Click the Options tab and uncheck 'Check Hb's Responsiveness' setting.
Already did it and it still loops :/
Click the Options tab and uncheck 'Check Hb's Responsiveness' setting.
This is now fixed.
Having same problem.Already did it and it still loops :/
[11:40:23] : WoW and HB startup sequence complete[11:40:34] : Honorbuddy has crashed.. So lets restart it
[11:40:34] : Attempting to close Honorbuddy
[11:40:36] : Successfully closed Honorbuddy
Having same problem.
Loads up everything fine then just as HB has finished initializing HBrelog says it's crashed and restarts it, this loops continuously.
Sorry for bringing this up again Highvoltz!I'm also having issues with the login process when there is a Queue..
This has been present for quite some time now..
HBRelog keeps relogging over and over until it eventually manages to log in when the queue gets below 1 minute or there is no queue at all.
Since my question got backlogged, i will try to ask again. Hopefully someone will see my question this time.I am trying to find out how to have HBRelog start dailies on one toon, then after it is finished log off and log into another toon to do dailies. Any tutorials on that?
Since my question got backlogged, i will try to ask again. Hopefully someone will see my question this time.
<CustomAction Code="HBRelog.SkipCurrentTask(HBRelog.CurrentProfileName); " />
Styx.InvalidObjectPointerException: Cannot read a descriptor on an invalid object.
vid Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWObject.[](UInt32 )
vid Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWUnit.[](WoWUnitFields )
vid Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWUnit.get_Level()
vid HighVoltz.HBRelogHelper.HBRelogHelper.UpdateTooltip() i c:\Users\Breid\Dropbox\hb\HB1\Plugins\HBRelogHelper\HBRelogHelper.cs:rad 163
It's kind of already there...@highvoltz
Could you add a function "slow mode" like a "Act Slow - Enable this to make arelog log/relog slower" in Arelog. I mean mainly the delay before logging into game account. Thank you.
It's kind of already there...
In the Options, you can set the Delay for each part of the log in process : Wow start delat, Honorbuddy start delay and Login delay.
It's all in seconds.
Working fine for me!Login delay does not work properly.
Strange all delay function not work for me. Can someone check and confirm?