[xx:xx:43.532 N] [Garrisonbuddy] Collecting 3 WarMill shipments from entries 239067, 239066
[xx:xx:43.546 D] [Interact] Interacting with [Arbeitsauftrag des Zwergenbunkers]: DisplayId:16091 State:Ready ArtKit:0 AnimationProgress:255 Locked:False IsUse:False Triggered:False Entry:239066 SubType:GarrisonShipment
[xx:xx:43.548 D] Moving to <1827.671, 266.0093, 76.59016> from <1820.59, 226.4527, 72.93472>
[xx:xx:43.555 D] Activity: Collecting WarMill shipments
[xx:xx:43.766 D] Generating new path because we are not on the old path anymore!
[xx:xx:47.313 V] We are stuck! (TPS: 15.0169, FPS: 26, Map: SMVAllianceGarrisonLevel2, loc: <1821.93, 227.5679, 72.93493>)!
[xx:xx:47.316 V] Trying dismount
[xx:xx:47.317 D] Stop and dismount... Reason: Stuck Handler
[xx:xx:47.851 N] (Singular) [WoWRedError] Das ist während einer Bewegung nicht möglich.
[xx:xx:47.861 N] (Singular) (Singular) [CombatLog] SPELL_CAST_FAILED Traveler's Tundra Mammoth#61425 failure: 'Das ist während einer Bewegung nicht möglich.'
[xx:xx:52.123 D] Stopped moving.
[xx:xx:52.256 D] Interacting with Arbeitsauftrag des Zwergenbunkers (GameObject Id: 239066)