hey kick heres an issue im having trying to quest 68-80 profile pack. i know it says wait 1 minute. i had it sit and wait for 30 minutes before. all it says is picking up quest. i even manually went and picked up quests for it and still nothing. this is whats in the log.
[02:52:09.833 D] Changed tilemap to Kalimdor, Tiled: True
[02:52:09.838 N] [Singular] Your Level 70 Undead Blood DeathKnight Build is
[02:52:09.839 N] [Singular] ... running the Questing bot Solo in Orgrimmar
[02:52:09.870 N] [Singular] Context changed, re-creating behaviors
[02:52:09.870 D] [Singular-DEBUG] Stack trace for RebuildBehaviors called.
[02:52:09.870 D] [Singular-DEBUG] Caller 1: RebuildBehaviors in SingularRoutine.Behaviors.cs line 31
[02:52:09.870 D] [Singular-DEBUG] Caller 2: <Initialize>b__c in SingularRoutine.cs line 159
[02:52:09.870 D] [Singular-DEBUG] Caller 3: Invoke in line 0
[02:52:09.870 D] [Singular-DEBUG] Caller 4: UpdateContext in SingularRoutine.Context.cs line 80
[02:52:09.870 D] [Singular-DEBUG] Caller 5: <.ctor>b__8 in SingularRoutine.cs line 39
[02:52:09.870 D] [Singular-DEBUG] Caller 6: _InvokeMethodFast in line 0
[02:52:09.870 D] [Singular-DEBUG] Caller 7: InvokeMethodFast in line 0
[02:52:09.870 D] [Singular-DEBUG] Caller 8: Invoke in line 0
[02:52:09.870 D] [Singular-DEBUG] Caller 9: DynamicInvokeImpl in line 0
[02:52:09.870 D] [Singular-DEBUG] Creating Combat behavior.
[02:52:09.870 D] [Singular-DEBUG] IsMatchingMethod(DeathKnight, DeathKnightBlood, Combat, Normal) - DeathKnight, DeathKnightBlood, Combat, Normal, 0
[02:52:09.870 D] [Singular-DEBUG] Matched CreateDeathKnightBloodNormalCombat to behavior Combat for Death Knight Death Knight Blood with priority 0
[02:52:09.876 D] [Singular-DEBUG] Creating Pull behavior.
[02:52:09.876 D] [Singular-DEBUG] IsMatchingMethod(DeathKnight, DeathKnightBlood, Pull, Normal) - DeathKnight, 2147483647, Pull, Normal, Battlegrounds, 0
[02:52:09.876 D] [Singular-DEBUG] Matched CreateDeathKnightNormalAndPvPPull to behavior Pull for Death Knight Death Knight Blood with priority 0
[02:52:09.880 D] [Singular-DEBUG] Creating Rest behavior.
[02:52:09.883 D] [Singular-DEBUG] Using default rest behavior.
[02:52:09.883 D] [Singular-DEBUG] Creating CombatBuffs behavior.
[02:52:09.883 D] [Singular-DEBUG] IsMatchingMethod(DeathKnight, DeathKnightBlood, CombatBuffs, Normal) - DeathKnight, DeathKnightBlood, CombatBuffs, All, 0
[02:52:09.883 D] [Singular-DEBUG] Matched CreateDeathKnightBloodCombatBuffs to behavior CombatBuffs for Death Knight Death Knight Blood with priority 0
[02:52:09.885 D] [Singular-DEBUG] Creating Heal behavior.
[02:52:09.885 D] [Singular-DEBUG] IsMatchingMethod(DeathKnight, DeathKnightBlood, Heal, Normal) - DeathKnight, DeathKnightBlood, Heal, All, 0
[02:52:09.885 D] [Singular-DEBUG] Matched CreateDeathKnightBloodHeals to behavior Heal for Death Knight Death Knight Blood with priority 0
[02:52:09.888 D] [Singular-DEBUG] Creating PullBuffs behavior.
