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Sorry :(

but i try the others and i just have skyreach working for me.
i use tuanha Cr and singular too ;-)

I'm using Tuanha Premium Shaman, as Resto and Ele.

Currently supported (I've been using them AFK for the past 3 days with 0 issues) are Iron Docks, Auchindoun, Bloodmaul Slag Mines, and Skyreach. All Heroic. No other dungeons are currently supported.

To see which dungeons are working, check this post.


UPDATE: It looks like 3 more dungeons will be added to the list soon.
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Stonecore has a bug where on the horde side it cannot find a mailbox resulting in the bot endlessly running around inside stonecore

Summary: Can't find mailbox for horde in stonecore vendor run. Won't use hearth to get closer to the npc and it seems the npc isnt detected when you are on the stonecore platform.
Class: Pally, Druid, Monk, Hunter
CustomClass: Singular, TuanHA
Role: DPS
Queue Type: Farm Mode on Dungeonbuddy
Party Mode: Solo
Dungeon: Stonecore

[Singular] Your Level 90 Tauren Retribution Paladin Build is
[Singular] ... running the Dungeonbuddy bot in The Stonecore  
[Singular] ... Zone: Deepholm using my SOLO Behaviors
[B][DungeonBuddy]: Could not find mailbox for Horde at <1023.72, 644.747, 156.672> in Deepholm (Id: 646)
[DungeonBuddy]: Reparing at Rixi "The Driller" Bombdigger[/B]
Not in game
[Singular] Your Level 90 Tauren Retribution Paladin Build is 
[Singular] ... running the Dungeonbuddy bot in Deepholm [5-player Normal]
[Singular] ... Dungeon using my SOLO Behaviors 
Stopping the bot!
Bot stopping! Reason: User pressed the stop button
[DungeonBuddy]: Left dungeon: The Stonecore

Same thing for lost tolivr :(

[DungeonBuddy]: Entered Lost City of the Tol'vir dungeon and using default script
[DungeonBuddy]: Successfully loaded default profile for Lost City of the Tol'vir
[B][DungeonBuddy]: Could not find mailbox for Horde at <-10664.61, -1362.568, 15.35365> in Kalimdor (Id: 1)
[DungeonBuddy]: Could not find repair npc for Horde at <-10664.61, -1362.568, 15.35365> in Kalimdor (Id: 1)
[DungeonBuddy]: Could not find mailbox for Horde at <-10664.61, -1362.568, 15.35365> in Kalimdor (Id: 1)
[DungeonBuddy]: Could not find repair npc for Horde at <-10664.61, -1362.568, 15.35365> in Kalimdor (Id: 1)[/B]
[DungeonBuddy]: Mailing items before selling
Stopping the bot!
Bot stopping! Reason: User pressed the stop button
[DungeonBuddy]: Left dungeon: Lost City of the Tol'vir
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I'm using Tuanha Premium Shaman, as Resto and Ele.

Currently supported (I've been using them AFK for the past 3 days with 0 issues) are Iron Docks, Auchindoun, Bloodmaul Slag Mines, and Skyreach. All Heroic. No other dungeons are currently supported.

To see which dungeons are working, check this post.


UPDATE: It looks like 3 more dungeons will be added to the list soon.

According to that post, it's the Normal dungeons that are currently supported, not Heroic.
Warlords of Draenor
(Normal dungeons are supported; Heroic should work, but is untested.)
Auchindoun (normal 5 man dungeon)
Bloodmaul Slag Mines (normal 5 man dungeon)
Iron Docks (normal 5 man dungeon)
Skyreach (normal 5 man dungeon)
i miss this feature very much.
why i cant the normal scripted infos in hc? :/


both normal and hc worked earlier today, but now none of them works. dno whats up


[DungeonBuddy]: No script found for dungeonId: 640
[DungeonBuddy]: No profile found for dungeonId: 640

gets spammed.
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I have read and searched this and have been unable to find an answer. I am running a 100 Rogue in regular draenor dungeons. The bot is not looting the bosses and leaves immediatly after killing the first boss. I have chek and i does this for every dungeon. I enabled do optionally bosses to try and i am still having the same issue. Did a fresh install and everything. The scripts for the dungeons i selected are in the DG folder.

Am i doing something wrong here? Please advise. sorry if this is repetitive.

Log attached.View attachment 17064 2014-12-12 22.50.txt
hi guys sorry to be a pain i appreciate your under alot right now but i have a problem with dungeon buddy whenever it enters a instance within the start - killing the first boss it will just leave the instance? again sorry im new as hell lol i might be doing something wrong myself im not to sure do you guys need me to send you something? or is what i told you enough? please and thanks guys :)
Some dungeons are not fully supported, check the 1st page to see witch one are supported.
I have a problem with my 1st setup for dungeons, bot teleport out of dungeon for run vendor and stuff and this message show up:
"Mailing items before doing a repair run."
And after that he run to mail box and keep clicking on it very bootish, i probably know this is just some configuration i mess up.
I just asked it here becouse i didnt found anything on forums :(
Help please :)
[DungeonBuddy]: Got stuck while following wind path. Leaving group.
[DungeonBuddy]: Left dungeon: Skyreach

why goes underground after one hour. in a party of 5 people ?
Can someone explain HB-1616 - 1618 is? Is that the honorbuddy version? How can i check what version i have?
Hey Ppl,
on the 1st page of this thread I read within the supported DUngeons section this:
Warlords of Draenor
(Normal dungeons are supported; Heroic only abilities are not scripted yet.)

Auchindoun (normal 5 man dungeon)
Bloodmaul Slag Mines (normal 5 man dungeon)
Iron Docks (normal 5 man dungeon)
Skyreach (normal 5 man dungeon)
HB-1616: Add dungeon script for the Grimrail Depot Dungeon
HB-1617: Add dungeon script and profile for the Shadowmoon Burial Grounds Dungeon
HB-1618: Add dungeon script and profile for the The Everbloom Dungeon

However, when I select these dungeons in HB to log to, it only logs to Skyreach.If I take that one out and select only Auch for example on normal mode ,DB just stops due to :
No vaild dungeons are selected
So this means no dungeons but Skyreach is supported or I am missing something here?
[DungeonBuddy]: Got stuck while following wind path. Leaving group.

who all helps code these? 1 person? seems like it...WoD has been out for while.
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[DungeonBuddy]: Got stuck while following wind path. Leaving group.

who all helps code these? 1 person? seems like it...WoD has been out for while.

agreed.. ive leveled 5 toons. Geared them all trhough heroics.. pugged normals, and have done LFRs and garrisons on all four..

dungeonbuddy has yet to produce reliable heroic dungeons, let alone LFR. Guess ill stick to my main for now.

on another note.. I wish Dungeonbuddy would do the raid for me on normal (i.e., I join a group on groupfinder, then the bot does the rest, just like it would in lfr)
I see that on the front page under WOD it says that LFR Is supported, but when I launch my dungeon buddy the only raids available are old Seige of Orgrimmar raid. Is Highmaul not implemented yet?
I think Highvoltz only looks at this 1 time a month lolol. Just assume nothing works I do cause its all just jacked up so bad its funny

for WOD that is.
might as while play manual no point in risking being banned for a non working glitched out program
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