I've been having the same pausing issues with the newest release of HB that I had with the last one, but now it's only occurring when I use AutoAngler2. I installed a fresh copy and tried using this on 3 different toons using different cc's and switched up profiles as much as I could. The following log is from my DK. I hope it helps as I use AutoAngler2 more than anything else and would love to be able to do so again.
Edit: Also, the log I posted is before I restarted to allow the new update to AutoAngler2 to take effect, but nothing changed. I can download the logs after the restart that will show same thing if you need me to.
Edit 2: Tried this again just now on a Shaman using Singular and ShamWoW with all settings turned completely down, no addons, no plugin's and still bot pauses. One thing I've noticed is that if I start the bot outside the 'farming zone' then it flies smoothly through the waypoints, but once it reaches the area to farm it pauses at every one.