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Latest HB Version the IRON JUGGERNAUT gets pulled while the LFR Players run on the right side. i know it worked in some of the earlier Versions of HB. But now all my Toons are running to near and pull this Boss :(
Hi, Tumbum,

There is simply no way to help you or analyze the issue without a full log of the event.
Ref: [post=378165][Guide] How to attach your log[/post]

Summary: the bot is not following the leader, the other functions are working
Class: hunter
CustomClass: Singular or TuanHAHunter
Role: DPS
Queue Type: Random Queue or Farm type
Party Mode: follower
Dungeon: Normal

Hi, Revrite,

This is a partial log and unsuitable for chasing problems. If you have this problem again, please attach the full log of the event.


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1558860]Revrite's original post[/post][/size]
DungeonBuddy stops on last pull in Lost City of the Tol'vir and will not go out just sets there

Hi, Cowboy88340,

There is a problem with this log file that makes it unsuitable for analyzsis. If the problem occurs for you again, please show us a fresh log.


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1558399]Cowboy88340's original post w/damaged log[/post][/size]
When I was in Unga Ingoo Scenario, the bot wouldn't do what it need to do to put the brew in the pot. It just stood around. I know this stuff worked yesterday. So i dont know what has changed. Any help would be great.

Also there are 2 more logs added, because some of the scenarios it would start the fights but out of no where stop moving and wont even attack mobs.

Hi, Bart316, and many thanks for the logs!

Your Singular appears to be seriously mis-behaving. I'd try updating to Honorbuddy '.744, and if the problems still persist, show us a fresh log, please?


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1556327]Bart316's Unga Ingoo problems w/log files[/post][/size]
Hi, Tumbum,

There is simply no way to help you or analyze the issue without a full log of the event.
Ref: [post=378165][Guide] How to attach your log[/post]


[11:02:52.365 D] Changed POI to: Type: Kill, Name: Iron Juggernaut

Would be nice to know how you see in this log that my Toon was running a bit to much left and pulled the IRON JUGGERNAUT Boss. Just to understand the Log. At the moment i just see that my Toon get a Kill Command and dismount and start Fight. Ok think this is normal, like when the complete Raid is doing a Timer and the Tank start the Fight.
But here, my Toon start the Fight because he didnt run complete on the right side.

Sorry cant do a fresh Picture, next time when i run in this Raid i will Update it. But the Red Circle is the Boss starting Position.
The Red Line is the correct way without pulling the Boss. But all my Toons from Tauren down to Goblin are running the Yellow Line and always pull the Boss when running to the Group.
I know this was fixed and worked well some releases before.


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On the dungeon Halls of Stone the bot will not start the event with Brann Bronzebeard, instead it just runs back and forth towards him to a non-ending loop.

In attachment there are 2 logs, the "relevant part.txt" is just the essential where they met with the NPC and it won't interact with it and run back and forth to a non-ending loop and the other one is the full log.

This is again my 3rd group having this same issue.

Hi, Namednoob, and many thanks for the logs again!

We've opened HB-965 ("Halls of Stone: Problems interacting with Brann Bronzebeard") against this issue. This again looks like a boundary-condition problem where the leader was trying to give other party members a chance to turn in a quest before talking to Brann to advance the encounter.

We assume:
  • Party-of-five
  • No party members had the quest
If we are wrong in these assumptions, please let us know, as it will help localize the specifics of the boundary condition.


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1559502]Namednoob's problem report w/logs[/post][/size]
Ok I'm having a problem and it's really annoying and I'm not sure why this feature is even added or why there isn't a setting to disable it. But I'm running a tank and healer bot in dungeons and it works perfectly. The downside is if a DPS dies or anyone else dies the stupid bot will teleport out of the dungeon and then reroute the nearest way back even if that route hasn't been cleared yet so it results in a endless chain of my bots running through mobs such as my healer and being killed then my tank will teleport out. It's extremely suspicious and not once since I've been playing for 6 years have I seen any behavior like this from a real player to where they would leave the dungeon just because a DPS died. Can you add a setting to disable this or make the bot pause until the player who died is back within range.