[02:52:09.890 D] [Singular-DEBUG] Creating PreCombatBuffs behavior.
[02:52:09.890 D] [Singular-DEBUG] IsMatchingMethod(DeathKnight, DeathKnightBlood, PreCombatBuffs, Normal) - DeathKnight, 2147483647, PreCombatBuffs, All, 0
[02:52:09.890 D] [Singular-DEBUG] Matched CreateDeathKnightPreCombatBuffs to behavior PreCombatBuffs for Death Knight Death Knight Blood with priority 0
[02:52:10.258 N] [Singular] Casting Horn of Winter on Myself
[02:52:10.339 D] [LuaEvents] Getting argument values for event COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED
[02:52:10.563 D] Updating repair cost for current equipped items. New value: [0g70s52c]
[02:52:10.571 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedIf.
[02:52:10.574 D] Compiling expression 'Me.IsAlliance' @ line 1467
[02:52:10.766 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedIf.
[02:52:10.771 D] Compiling quest behavior from 'C:\Users\Steegz\Desktop\The Honor Buddy\Quest Behaviors\UserSettings.cs'
[02:52:11.066 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[02:52:11.071 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[02:52:11.072 D] Compiling quest behavior from 'C:\Users\Steegz\Desktop\The Honor Buddy\Quest Behaviors\Message.cs'
[02:52:11.291 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[02:52:11.291 N] [Profile Message]: If the bot takes more than 10 seconds to move, it is compiling quests to see where you are - it's about 1 minute per zone completed
[02:52:11.292 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[02:52:11.292 D] Compiling quest behavior from 'C:\Users\Steegz\Desktop\The Honor Buddy\Quest Behaviors\EnablePlugin.cs'
[02:52:11.507 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[02:52:11.508 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[02:52:11.508 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[02:52:11.508 N] [Profile Message]: Compiling Borean Tundra Quests
[02:52:11.508 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[02:52:11.508 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedIf.
[02:52:11.508 D] Compiling expression '(!IsQuestCompleted(11969))' @ line 1478
[02:52:11.699 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[02:52:11.699 N] [Profile Message]: Compiling Warsong Hold Quests
[02:52:11.699 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[02:52:11.699 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedIf.
[02:52:11.699 D] Compiling expression '((!HasQuest(11585)) && (!IsQuestCompleted(11585)))' @ line 1482
[02:52:11.892 D] Compiling quest behavior from 'C:\Users\Steegz\Desktop\The Honor Buddy\Quest Behaviors\RunMacro.cs'
[02:52:12.099 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[02:52:12.099 D] Goal: Running Macro
[02:52:12.101 D] [RunMacro-v241(debug) @line 1483]: Running macro 1 times
[02:52:12.101 D] Activity: RunMacro 1/1 Times
[02:52:13.603 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[02:52:13.606 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior [ForcedQuestPickUp QuestId: 11585, QuestName: Hellscream's Vigil].
