OK been running DB Halls of Stone. I'm farming Relics of Uldar and various reps. There does not seem to be any information on DB, how to run and set up. So its hit and miss. Set the bot to farm and checked Halls of Stone. I loaded the profile Halls of Stone, non Heroic. I looked at the profile and its hard to see it does anything, no path just a few bosses. I want the bot to make a complete sweep, go sell and mail then go back to dungeon and farm some more. It does well if I am in the instance when I turn on bot. It says there is no exit designated. Bran talk does well until we meet at doors. The bot leaves some mobs and they attack me, the bot tries to go thru door and not fight.
Other than a few glitches and the need to babysit it, DB works great. I would like to know where the control is though. My log.
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Farming halls of Lightning/stone is a recipie for ban