I have a suggestion that would make HBrelog even better by disabling real-id. Some of people have only one account to bot on and would like to let it bot while at work or wte and hbrelog is perfect for that not only when you have several toon's and tasks but also the mere fact that if you get disconnected or anything it will just log you back in when its possible. Somehow incorporating this tool "" to run before choosing the character and disable it again aproximitly 30 seconds later will effectively turn off real id until the next log in. Friends on real id wouldnt even know you are on that character right then and you can safely bot away.
I have a suggestion that would make HBrelog even better by disabling real-id. Some of people have only one account to bot on and would like to let it bot while at work or wte and hbrelog is perfect for that not only when you have several toon's and tasks but also the mere fact that if you get disconnected or anything it will just log you back in when its possible. Somehow incorporating this tool "" to run before choosing the character and disable it again aproximitly 30 seconds later will effectively turn off real id until the next log in. Friends on real id wouldnt even know you are on that character right then and you can safely bot away.