[02:52:13.617 D] Picking up Hellscream's Vigil : 11585
[02:52:13.617 D] Goal: Picking up Hellscream's Vigil
[02:52:13.624 D] Changed POI to:Type: QuestPickUp
[02:52:15.429 N] Mounting: Swift Yellow Wind Rider
[02:52:17.414 N] Moving to Type: QuestPickUp
[02:52:17.437 D] Activity: Loading Tile/s
[02:52:17.437 D] Loading Kalimdor_40_29
[02:52:17.627 D] Could not generate path from {1572.165, -4433.696, 16.05322} to {2822.696, 6171.691, 121.9802} (time used: 5 milliseconds) @ FindEndPoly
[02:52:17.694 D] [LuaEvents] Getting argument values for event COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED
[02:52:18.077 N] Moving to Type: QuestPickUp
[02:52:18.078 D] Could not generate path from {1572.165, -4433.696, 16.05322} to {2822.696, 6171.691, 121.9802} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindEndPoly
[02:52:18.244 N] Moving to Type: QuestPickUp
[02:52:18.244 D] Could not generate path from {1572.165, -4433.696, 16.05322} to {2822.696, 6171.691, 121.9802} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindEndPoly
[02:52:18.371 N] Moving to Type: QuestPickUp
[02:52:18.371 D] Could not generate path from {1572.165, -4433.696, 16.05322} to {2822.696, 6171.691, 121.9802} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindEndPoly
[02:52:18.503 N] Moving to Type: QuestPickUp
[02:52:18.503 D] Could not generate path from {1572.165, -4433.696, 16.05322} to {2822.696, 6171.691, 121.9802} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindEndPoly
[02:52:18.634 N] Moving to Type: QuestPickUp
[02:52:18.634 D] Could not generate path from {1572.165, -4433.696, 16.05322} to {2822.696, 6171.691, 121.9802} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindEndPoly
[02:52:18.797 N] Moving to Type: QuestPickUp
[02:52:18.797 D] Could not generate path from {1572.165, -4433.696, 16.05322} to {2822.696, 6171.691, 121.9802} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindEndPoly
[02:52:18.967 N] Moving to Type: QuestPickUp
[02:52:18.967 D] Could not generate path from {1572.165, -4433.696, 16.05322} to {2822.696, 6171.691, 121.9802} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindEndPoly
[02:52:19.091 N] Moving to Type: QuestPickUp
[02:52:19.091 D] Could not generate path from {1572.165, -4433.696, 16.05322} to {2822.696, 6171.691, 121.9802} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindEndPoly
[02:52:19.222 N] Moving to Type: QuestPickUp
[02:52:19.222 D] Could not generate path from {1572.165, -4433.696, 16.05322} to {2822.696, 6171.691, 121.9802} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindEndPoly
[02:52:19.352 N] Moving to Type: QuestPickUp
[02:52:19.352 D] Could not generate path from {1572.165, -4433.696, 16.05322} to {2822.696, 6171.691, 121.9802} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindEndPoly
[02:52:19.484 N] Moving to Type: QuestPickUp
[02:52:19.484 D] Could not generate path from {1572.165, -4433.696, 16.05322} to {2822.696, 6171.691, 121.9802} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindEndPoly
[02:52:19.613 N] Moving to Type: QuestPickUp
[02:52:19.614 D] Could not generate path from {1572.165, -4433.696, 16.05322} to {2822.696, 6171.691, 121.9802} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindEndPoly
[02:52:19.744 N] Moving to Type: QuestPickUp
[02:52:19.744 D] Could not generate path from {1572.165, -4433.696, 16.05322} to {2822.696, 6171.691, 121.9802} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindEndPoly
[02:52:20.042 N] Moving to Type: QuestPickUp
[02:52:20.043 D] Could not generate path from {1572.165, -4433.696, 16.05322} to {2822.696, 6171.691, 121.9802} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindEndPoly
[02:52:20.172 N] Moving to Type: QuestPickUp
[02:52:20.173 D] Could not generate path from {1572.165, -4433.696, 16.05322} to {2822.696, 6171.691, 121.9802} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindEndPoly
[02:52:20.364 N] Moving to Type: QuestPickUp
[02:52:20.365 D] Could not generate path from {1572.165, -4433.696, 16.05322} to {2822.696, 6171.691, 121.9802} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindEndPoly
[02:52:20.431 D] [LuaEvents] Getting argument values for event COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED
