the above batch file that was posted
xcopy /y "C:\Users\******\Desktop\HB Daily\Bots\All Dailies Beta\Quest Behaviors*.*"
lines such as above need \ before *.* ie Quest Behaviors\*.*"
Using windows task scheduler and using the batch file above edited to my own needs, I set it up to run the batch file every day at 2:55 AM PST. Then, I make a second batch file with the below
CD C:\Program Files\TortoiseSVN\bin\
START TortoiseProc.exe /command:update /path:"PATH TO YOUR SVN FOLDER HERE" /closeonend:0
And I set this task to run at 2:53 AM PST. (so that it updates the svn before it deletes and creates the new folder.)
Then I have ARelog setup to run dailies on each of my toons at 3 AM cycling through the profiles in 30-60 minute intervals. When I wake up, I babysit the quests it didn't finish or bugged for whatever reason.