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I didn't stop using HBrelog and just read that it's considered unsafe, why was this decided ? Since I don't think a Relogger is considered against the rules for blizzard, what is the danger when using it ?
A relogger as such may not be against the rules, but since HBrelog injects into the game there is a chance that blizzard will pick that up.
Any kind of injection into wow is bad, hence why HBrelog is considered unsafe atm.
Any news about the remove of the injection and a ETA for a new working Version?

[06/18/2013 15:34:27] HBRelog Version
[06/18/2013 15:34:28] (ePvP) MadaraaUchiha, 1-85: ********* Tasks ***********
[06/18/2013 15:34:28] (ePvP) MadaraaUchiha, 1-85: ********* End of Task list ***********
[06/18/2013 15:34:29] (ePvP) MadaraaUchiha, 1-85: WoW process was terminated. Restarting
[06/18/2013 15:34:29] (ePvP) MadaraaUchiha, 1-85: Starting C:\World of Warcraft\Wow.exe
[06/18/2013 15:34:34] (ePvP) MadaraaUchiha, 1-85: Setting Window location to X:1925, Y:475 and Size to Width 260, Height:230
[06/18/2013 15:34:34] System.ArgumentException: Address cannot be zero.
Parametername: address
   bei GreyMagic.ExternalProcessReader.ReadBytes(IntPtr address, Int32 count, Boolean isRelative)
   bei GreyMagic.ExternalProcessReader.Read[T](IntPtr address, Boolean isRelative)
   bei HighVoltz.HBRelog.WoW.States.WowWindowPlacementState.Run()
   bei HighVoltz.HBRelog.FiniteStateMachine.FiniteStateMachine.Engine.Pulse()
   bei HighVoltz.HBRelog.WoW.WowManager.Pulse()
   bei HighVoltz.HBRelog.TaskManager.Pulse()
   bei HighVoltz.HBRelog.HbRelogManager.DoWork()
[06/18/2013 15:34:35] (ePvP) MadaraaUchiha, 1-85: Setting Window location to X:1925, Y:475 and Size to Width 260, Height:230
[06/18/2013 15:34:35] System.ArgumentException: Address cannot be zero.
Parametername: address
   bei GreyMagic.ExternalProcessReader.ReadBytes(IntPtr address, Int32 count, Boolean isRelative)
   bei GreyMagic.ExternalProcessReader.Read[T](IntPtr address, Boolean isRelative)
   bei HighVoltz.HBRelog.WoW.States.WowWindowPlacementState.Run()
   bei HighVoltz.HBRelog.FiniteStateMachine.FiniteStateMachine.Engine.Pulse()
   bei HighVoltz.HBRelog.WoW.WowManager.Pulse()
   bei HighVoltz.HBRelog.TaskManager.Pulse()
   bei HighVoltz.HBRelog.HbRelogManager.DoWork()
[06/18/2013 15:34:35] (ePvP) MadaraaUchiha, 1-85: Attempting to close Wow
[06/18/2013 15:34:36] (ePvP) MadaraaUchiha, 1-85: Successfully closed Wow

or have someone the working .137 version for me?
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I now have a new release available for testing on the svn and attached to the 1st post (direct link HBRelog1.0.0.140(Test).zip)

Visually HBRelog still looks the same but there has been some major changes under the hood.

The most important change is, HBRelog no-longer injects into the WoW process.

Instead it sends key stokes to the WoW process to control the login process.
As before the entire process is be done in the background, the only difference you'll see is your bnet emails and or password actually being entered into the edit boxes :p

HBrelog still reads information from memory so it knows where it is in the login process.
This is pretty much needed to be effective and to able to react to errors and considered safe.

Summary of changes.
  • Removed injection
  • reads Wow's UI data (such as text values, placement, iIsVisible and so on) from memory
  • reads data from the lua gobals table.
  • sends key presses to Wow in the background.
  • can send mouse clicks but requires bringing Wow to the foreground so it's eliminated as much as possible (not used under normal circumstances, in-fact only realm selection needs it but HBrelog is skipping it, read below)
  • writes to Wow's Config.wtf file to speed up the login process by skipping the realm selection screen and skip having to enter bnet email.
  • added Apoc's simple but effective finite state machine design.
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Hey I'm having an issue where it doesnt seem to reconize honorbuddy is running? It starts up fine and starts gathering/whatever else I tell it to do then about 1 minute later it will close honorbuddy and restart it. Anyone one else have this issue. It says Starting Honorbuddy on the hbrelog screen.
Same Problem: Hb relog keeps restarting Honorbuddy while its running.
Closing Honorbuddy because it took too long to attach
I have one question... when i use logon... he log the same char.... someone have this issue.. or plz explain me.... i want in one account change the char on the same account.... Thank you
Hey I'm having an issue where it doesnt seem to reconize honorbuddy is running? It starts up fine and starts gathering/whatever else I tell it to do then about 1 minute later it will close honorbuddy and restart it. Anyone one else have this issue. It says Starting Honorbuddy on the hbrelog screen.
Fixed on SVN. Adding new zip to 1st post soon.
I have one question... really im a nub in this.... jejejejej.... when wow crash the HBRelog uncheck "send to blizzard" and relog the crash account??.... plz tell me how works hb relog with crashes.... thank you very much for this
weird, it chooses the wrong character. i will post a log when i get home from work, just tested the new release. :)
i stared 12 Accounts...on One he Choose the Wrong Charakter and on another the Wrong Realm...on the other 9 Accs everythink is fine...

and in the log there is sometimes:
[13:14:23] XXXX: Warning: Possible corrupt \WTF\Config.wtf file at line #:46.\n\tReason: Number of elements does not equal 3

i dont know if this is important...
I now have a new release available for testing on the svn and attached to the 1st post (direct link HBRelog1.0.0.140(Test).zip)

Visually HBRelog still looks the same but there has been some major changes under the hood.

The most important change is, HBRelog no-longer injects into the WoW process.

Instead it sends key stokes to the WoW process to control the login process.
As before the entire process is be done in the background, the only difference you'll see is your bnet emails and or password actually being entered into the edit boxes :p

HBrelog still reads information from memory so it knows where it is in the login process.
This is pretty much needed to be effective and to able to react to errors and considered safe.

Summary of changes.
  • Removed injection
  • reads Wow's UI data (such as text values, placement, iIsVisible and so on) from memory
  • reads data from the lua gobals table.
  • sends key presses to Wow in the background.
  • can send mouse clicks but requires bringing Wow to the foreground so it's eliminated as much as possible (not used under normal circumstances, in-fact only realm selection needs it but HBrelog is skipping it, read below)
  • writes to Wow's Config.wtf file to speed up the login process by skipping the realm selection screen and skip having to enter bnet email.
  • added Apoc's simple but effective finite state machine design.

Hi and thank you for the new update, really appreciated, i however have one suggestion, could you add an option in the task selection to run custom task/app you made self?, like i want to wait few ours then idle and the run my own program *.* and then logon again.


I also seem to get bugs and errors

Error: [06/19/2013 14:xx:xx] char_name: Warning: Possible corrupt \WTF\Config.wtf file at line #:54.\n\tReason: Number of elements does not equal 3

And bug on another account not selecting the correct character.
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Hello, i have 4 account, but only with one happens: "Restarting wow because it was logged out for more than 40 seconds", the others account works fine.

Always work, but today no