I have a question for the future. Two actually.
I found the line(s) with ctrl+f but what does one use to see the actual line number? ive just been using notepad for these sorts of things which presents a pain as you can imagine. A direct replacmeent would be awesome but ill take what i can get/whats popular etc.
The other question is that upon updating hbrelog via the SVN.. its just going to overwrite this and mess it up again ya? Hopefully The dev gets around to fixing it >.< Among other things.
Anyhow thank you again. Going for it now!
I removed everything beyond that point which seems to have broken it/removed it from my plugins list. It no longer throws the error of course - but is no longer present in my plugins list so I think that was incorect (on my part).
Im 99.9% nub when it comes to programming so if you can be a bit more clear.. perhaps a copy of the line(s) i should delete if it wasnt supposed to bre EVERYTHING past that point >.< Sorry bud. If it was supposed to be all of it past that point, I have no clue why its no longer showing up in my plugins list now.
You're not supposed to remove anything, you're only supposed to add "//", which marks the line as a comment rather than a statement/command, and thus is not run.
Basically this edit just removes the logging done on that line.
So just add two forward-slashes, ie
Logging.Write(Colors.Red, ex.ToString());
//Logging.Write(Colors.Red, ex.ToString());
The reason why it does not show up in your list when your removed stuff is that the plugin no longer compiles, as it is not full / valid code anymore, and HB then doesn't load it.
There should be lines that detail the compilation problems in your HB logs, should you ever encounter problems with some other plugin not showing up.
As for a simple replacement for notepad when doing basic editing of code, Notepad++ is usually a good alternative if you're on windows and want something that feels familiar!
Final note on updating from SVN:
When you've made an edit to one of your local files, and try to update from SVN, it will keep your local copy as it detects your changes, and possibly ask if/how you want to merge it with the SVN version.