[17:46:58] Char: Wow is ready to login.[17:47:01] Char: Setting Window location to X:-1929, Y:274 and Size to Width 336, Height:278
[17:47:02] Char: Sending letters to AccountLoginPasswordEdit
[17:47:04] Char: Connecting...
[17:47:21] Char: Login sequence complete
[17:47:21] Char: starting S:\HonorbuddyLATESTAGAIN\Honorbuddy.exe
[17:47:32] Char: WoW and HB startup sequence complete
[17:47:32] Char: Opened communication with HBRelogHelper
[17:49:34] Char: Honorbuddy is not responding.. So lets restart it
[17:49:34] Char: Attempting to close Honorbuddy
[17:49:35] Char: Closing Honorbuddy because it took too long to attach
This - repeat 100 times with 5/10 chars when i slept, this has been going on well... forever now, and i honestly don't know what to do - clearly something is wrong because i sit down at the computer and 1 of the 5 chars lvling togheter is sitting afk at repair while the others are offline and not even started by hbrelog any more.