Thanks a ton fixed my issue!!!!!!Yep, confirmed that it was the TeamViewer issue (a feature called Quick Connect button). For those having trouble finding where to disable it, here's the info on how to disable it - TeamViewer: Remove Titlebar Button ? chooru::code
What software do I need to put into the Chinesization
错误 1 命令?SubWCRev.exe D:\Svn\新建文件夹 (2)\Properties/ D:\Svn\新建文件夹 (2)\Properties/AssemblyInfo.template D:\Svn\新建文件夹 (2)\Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs?已退出,代码为 1。 HBRelog
Hello Highvoltz,
I noticed you added check for bans, so reloger doesnt stuck in loop trying to log in. Awesome! But most of the time, suspensions comes with passwords reset, and reloger doesnt recognize popup with wrong password error, and keeps logging in. Log attached.
I have to say I love new changes, and way choosing servers works (via editing config file), but rarely, probably because of file corrupt, server isnt chosen before loging in, and then reloger sits on empty server, without characters.
Added some sanity checks in new release. Let know know if this fixes it.I notice that when wow crash and HBrelog restarts wow it just hangs on log in screen.I'm also seeing an error message in logView attachment 97248
Getting an error on startup
Compiler Error: c:\Users\Andrew\Desktop\HonorBud\Plugins\ReLogger\Remoting\IRemotingApi.cs(7,15) : error CS0101: The namespace 'HighVoltz.HBRelog.Remoting' already contains a definition for 'IRemotingApi'
You sure you didn't have both selected? The buttons in main GUI are supposed to only operate on selected profiles.Got 2 Session in HBRelogger, but just 1 is marked, if i press Start he start both. Is there a special Button to set to just let the Marked one run and not the other.
SubWCRev.exe comes with TortoiseSVN. I use it to automatically set the version based on SVN revision. You don't need it to compile HBRelog and can safely remove the line in Project options > Build Events > Pre-Build event command-line
Added a new check of incorrect login information entered. The dialog you're getting has the title ' Error #204' ? if not then its different than the normal error for entering incorrect login/password and I need error number.
About the logging into wrong server sometimes, I'll have not looked into that yet but seems odd that it's sitting there and not choosing to click the 'Change Realm' button
Added some sanity checks in new release. Let know know if this fixes it.
I just tried new version (157), and I dont see any difference. I tried Dx 9 and 11, same effect. Its error #104, you will get it when you type random email and password. #204 is for ban, more info about login error numbers:
I attached log with login loop, error #104
You sure you didn't have both selected? The buttons in main GUI are supposed to only operate on selected profiles.
you're right, it should be #104. Fixed on SVN and adding new zip shortly, also added the error numbers for the different locked license errors.
[06/29/2013 21:50:32] Ragnaros : Character name not found. Double check spelling