Hi all.
With an new started Orc Schaman the Profile [H - Quest] Orc 1-5 [Kick] stops at the Quest <PickUp QuestName="Primal Strike" QuestId="25143" GiverName="Shikrik" GiverId="3157" /> because Primel Strike is learnd at Level 3 and Toon is Level 2.
Solution for me: Moving the Lines
With an new started Orc Schaman the Profile [H - Quest] Orc 1-5 [Kick] stops at the Quest <PickUp QuestName="Primal Strike" QuestId="25143" GiverName="Shikrik" GiverId="3157" /> because Primel Strike is learnd at Level 3 and Toon is Level 2.
Solution for me: Moving the Lines
must be Line 315, 317 and 320 above(?) toe Line 174, bevor <!-- Class Specific Quests --> starts.<PickUp QuestName="Invaders in Our Home" QuestId="25172" GiverName="Gornek" GiverId="3143"/>
<Objective QuestName="Invaders in Our Home" QuestId="25172" Type="KillMob" MobId="39317" KillCount="7" />
<TurnIn QuestName="Invaders in Our Home" QuestId="25172" TurnInName="Gornek" TurnInId="3143"