Some issues coming up
If your problem persists, even with a new folder, send me a log file.
Hello and thanks for making this.
I have created a new folder, made a fresh install, copied the quest behaviors and plugins over, thus I *believe* I did everything right. Nevertheless, I'm experiencing a problem at the Anglers, as can be seen in my attached log.
For starters, for whatever reason, it's making the bot try to call an NPC from Sholazar Basin, which of course fails miserably over and over again. Please see my log for complete info.
Quote from log file: SPELL_CAST_FAILED Summon Zepik the Gorloc Hunter#51189 failure: 'You need to be in Sholazar Basin
Also at The Anglers, it goes to Fo Fook, interacts and opens the quests window and just stays there. Doesn't accept them. Just stays there.
So I don't kow what's going wrong. I hope my log will help.
Additionally, earlier, with another toon, the bot flew to Jade Temple Grounds, completed the quest "The Darkness Around Us" but didn't turn it in when it turned in the other; Also, (I saw on first page) the bot was unable to complete "Arrows of Fortune" but as I said, I saw on your first page that this was not yet covered.
Thanks again for your time.
EDIT: P.S. I copied over the plugin "Pandaria Dailies" and enabled it in-game. I presume I was supposed to? I don't believe I saw mentioned on the first page what to do with it other than copy it over. Since that alone doesn't enable it, I trust enabling was the thing to do?
EDIT 2: On yet another toon, it just did the Sky Race and missed the 10th flag. I was watching it. It flew maybe a yard too LOW, a fullbody length below the flag. Can this be adjusted? Keep in mind, this was on a mount with 451% Speed; would that have changed the path just enough? Would a log help with this?