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Hi, TsterT, and thanks for the log,

This is issue HB-1395 on the [post=1690374]'.752 Known Bugs List[/post].


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1693227]TsterT's problem report w/log[/post][/size]
Sweet, thanks. Just glad it's known and being worked on. I'll just run disc for the time being :).
Bug report:

Summary: The bot tries to repair after doing Lost City of Tol'vir on farm mode (Normal mode) but never uses hearthstone or manually flying to the vendor. Instead it's just entering and leaving the dungeon repeatedly while this is spammed "[DungeonBuddy]: Reparing at Blacksmith Abasi"

Update: The exact same happens when the bags get full. Perhaps it was trying to sell and not repair?

Class: Protection Paladin
CustomClass: Singular
Role: Tank
Queue Type: Farm
Party Mode: Off
Dungeon: Lost City of the Tol'vir

Hi, Chli0520, and thank you for the log!

We've opened HB-1405 ("Lost City of the Tol'vir: Problems with vendor runs") against this problem.


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1693476]Chli0520's problem report w/log[/post][/size]
Bug report:

Summary: On the way to Lockmaw the bot will get stuck at the stairs. Instead of using the stairs it tries to walk forward right beside it. After a while it will try another path and basically run around the whole area. It will succeed but this slows down the run by quite a bit.

Class: Protection Paladin
CustomClass: Singular
Role: Tank
Queue Type: Farm
Party Mode: Off
Dungeon: Lost City of the Tol'vir

Quick unrelated note:

There's several changes with the classic dungeons which makes a full group unable to complete them. I am sure this is being looked into but I just figured I'd mention it. This is not really a bug (sorry) and unfortunately I don't have any logs right now.
I can't remember the specific names but it's around level 30-50. A pig dungeon and like a demon/forest dungeon? Razorfen Kraul perhaps.

Also, with the 6.0.2 changes healing is severely nerfed but damage is pretty high while leveling. Therefore a few scripts could be updated. Especially the Pandaria ones (The last boss in Mogu'shan palace & the last boss in Shado-pan Monastery for example). The bots focus so much on the tactics that they eventually die by damage. If they simply bursted the boss a little more instead they would manage it much easier.

I will try to supply logs to these things as well but as of right now I can't, sorry.
Hi, Chli0520, and many thanks for the report and log.

We've opened HB-1406 ("Lost City of Tol'vir: Stuck on stairs otw to Lockmaw ") against this issue.


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1693674]Chli0520's problem report w/log[/post][/size]
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Bug report:

Summary: After completing the dungeon the bot tries to exit but gets stuck in combat with Enslaved Bandits. It does not attack them since they are attacking each other (but they are not losing health and so the bot will stand still forever).

Solution 1: Take the same path back as when it cleared the dungeon.

Solution 2. Force the bot to exit the dungeon even if it is in combat. (with allow dungeonbuddy to control movement in combat)

Class: Protection Paladin
CustomClass: Singular
Role: Tank
Queue Type: Farm
Party Mode: Off
Dungeon: Lost City of the Tol'vir

Hi again, Chli0520, and thanks again for the log!

We've opened HB-1407 ("Lost City of Tol'vir: Stuck in combat at Enslaved Bandits") against this issue.


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1693577]Chli0520's problem report w/log[/post][/size]
Summary: Occasionally bugs out at a mob in StormstoutBrewery, I haven't seen it happening with my other groups. Perhaps a singular bug?

Class:Paladin Protection
Role: Tank
Party Mode: Leader of group

First log is where it happens at the end, second log was after the plugin LogMeOut rebooted HB and I manually attacked the targeted mob.
Hi, Angelus, and thanks for the log!

We've opened HB-1409 ("Stormstout Brewery: Problem handling Hozen Party Animal") against this issue.


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1694368]Angelus' problem report w/log[/post][/size]
I finally just had it happened on with another group.

And this guy seems to have a log from it as well.

Class:Guardian Druid
Role: Tank
Party Mode: Leader of group


Ow, so that is what happens. I actually thought it was a WoW problem :rolleyes:

Hi, Angelus, and many thanks for that link!

We've added your second datapoint and Nordrassil's information to HB-1409, also.


