Problem is they dont give a sh.. they got the money for it and choose to ignore the serious problems with this botbase. I myself am sick and tired of half ass work. I pay so i dont have to do this by hand and yet here we are months after this came out and still doing it by hand. I dont get it honestly why dont you at least keep the community informed instead of ignoring the issues at hand. Along with lfr's not even being touched due to the laziness Of the developers. Now before people go and comment dumb crap about HB being god take a good hard look at the bann section and see for your self how much HB really looks out for you. Does anyone even know what HB has done to make this bot more secure? I just read a post from garrison butler saying they wont unlock there bot due to the instability of HB. I am sorry for the harshness but someone has to say something for HB to realize they are taking money from us but not fixing the issues that we pay them to fix.
I would more than happily pay more, even a subscription, to have issues sorted more swiftly. I can't be the only one?
The problem with saying "you can code it to work" is that no one is going to develop a new botbase when the bundled one might be fixed any day.