[CastSpellOn-v251(fatal) @line 93]: Toon doesn't know SpellId(0, "unknown")
Fatal error. Stopping Honorbuddy.
Stop called!
Bot Stopped! Reason: Fatal error in custom behavior CastSpellOn-v251.
edit: This is what I have so far used tiller's as base kinda since the only moving involved is valley of the four winds
<Name>Imperial Silk</Name>
<Vendor Name="Gina Mudclaw" Entry="58706" Type="Repair" X="-259.5399" Y="592.5469" Z="167.5478" />
<Mob Name="Kunzen Ravager" Entry="59119" />
<Blackspot X="-229.8389" Y="1422.793" Z="223.3444" Radius="2"/>
<Blackspot X="-260.692" Y="610.3264" Z="168.9762" Radius="2"/> <!-- Antheas Pot -->
<!-- Do I have 550 Tailoring -->
<If Condition="(Me.GetSkill(Styx.SkillLine.Tailoring).CurrentValue >= 550)" >
<!-- Fly to Silken Fields -->
<CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" DestName="Silken Fields" X="-417.7928" Y="271.7093" Z="166.4172" />
<CustomBehavior File="ForcedDismount" />
<!-- Open Tailoring -->
<CustomBehavior File="CastSpell" SpellId="197" MobId="0" />
<!-- Cast Song of Harmony -->
<While Condition="(GetItemCount(82441) >= 8) && (GetItemCount(76061) >= 3)" >
<CustomBehavior File="PerformTradeskillOn" TradeSkillId="197" TradeSkillItemId="130325" CastOnItemId="82441" NumOfTimes="1" />
<!-- Cast Daily Imperial Silk -->
<CustomBehavior File="PerformTradeskillOn" TradeSkillId="197" TradeSkillItemId="130325" CastOnItemId="82441" NumOfTimes="1" />
<!-- Do I have 525 Inscription -->
<If Condition="(Me.GetSkill(Styx.SkillLine.Inscription).CurrentValue >= 525)" >
<!-- Dismount -->
<CustomBehavior File="ForcedDismount" />
<!-- Open Inscription -->
<CustomBehavior File="CastSpell" SpellId="774" MobId="0" />
<!-- Cast Scroll of Wisdom -->
<While Condition="(GetItemCount(79254) >= 3) && (GetItemCount(39354) >= 1)" >
<CustomBehavior File="PerformTradeskillOn" TradeSkillId="774" TradeSkillItemId="112996" CastOnItemId="79254" NumOfTimes="1" />
<!-- Do I have 600 Enchanting -->
<If Condition="(Me.GetSkill(Styx.SkillLine.Enchanting).CurrentValue >= 600)" >
<!-- Dismount -->
<CustomBehavior File="ForcedDismount" />
<!-- Open Enchanting -->
<CustomBehavior File="CastSpell" SpellId="333" MobId="0" />
<!-- Make Sha Crystal if you have 5 Ethereal Shards -->
<If Condition="(GetItemCount(74247) >= 5)" >
<CustomBehavior File="PerformTradeskillOn" TradeSkillId="333" TradeSkillItemId="116499" CastOnItemId="74247" NumOfTimes="1" />
<CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="[Rep] Daily Grind [Brodie]" />
I got the error on my enchanter which is the last one in what i made. The others shouldn't be firing because I don't have the required skill level correct?
same problem on tailoring character. It correctly flew to silken fields and dismounted, but didn't open the tailoring window.
[CastSpellOn-v251(fatal) @line 48]: Toon doesn't know SpellId(0, "unknown")
Fatal error. Stopping Honorbuddy.
Stop called!
Bot Stopped! Reason: Fatal error in custom behavior CastSpellOn-v251.
Activity: Honorbuddy Stopped
System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
at Styx.CommonBot.TreeRoot.()
at Styx.CommonBot.TreeRoot.()
System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
at Styx.CommonBot.TreeRoot.()