[02:52:20.495 N] Moving to Type: QuestPickUp
[02:52:20.495 D] Could not generate path from {1572.165, -4433.696, 16.05322} to {2822.696, 6171.691, 121.9802} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindEndPoly
[02:52:20.622 N] Moving to Type: QuestPickUp
[02:52:20.622 D] Could not generate path from {1572.165, -4433.696, 16.05322} to {2822.696, 6171.691, 121.9802} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindEndPoly
[02:52:20.753 N] Moving to Type: QuestPickUp
[02:52:20.754 D] Could not generate path from {1572.165, -4433.696, 16.05322} to {2822.696, 6171.691, 121.9802} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindEndPoly
[02:52:20.915 N] Moving to Type: QuestPickUp
[02:52:20.915 D] Could not generate path from {1572.165, -4433.696, 16.05322} to {2822.696, 6171.691, 121.9802} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindEndPoly
[02:52:21.046 N] Moving to Type: QuestPickUp
[02:52:21.046 D] Could not generate path from {1572.165, -4433.696, 16.05322} to {2822.696, 6171.691, 121.9802} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindEndPoly
[02:52:21.178 N] Moving to Type: QuestPickUp
[02:52:21.178 D] Could not generate path from {1572.165, -4433.696, 16.05322} to {2822.696, 6171.691, 121.9802} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindEndPoly
[02:52:21.310 N] Moving to Type: QuestPickUp
[02:52:21.311 D] Could not generate path from {1572.165, -4433.696, 16.05322} to {2822.696, 6171.691, 121.9802} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindEndPoly
[02:52:21.440 N] Moving to Type: QuestPickUp
[02:52:21.441 D] Could not generate path from {1572.165, -4433.696, 16.05322} to {2822.696, 6171.691, 121.9802} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindEndPoly
[02:52:21.570 N] Moving to Type: QuestPickUp
[02:52:21.571 D] Could not generate path from {1572.165, -4433.696, 16.05322} to {2822.696, 6171.691, 121.9802} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindEndPoly
[02:52:21.637 D] [LuaEvents] Getting argument values for event COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED
[02:52:21.733 N] Moving to Type: QuestPickUp
[02:52:21.734 D] Could not generate path from {1572.165, -4433.696, 16.05322} to {2822.696, 6171.691, 121.9802} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindEndPoly
[02:52:21.959 N] Moving to Type: QuestPickUp
[02:52:21.960 D] Could not generate path from {1572.165, -4433.696, 16.05322} to {2822.696, 6171.691, 121.9802} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindEndPoly
[02:52:22.192 N] Moving to Type: QuestPickUp
[02:52:22.192 D] Could not generate path from {1572.165, -4433.696, 16.05322} to {2822.696, 6171.691, 121.9802} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindEndPoly
[02:52:22.389 N] Moving to Type: QuestPickUp
[02:52:22.390 D] Could not generate path from {1572.165, -4433.696, 16.05322} to {2822.696, 6171.691, 121.9802} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindEndPoly
[02:52:22.579 N] Moving to Type: QuestPickUp
[02:52:22.670 D] Could not generate path from {1572.165, -4433.696, 16.05322} to {2822.696, 6171.691, 121.9802} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindEndPoly
[02:52:22.841 N] Moving to Type: QuestPickUp
[02:52:22.931 D] Could not generate path from {1572.165, -4433.696, 16.05322} to {2822.696, 6171.691, 121.9802} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindEndPoly
[02:52:23.066 N] Moving to Type: QuestPickUp
[02:52:23.163 D] Could not generate path from {1572.165, -4433.696, 16.05322} to {2822.696, 6171.691, 121.9802} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindEndPoly
[02:52:23.328 N] Moving to Type: QuestPickUp
[02:52:23.423 D] Could not generate path from {1572.165, -4433.696, 16.05322} to {2822.696, 6171.691, 121.9802} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindEndPoly
[02:52:23.554 N] Moving to Type: QuestPickUp
[02:52:23.615 D] Could not generate path from {1572.165, -4433.696, 16.05322} to {2822.696, 6171.691, 121.9802} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindEndPoly
[02:52:23.643 N] Stopping the bot!
[02:52:23.644 D] Stop called!
[02:52:23.644 Q] Bot Stopped! Reason: User pressed the stop button
[02:52:23.652 D] Activity: Honorbuddy Stopped