Hi, Sd6795,

The party members should not be leaving the dungeon, unless you had configured it such that your DPS was the DungeonBuddy 'leader'. In fact, our observations are that Dungeonbuddy will continue clearing trash in the dungeon, even if one DPS is missing (gone to rez, sell, or repair). It is also our experience that Dungeonbuddy clears all trash to make safe a run back from the entrance.

In short, what you are describing is not the way Dungeonbuddy operates.

Before we can take any action, we must see the full log that captures the event, please.
Ref: [post=378165][Guide] How to attach your log[/post]

This bot is a wipe fest in BRC 2nd boss it has no clue when to really take the boss out or in.

Hi, Razer,

This is clearly a user error. If not, you will need to attach the full log of the event that demonstrates otherwise. :D
Ref: [post=378165][Guide] How to attach your log[/post]

Anyone know why when I do first wing of SoO LFR it just leaves? First time using and followed instructions but it just left so now I have to wait 30 minutes :(
Edit your post with a copy of your log.

Hi, Crujones,

Sjd6795 is spot on—we need a full log of the event in order to analyze an issue. Please be so kind as to toss the log, the next time it happens for you.
Ref: [post=378165][Guide] How to attach your log[/post]

I'd like to know what are the ideal bot settings for running heroic scenarios. On certain scenarios, like the Crypt of forgotten kings (?) and battle of high seas, on the last bosses to run out of the red circles, the bots will stutter step around like they are lagging and end up dying instantly from getting hit. I'm sure this has something to do with the settings.

Hi, Phasechange,

This can happen if the CombatRoutine is fighting with Dungeonbuddy to "get out of the Red/Blue/Green stuff". You probably need to go into your Combat Routine settings and disable all movement. Then go into DungeonBuddy and set "Combat Movement" to true.

If that doesn't have you off-and-away, please attach the full log of the event, so we can see what's going awry.
Ref: [post=378165][Guide] How to attach your log[/post]

Will this jump down in Gnomeregan? Curious to see if I can farm Gnomeregan with my rogue twink.
Hi, Merek,

There are several places to jump down in Gnomregan, and we're unclear about the location to which you are referring.

The current Gnomeregan script jumps down using the parachutes after Electrocutioner 6000 is killed.

Other than that, DungeonBuddy does not in general bypass content. Such content represents experience, loot, and reputation gains, which are some of the primary goals of DungeonBuddy. DungeonBuddy also clears trash that makes a "run back from the entrance" unsafe for a party member. You can find more information about this in the [post=1439410]Frequently Asked Questions[/post].

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is there anyway when running LFR I can have the bot automatically hit ok instead of leave raid?

Hi, Paperc07,

DungeonBuddy should be hitting "OK". If not, you've probably configured something incorrectly, or damaged your DungeonBuddy installation.

To provide assistance, we will need to see your full log of the event, please.
Ref: [post=378165][Guide] How to attach your log[/post]

Same goes here LFR as well as Normal Dungeons 1-60

View attachment 133841

Hi, Haloman, and many thanks for that log!

[17:16:48.932 N] [DungeonBuddy]: Leaving group. Reason: Completed
[17:16:48.934 N] Removed blackspot for Right Entrance Steps
[17:16:48.935 N] [DungeonBuddy]: Left dungeon: Tal des Ewigen Kummers

It appears the DungeonBuddy believes this wing to be 'done' for you. We assume this is indeed not the case, and have opened HB-966 ("Siege of Orgrimmar, Vale of Eternal Sorrows (wing1): Prematurely detecting 'done'?") against this issue.

Very sorry for the inconvenience.


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1561439]Haloman's problem report w/log[/post][/size]
[11:02:52.365 D] Changed POI to: Type: Kill, Name: Iron Juggernaut

Would be nice to know how you see in this log that my Toon was running a bit to much left and pulled the IRON JUGGERNAUT Boss. Just to understand the Log. At the moment i just see that my Toon get a Kill Command and dismount and start Fight. Ok think this is normal, like when the complete Raid is doing a Timer and the Tank start the Fight.
But here, my Toon start the Fight because he didnt run complete on the right side.

Sorry cant do a fresh Picture, next time when i run in this Raid i will Update it. But the Red Circle is the Boss starting Position.
The Red Line is the correct way without pulling the Boss. But all my Toons from Tauren down to Goblin are running the Yellow Line and always pull the Boss when running to the Group.
I know this was fixed and worked well some releases before.

