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You mean froze it as in crashed it? Or is it does it just appear to do nothing? Looks like it's downloading quite a bit of meshes, so you should give it to maybe 5-10 minutes.

It was stuck on loading tiles for a 1-2 minutes and didn't respond to stop. I tried closing HB and it froze it. Should I just have left it there for 10 minutes?
i have a lvl 72 toon, when trying to quest i get a pop up saying "profile in development. please check again later". is this intended? or do you have that profile taken down for maintenance?

EDIT: i just noticed this at the bottom "This profile will level any character from any level to 90. This is a work in progress so far. Alliance works from 1 to 70 and 85 to 90. Horde works from 1 to 68 and 85 to 88."

not sure if this hasnt been updated as well?
cavaplugin isnt 100% instaled

to fix:
download cavaplugin.zip
unzip copy to <honorbuddy>\Plugins\
run cavaPlugin_Installer

Thanks for the quick response. For some reason the installer was throwing the files into the wrong place, I just changed the svn paths. Works like a charm, good shit man.
wowhead.com/quest=24546 point have wrong coordinates.

it may have a different position. little experience in writing scripts, but if there is no one place in the banner, then he must run to another. here is the code with the coordinates where I found the banner.


<If Condition="HasQuest(24546) &amp;&amp; !IsQuestCompleted(24546)" >
  <While Condition="!IsQuestCompleted(24546)" >
    <RunTo QuestId="24546" X="-2464.21" Y="-2308.73" Z="100.34" />
    <CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="24546" MobId="201743" ObjectType="GameObject" X="-2466.405" Y="-2306.976" Z="100.2301" />
    <CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" QuestId="24546" WaitTime="12000" />
	<While Condition="(ObjectManager.GetObjectsOfType&lt;WoWGameObject&gt;().Any(u =&gt; u.Entry == 201744 &amp;&amp; u.Distance &lt;= 100)) &amp;&amp; !IsQuestCompleted(24546)" >
      <RunTo QuestId="24546" X="-2464.21" Y="-2308.73" Z="100.34" />
      <CustomBehavior File="CollectThings" QuestId="24546" MobId="37585" MobState="Alive" CollectUntil="NoTargetsInArea" CollectItemId="1" CollectItemCount="1" NonCompeteDistance="1" HuntingGroundRadius="25" >
        <Hotspot X="-2464.21" Y="-2308.73" Z="100.34" />
wreally bad quest) wowhead.com/quest=24546 point have wrong coordinates.

<If Condition="HasQuest(24546) && !IsQuestCompleted(24546)" >
  <While Condition="!IsQuestCompleted(24546)" >
    <RunTo QuestId="24546" X="-2464.21" Y="-2308.73" Z="100.34" />
    <CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="24546" MobId="201743" ObjectType="GameObject" X="-2466.405" Y="-2306.976" Z="100.2301" />
    <CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" QuestId="24546" WaitTime="12000" />
	<While Condition="(ObjectManager.GetObjectsOfType<WoWGameObject>().Any(u => u.Entry == 201744 && u.Distance <= 100)) && !IsQuestCompleted(24546)" >
      <RunTo QuestId="24546" X="-2464.21" Y="-2308.73" Z="100.34" />
      <CustomBehavior File="CollectThings" QuestId="24546" MobId="37585" MobState="Alive" CollectUntil="NoTargetsInArea" CollectItemId="1" CollectItemCount="1" NonCompeteDistance="1" HuntingGroundRadius="25" >
        <Hotspot X="-2464.21" Y="-2308.73" Z="100.34" />

Upload a full Logfile and tell what your toon isnt doing. Just telling wrong coordinates doesnt help cava.


im having the problem that my toon is just walking between the trainer and the bank when try to level the Blacksmith

here is a log

use CTRL F and write logmark u will see



It was stuck on loading tiles for a 1-2 minutes and didn't respond to stop. I tried closing HB and it froze it. Should I just have left it there for 10 minutes?

Check in the support forum, must be an honorbuddy issue.

i have a lvl 72 toon, when trying to quest i get a pop up saying "profile in development. please check again later". is this intended? or do you have that profile taken down for maintenance?

EDIT: i just noticed this at the bottom "This profile will level any character from any level to 90. This is a work in progress so far. Alliance works from 1 to 70 and 85 to 90. Horde works from 1 to 68 and 85 to 88."

not sure if this hasnt been updated as well?