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1695964]Angelus' follow-up w/second log[/post][/size]
Summary: Will not click on " slipstream " after boss ( any of them ) once the boss is defeated the bot completely shits the bed and has no clue what its doing.
Class: shaman
Queue Type: random queue
Party Mode: off
Dungeon:vortex pinnacle

Summary: In the first room/boss where Rom'ogg Bonecrusher is, to the left of Rom'ogg Bonecrusher there is a group of mobs that groups do not clear. If death occurs at any time during the dungeon and the bot runs back to regroup with the team the bot runs into that group of mobs instead of running around them.
Queue Type: random queue
Party Mode: off
Dungeon: Blackrock Caverns

a: log : attached log
b: log : no log at the moment
Hi, Merle55dead,

We've opened HB-1410 ("Vortex Pinnacle: Not taking slipstreams after killing boss") against the first issue. We were unable to investigate the second issue since no log was provided.

Also, in the future, please make one post per issue. It is much easier to handle reports in that fashion. Thanks!


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1694665]Merle55dead's problem report w/log[/post][/size]
Success report:

Summary: Finally defeated a SOO Mythic Shamans with Dungeonbuddy, 99% monitored, 1% interaction - Used AMS a few times, but still playing mele on the mythic shamans is a bit hazard due stacking aoe effects on you, so died a couple of times, but in one try + the kill, the DB script sucessfully moved, while Singular DPSed the encounters, with more than decent dps for a frost DK.
Class: DK
CustomClass: Singular
Role: DPS
Queue Type: Raid - Farm
Party Mode: Off
Dungeon: SOO Mythic with using the default script for Gates of Retribution, config made, following the Guides on 1st page - posts #4 and #5 here - https://www.thebuddyforum.com/honor...uddy-dungeon-bot-post1439410.html#post1439410

highvoltz, chinajade and everyone of the HB staff for their hard work on the botbase, providing us the opportunity to deliver such amazing botting performance in the Mythic raiding!

Hi, Imtakinusrs,

Grats on your success! And, many thanks for the kind words.

Hi when joining for Upper blackrock spire im getting:

[19:34:29.763 N] [DungeonBuddy]: No script found for dungeonId: 828
[19:34:29.803 N] [DungeonBuddy]: Successfully loaded default profile for Upper Blackrock Spire
[19:34:29.878 N] [DungeonBuddy]: No script found for dungeonId: 828
blackfathom deep.

1. tank can't jump the bridge.
2. tank just keep going without click object at final boss. it just run to door
razorfen kraul.

1. just go 3 named without 1, 2 named kill.

i want to explain minutely but my English is bad sorry
I'm trying to run my lowbie "lvl 62 Warlock" through The Slave Pens using Dungeonbuddy in Farm Mode with only 2 party members.
My Level 90 Hunter is able to run it solo when not in a party.

However, if I add my warlock and hunter to a party with only 2 members, Dungeonbuddy will start up and just sit there, waiting for something. As soon as I exit the party it starts working.

I think it might be waiting for a full group of 5 to start. Not sure, if this is doable.
Anyone every try this before?
guess it is because you try to bot a dungeon not matching to your level. Sunken Temple may not be queued for a lvl90 rogue. Try a MoP dungeon. Or set Dungeonbuddy to farm mode

k thx that was it,

but now ive come across another problem, VORTEX PINACLE doesnt work :/ and thats where a mount drops so basically an important profile u could say.

he basically kills trash and the first boss, and then he walks to some corner next to the dead first boss and stands there afk.

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Hi when joining for Upper blackrock spire im getting:

[19:34:29.763 N] [DungeonBuddy]: No script found for dungeonId: 828
[19:34:29.803 N] [DungeonBuddy]: Successfully loaded default profile for Upper Blackrock Spire
[19:34:29.878 N] [DungeonBuddy]: No script found for dungeonId: 828
Same problem
For UBRS, you CAN edit the existing script, and change the dungeonId to 828 but the script isn't finished and they don't know the mechanics for boss fights yet, i.e. not stepping out of the fire. Give them time and they will finish it. I'm just stoked that it is up and running so soon after 6.0. Last expansion it took a while for the bot to even run, let alone farm dungeons.