Hi, Tumbum, and MANY thanks for the log and screenshot!

To answer your question, there are many clues in the log as to why a problem occurs. For instance, the stuck handler may have malfunctioned and dropped a blackspot in a VERY bad place, causing your toon to path around things. Or, the pathing could've been altered for other reasons. The team has access to the mesh tools, and there may be enough coordinates in the log to reconstruct the specifics of what happened.

In any case, we've opened HB-967("Siege of Orgrimmar, Gates of Retribution (wing2): Running too close and pulling Iron Juggarnaut") against this issue. I'm sure the screenshot will be VERY helpful in identifying the problem, and figuring out what corrective actions to take.

cheers & thanks again,

[size=-2]Ref: [post=1563278]Tumbum's problem report w/log & screenie[/post][/size]
[DungeonBuddy]: Leaving group. Reason: Followers are not in group.

Have a huge problem I cant fix myself. Everytime my 5 man dungeon team goes in to an instance the party leader leaves and says followers are not in group. They most certainly are! Log is attached.


Have a huge problem I cant fix myself. Everytime my 5 man dungeon team goes in to an instance the party leader leaves and says followers are not in group. They most certainly are! Log is attached.
Hi, Wtfmofo, and thanks for the log.

Did you remember to set the names of your followers in Leader's DungeonBuddy settings?


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1563364]Wtfmofo's original post w/log[/post][/size]
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Hi, Namednoob, and MANY thanks for that log!

We've opened HB-963 ("Old Hillsbrad Foothills: Getting killed by mobs while heading to jailed Thrall") against this issue. Superficially, it appears the problem may be related to trying to turn in the quest Taretha's Diversion.

That quest is particularly problematic, as Dungeonbuddy must give ALL party members a chance to speak to Thrall and turn in the quest, before the leader talks to Thrall to advance the encounter. There may be a boundary condition that has not been addressed in that situation.

Could you supply another piece of information that may help Highvoltz? Were you a full party-of-five botting this, or mixed with humans?


[SIZE=-2]Ref: [post=1559377]Namednoob's problem report w/log[/post][/SIZE]

On the occasions that this has happened to me its always been with other players, where they proceed to give me the "wtf are you doing?" response Haha. I'll upload a log as soon as I get to it, currently leveling a Warrior up through the BC Dungeons which are all fine.
Hi, Wtfmofo, and thanks for the log.

Did you remember to set the names of your followers in Leader's DungeonBuddy settings?


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1563364]Wtfmofo's original post w/log[/post][/size]

Hi CJ. Yes all names were added. My leader invites the players just fine to groups.
I have a question, whenever i do a LFR queue, when i get inside the raid it always pops up this "Dont be AFK bla bla bla" window. Can i somehow turn it off? Like an option to choose when i want it on or not.
Hi, Namednoob, and many thanks for the logs again!

We've opened HB-965 ("Halls of Stone: Problems interacting with Brann Bronzebeard") against this issue. This again looks like a boundary-condition problem where the leader was trying to give other party members a chance to turn in a quest before talking to Brann to advance the encounter.

We assume:
  • Party-of-five
  • No party members had the quest
If we are wrong in these assumptions, please let us know, as it will help localize the specifics of the boundary condition.


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1559502]Namednoob's problem report w/logs[/post][/size]

Yes, both of my reports are party-of-five (with my bots), I could probably send you the other members log if you want, but honestly I don't recall weather or not they had the quest.

Hi, Namednoob, and MANY thanks for that log!

We've opened HB-963 ("Old Hillsbrad Foothills: Getting killed by mobs while heading to jailed Thrall") against this issue. Superficially, it appears the problem may be related to trying to turn in the quest Taretha's Diversion.

That quest is particularly problematic, as Dungeonbuddy must give ALL party members a chance to speak to Thrall and turn in the quest, before the leader talks to Thrall to advance the encounter. There may be a boundary condition that has not been addressed in that situation.

Could you supply another piece of information that may help Highvoltz? Were you a full party-of-five botting this, or mixed with humans?


[size=-2]Ref: [post=1559377]Namednoob's problem report w/log[/post][/size]

Yes, full party-of-five botting this :)