- ZoneHunter made a amazing job and helped me a lot. Maybe he merge our both Profiles when I am sleep, so it support Tank.
- Only wor for DPS/Heal
- Tested on Melee DPS (8 Yard)
- Jumping down and follow tank. Note: On First Pull, you may whipe party but after it should work fine.
- If you are Paladin then first Boss is fully Scripted. If not, see below, how you can do so.*** You should survive is meant***
If you want support your own Class then open "Pit of Saron.cs" and go to Line 111.
Change Paladin to your Class and 498 to your Cooldown ID.
How to Install:
1.Copy :::: Pit of Saron.cs
1.1 Paste:: Dungeon Scripts/Warlords of Draenor/Timewalking
2. Copy :::: Pit of Saron Timewalk.xml
2.1. Paste:: Default Profiles/DungeonBuddy/Warlords of Draenor/Timewalking
Ive been downloading and playing with diff POS.cs files loading them up in sublime text, i see diff routines for the Forgemaster fight from diff .cs files, ive been learning Java Jscript Jquery and Ruby on the side and this looks familiar. where could an entry level monkey start learning the basics to help out around here. i would love to learn about what the syntax is actually doing. swapped spell ids for mine and Text based spells in the same order that was present.
ctx => StyxWoW.Me.Class == WoWClass.Druid && SpellManager.CanCast("Tranquility"),
new Action(ctx => SpellManager.Cast("Tranquility"))),
new Decorator(
ctx => StyxWoW.Me.Class == WoWClass.Druid &&
new Action(ctx => SpellManager.Cast("Barkskin"))),
new Decorator(
ctx => StyxWoW.Me.Class == WoWClass.Druid && SpellManager.CanCast(22812),
new Action(ctx => SpellManager.Cast(22812))),
new Decorator(
ctx => StyxWoW.Me.Class == WoWClass.Druid && SpellManager.CanCast(740),
new Action(ctx => SpellManager.Cast(740))),
new Decorator(
ctx => StyxWoW.Me.Class == WoWClass.Druid && SpellManager.CanCast(132158),
new Action(ctx => SpellManager.Cast(132158)))
^ natures-swiftness
testing out asap, ill figure out more soon as i see forgemaster