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All is workin - tho got 1 problem

When que to a realm is longer than lets say 1,5-2 mins - HBR is restarting WOW all the time after few sec - any advice ?

[01:39:39] B1US - 11.03 (1-90) - 10 kont: GlueStatus: Disconnected
[01:39:39] B1US - 02.02 (40-90) 10 kont: Failed to login wow, lets restart
[01:39:39] B1US - 02.02 (40-90) 10 kont: WoW has crashed.. So lets restart WoW
[01:39:42] B1US - 11.03 (1-90) - 10 kont: GlueStatus: Disconnected
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works fine here. go to your hbrelog wow config in each and every task, and set the path to wow.exe again. solved the launcher problem for me.

1. run launcher by hand, let wow update itself
2. redo the path to wow.exe in hbrelog
3. profit
[15:23:17] PvP3: Installing Endscene hook
[15:23:20] System.IO.InvalidDataException: Pattern GameState not found
em HighVoltz.HBRelog.CleanPattern.Pattern.FindStart(ExternalProcessReader bm)
em HighVoltz.HBRelog.CleanPattern.Pattern.Find(ExternalProcessReader bm)
em HighVoltz.HBRelog.WoW.WowManager.ScanForOffset()
em HighVoltz.HBRelog.WoW.WowManager.Pulse()
em HighVoltz.HBRelog.TaskManager.Pulse()
em HighVoltz.HBRelog.HbRelogManager.DoWork()
[15:23:20] PvP3: Installing Endscene hook

I'm getting this error after ninja patch :/
The game state that your error code shows is an actual offset. I guess the exe needs to be updated. So until the open updates the exe you might have to wait a while.
I'm also having issues with the login process when there is a Queue..

This has been present for quite some time now..
HBRelog keeps relogging over and over until it eventually manages to log in when the queue gets below 1 minute or there is no queue at all.
Getting wow error #132 at login screen after latest patch when trying to start any HBrelog profile.
Starting wow manually works fine though...
Ive a problem on one computer, on other one it work.... HBrelog logging into acccount, seletct realm etc, log into game and instantly Ive timer 20sec for logut so its logging auto, its before starting even HB, it start HB but char is on character select menu, not sure whats going on
this keeps happening! help please

[4:48:42 PM] Hazmat1213: starting C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft\World of Warcraft Launcher.exe
[4:48:43 PM] System.InvalidOperationException: Sequence contains no matching element
at System.Linq.Enumerable.First[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source, Func`2 predicate)
at HighVoltz.HBRelog.DirectX.D3DDevice.LoadDll() in c:\Buddy\Projects\HBRelog_old\DirectX\D3DDevice.cs:line 50
at HighVoltz.HBRelog.DirectX.D3DDevice..ctor(Process targetProcess, String d3DDllName) in c:\Buddy\Projects\HBRelog_old\DirectX\D3DDevice.cs:line 27
at HighVoltz.HBRelog.DirectX.D3D9Device..ctor(Process targetProc) in c:\Buddy\Projects\HBRelog_old\DirectX\D3D9Device.cs:line 17
at HighVoltz.HBRelog.DirectX.Dirext3D..ctor(Process targetProc) in c:\Buddy\Projects\HBRelog_old\DirectX\Dirext3D.cs:line 15
at HighVoltz.HBRelog.WoW.Hook..ctor(Process wowProc) in c:\Buddy\Projects\HBRelog_old\WoW\Hook.cs:line 28
at HighVoltz.HBRelog.WoW.WowManager.Pulse() in c:\Buddy\Projects\HBRelog_old\WoW\WoWManager.cs:line 339
at HighVoltz.HBRelog.TaskManager.Pulse() in c:\Buddy\Projects\HBRelog_old\TaskManager.cs:line 61
at HighVoltz.HBRelog.CharacterProfile.Pulse() in c:\Buddy\Projects\HBRelog_old\CharacterProfile.cs:line 110
at HighVoltz.HBRelog.HbRelogManager.DoWork() in c:\Buddy\Projects\HBRelog_old\HBRelogManager.cs:line 87
[4:48:44 PM] Hazmat1213: WoW process was terminated. Restarting
im trying to run it but it is just constantly starting wow and opening up the patching box, not logging into the game?
im trying to run it but it is just constantly starting wow and opening up the patching box, not logging into the game?

Download it again and start it up. I had the same problem (assuming because one of the many WoW patches). Works fine now.
How to migrate hbrelog settings from one pc to another and keep EVERY setting, including tasks.

Couldn't find anything on first post and this topic is to long :)
Debug version is working correctly guys, just tested it :)

How to migrate hbrelog settings from one pc to another and keep EVERY setting, including tasks.

Couldn't find anything on first post and this topic is to long :)

You can find it here:

I run HBrelog on 2 accounts, i call HBRelog.SkipCurrentTask(HBRelog.CurrentProfileName); from the PB profile, and on one accounts it relogs as it should, but on the other it does nothing.

There is nothing in the log.

Working accounts is an account with crafters, the non working account is an account with low level AH toons, they run the same profile (My profile) one crafts the other just auctions.
They call the code on both accounts i know this.

This is the profile and settings i run, careful it is set to deposit gold in guild bank if you test it.


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Is there a stupid simple guide/explanation on how to set this up? Nothing crazy really, only running one instance of wow and HB. Can't really seem to make heads or tails of setting it up, thought I had it, but HBRelog won't push past the launch window. HBRelog just keeps trying to open another instance of WOW.
Can somebody Help me please? My problem is, that HBRelog dont want to set the wow window to the scale i choose... i dont know why, but with Arelog it works :/ please help me to get it working on HBRelog! Thx guys.
Hey Guys,

I am very new with Honorbuddy and it dont works that good as I wished to. If I am on my Computer and doing other stuff, I let honorbuddy run and if it might disconnect I connect again and thats it.

I try to find a way over the night that if it disconnects to connect automaticly, so O found HBRelog ... but as soon as there is a disconnect and HGRelog connects (that works great!!) Honorbuddy just disappear and close!?!?!?!? Why? ...
Anything I can do against the false "waiting for server to come back online" besides turning realm check off?
One account got banned when I did this the last time, because it spammed login attemts during maintenance. So turning it off isn't really an option...
Hey man,
Would you be able to make an internet connection handler?
It seems that everytime my internet connection dies the ARelog crashes without any logs.
Cheers man.
Hello m8,
fist of all thx for this work.

I've, if possible, two questions.

I've setting up all my accounts data on your program but not always this information get saved.
I dunno why, in same case, when i close the program, on toolbar appear something like "saving data" but often not.
So, i've to insert every time my data.

I've read the FAQ but i cant find:
A: %APPDATA%\HighVoltz\HBRelog\Setting.xml

I've search under my windows username Folders (with all hidden files show) but nothing.

Any help?
