right, so I went through the Troubleshooting:
updated profile to the latest version. HB I am running is the latest version, I've only started to use it few days ago. All the files from svn are kept in the same structure they are stored in svn. I've copied quest behaviours and plugins folders to HB folder.
still skipping those three quests I've mentioned before.
can I provide you with any more data to help troubleshoot this?
Hi there.
I've recently decided to switch from Diablo3 to WoW and now i'm using HB with this 1-90 leveling plugin.
(i'm a complete newb in WoW, never played it before. Previously i was only botting in Diablo 3 until the Big Doomsday Banhammer of 18/12 wiped out my bots.)
So, i was wondering if it's normal if i have like 80 deaths while only level 43? My bot (rogue night elf, 43lvl, combat spec, dual-wield) dies all the time - it seems it cannot handle more than 2 mobs at once. In areas which are full of mobs screen is pretty much perma-gray (Cemetary>mobs>aggro>cemetary) if i do not control bot manually.
Maybe i need additional rogue combat plugins (i'm using default plugins from profile's pack) or rogues are not the best choice for bots in general? OR maybe it is better to re-roll warrior/paladin. I'm asking this because it's similar in D3 - melee classes are more suitable for botting there, maybe it is the same in WoW?
(if my post doesn't belong in this section, please delete it)
Keeps trying to pickup a quest from General Nazgrim in Kun-Lai when there isn't one. It makes a circle, agroes some bird nearby eastwind rest en retries to accept the quest that isnt there again. Log is attached, hope you can shed some light on this. Tried clearing cache folders in wow and hb but no luck.
Im lvl 25 right now and having problems with bot getting stuck before the npc Burkrum. The bot just keeps right clicking the npc trying to sell stuff.
Is there any optional way to lvl up except this questing ?
Occasionally I come back to my pc and my bot is stuck in the wall just derping, and based on his level, had been doing so for a long time. I just move him away a bit and he continues on his way following the quest chains. A bit frustrating to come back in an hour and be the same level stuck in the wall lol
Is there a way to change the flying to mount from the dread waste script?
Trying to bot my level 17 Warrior, but she just keeps looking on the flight map.. why?
just a question... this profile is suposed to do only yellow quest and changing zone after right? .. why my toon still doing green quest in desolace at lvl35?
Having an issue in EPL at level 41. My character accepts the quest Marauders of Darrowshire from Chromie, and then runs to the side of the tower and just stands there. I've attached the full log to this post. Thanks for your hard work on these profiles, they are magnificent!!
Edit: After manually performing the steps for the Marauders of Darrowshire quest, I started the bot again. It ran to Chromie, turned in the quest, and continued on its merry way. Looks like a possible issue with just that quest, then? Leaving this here in case the log is still useful.
Just an update on what have found. I noticed that in Zangarmarsh that sometimes when accepting quest under huts it does just fine accepting the quest but does not leave the hut when done picking up the quest. It just sits there. Thanks