The 70-78 profiles are for donators/testers only. He'll give a special link to a private version of the plugin which has those.
First time using profile and it's stuck on loading tiles and froze my honorbuddy.

View attachment 117095
tyour log shows:
[04:01:31.053 D] Activity: Loading Tiles
[04:01:31.053 D] Loading Azeroth_33_38
[04:01:31.089 D] Loading Azeroth_30_48
[04:01:31.388 D] Loading Azeroth_31_47...

but are too long
try shutdown/ start bot again
i have a lvl 72 toon, when trying to quest i get a pop up saying "profile in development. please check again later". is this intended? or do you have that profile taken down for maintenance?

EDIT: i just noticed this at the bottom "This profile will level any character from any level to 90. This is a work in progress so far. Alliance works from 1 to 70 and 85 to 90. Horde works from 1 to 68 and 85 to 88."

not sure if this hasnt been updated as well?

this is an work in progress, so far run from 1 to 72 and:
-alliance 85 to 90
-horde 85 to 88
STUCK after >> [Ref: "[N-Quest]Blade's Edge Mountains(67-68)[Cava] $Rev: 175 $" @line 2756]

cant find vendor in Evergrove
[14:08:01.869 D] Changed POI to: Type: Mail, Loc: <3018.314, 5452.967, 146.4841>, Name:
[14:08:02.034 N] Could not find vendor: ' [0]' blacklisting!
[14:08:02.034 D] Clearing POI - Reason Vendor was blacklisted
[14:08:02.034 D] Cleared POI

isnt profile related
use suport please

im having the problem that my toon is just walking between the trainer and the bank when try to level the Blacksmith

here is a log

use CTRL F and write logmark u will see

please upload full log.
this is the last lines

[13:42:49.544 N] [PBCava-Debug]: Loaded Move To Bank routine.
[13:42:49.545 N] [PB-Cava]: Going to bank at 'The Dwarven Destrict'.
[13:42:49.751 N] Mounting: Sky Golem
[13:42:52.080 D] Activity: Flying to location <-8345.663, 621.6138, 96.07644>
[13:42:55.496 N] [Singular] LOGMARK # 1 at 14:42:55.496
[13:42:57.080 D] Stop and dismount... Reason: Dismounting flying mount
[13:42:57.475 D] Activity: Arrived at location <-8345.663, 621.6138, 96.07644>

then you stop bot

in log only shows bot moving to bank, not smelting or crafting
I downloaded the plugin form the site into my plugins, activated it and got an error message. I redownloaded it from the site into my plugins and now it wont show up under my plugins when I click the "recompile all" button. Any help would be much appreciated.
I downloaded the plugin form the site into my plugins, activated it and got an error message. I redownloaded it from the site into my plugins and now it wont show up under my plugins when I click the "recompile all" button. Any help would be much appreciated.

1-download cavaplugin.zip
2-unzip cavaplugin.zip
3-copy CavaPlugin to <honorbuddy>\Plugins\CavaPlugin
4-inside cavaplugin run CavaPlugin_installer
this is an work in progress, so far run from 1 to 72 and:
-alliance 85 to 90
-horde 85 to 88

ok thanks cava! how much is required for the 70-78 profile? i know it says donation but i would like to get this profile ><

i bought the tester Profiles.
Is there a way to bot without stuck at lvl 72?


What you mean with stuck? Is there a big wall? a big fish or something else where your toon stuck?
Hope you see... with this informations its impossible to help you.

Always Upload a Full Logfile, if possible an description with your Problem, maybe with Picture. And if this is really a issue, i think Cava will fix it asap.
Ah, sry
Nono, no ingame stuck
The profile says, there are no profile above 72
Ans i have to load the other profiles

I thought the bot switch to the premium profile after 72 but it dosent :/
You know what i mean?
Ah, sry
Nono, no ingame stuck
The profile says, there are no profile above 72
Ans i have to load the other profiles

I thought the bot switch to the premium profile after 72 but it dosent :/
You know what i mean?

Inside the Plugin is under the "Questing" Tab a Button where you can select the Testers Profiles, but first you have to activate them in the "Armageddoner" Tab. You have to put in your Login Informations of the SVN, when the SVN pops up.

Hope you mean this?