I uploaded some changes last night for this dungeon. I don't know if they fix all your issues or not.
Well, that one works smoothly now. Thx Highvoltz. (Should have done something more productive with my time)
Now I have some more for you
Sunken Temple - not using the egg to summon Hakkar, the group fights its way round to the right location, just does not do the summon.
Lower BRS - not re-entering the dungeon on death. Might do this on Upper BRS as well seeing as it's the same entrance.
Lower BRS - DANGEROUS PATHING. By walking so close to the hole in the ground in Hordemar City the party is aggroing the mobs in the chamber below. This causes a huge mob rush that can cause wipes. Many wipes.
Lower BRS - the optional boss. You have a note in the xml about not knowing where the spears are. Here's a list if you want to implement this one.
Item 175886 Roughshod Pike (there's a collection by the wall in Hordemar City)
<-34.73237, -589.6146, 30.93392>
<-34.5386, -589.6351, 30.99642>
<-35.6387, -589.6323, 30.98253>
<-36.29766, -589.6169, 31.01031>
<-37.10931, -589.6414, 30.95476>
<-37.78564, -589.6395, 30.99642>
The place where you need to use the Roughshod Pike and Omokk's Head is at item 175621 Urok's Tribute Pile <-14.35011, -395.8278, 48.50652>
RECOMMENDATION: If using Singular, disable the setting to Stay near Tank for the healer. It seems to conflict with DB's follow range and the healer frequently hangs too far back and is very, very sparse with heals.