Sorry to keep posting, but i have a new arising problem i cant find how to fix myself.
Still using Kicks 1-90 profile, and i had got an answer based on zone switching by level.
Im currently level 64 and the bot will not switch the profile to Terorkkar. In the thread it says at level 63 it will switch, as i hit 63 i stopped and started the bot so it would switch, nothing. I let it continue questing to see if it would switch to Terorkkar at 64, dinged 64 and stopped and started the bot so it would switch, nothing.
Bots Log:
We leveled up! Checking to see if we need to switch profiles.
[Profile Message]: Compiling Zangarmarsh Quests
Off topic based on this issue, but is there any setups i need to do to run DungeonBuddy? I got it to work once, and now it stopped with no changed settings.
Bot Log:
Changing current profile to Empty Profile
[DungeonBuddy v368]: Party Mode is off
[DungeonBuddy v368]: I will not kill optional bosses.
[DungeonBuddy v368]: I will sell items of Uncommon quality and lower
[DungeonBuddy v368]: I will not mail Bind-On-Equip items.
[DungeonBuddy v368]: I will loot bosses only
[DungeonBuddy v368]: Scripts will be updated automatically.
[DungeonBuddy v368]: I have FrameLock turned on
[DungeonBuddy v368]: My role is melee dps
[DungeonBuddy v368]: Dungeon type is set to RandomDungeon
[DungeonBuddy v368]: Raid type is set to None
[DungeonBuddy v368]: Scenario type is set to None
It sit with Loading Tile/s forever and never takes off (Let it sit for 30mins and nothing happened)
2nd Edit:
Just curious as to what this is being posted in the bots log:
System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
at dtNavMesh.findConnectingPolys(dtNavMesh* , Single* va, Single* vb, dtMeshTile* tile, Int32 side, UInt32* con, Single* conarea, Int32 maxcon)
at dtNavMesh.connectExtLinks(dtNavMesh* , dtMeshTile* tile, dtMeshTile* target, Int32 side)
at dtNavMesh.addTile(dtNavMesh* , Byte* data, Int32 dataSize, Int32 flags, UInt32 lastRef, UInt32* result)
at Tripper.RecastManaged.Detour.NavMesh.AddTile(NavMeshData data, TileReference& ref)
at Tripper.Navigation.WowNavigator.LoadTile(TileIdentifier wowTile)
at Tripper.Navigation.WowNavigator.(Int32 , Int32 )
at Tripper.RecastManaged.Detour.NavMeshTileLoader.TileLoader(Int32 x, Int32 y, Void* userArg)
at dtNavMeshQuery.loadNeighbourTiles(dtNavMeshQuery* , UInt32 ref)
at dtNavMeshQuery.updateSlicedFindPath(dtNavMeshQuery* , Int32 maxIter)
at Tripper.RecastManaged.Detour.NavMeshQuery.UpdateSlicedFindPath(Int32 maxIter)
at Tripper.Navigation.WowNavigator.FindPath(Vector3 start, Vector3 end)
at Styx.Pathing.MeshNavigator.CanNavigateFully(WoWPoint from, WoWPoint to, Int32 maxHops)
at Styx.Pathing.Navigator.CanNavigateFully(WoWPoint from, WoWPoint to, Int32 maxHops)
at Styx.Pathing.Navigator.CanNavigateFully(WoWPoint from, WoWPoint to)
at Styx.CommonBot.Database.NpcQueries.GetNearestNpc(WoWFactionTemplate myFaction, UInt32 mapId, WoWPoint searchLocation, UnitNPCFlags npcFlags)
at Styx.CommonBot.Profiles.VendorManager.GetClosestVendor(VendorType type)
Gets posted when i hit stop on the bot.