upload your log, or i cant find the problem34-39 is not working, the bot just stands stoped in SW.
What i need to do?
i already finished the goblin 1 to 12, but arent afkJust wondering are you going to finish the Goblin starting zone?
sorry the turn in part its bot side, cant help with thatCava, please the bot stucks a lot of times, should be cause i have 180ms as ping. is there not a simply way to make he get closer to the npcs when turning or getting quests? a lot of quests, example: you need to release 9 souls from killed npcs, it stucks on 8/9 and stick on it. or you need to talk to a npc to listen him esotry, stucks again.
so sad, i gues bgbuddy is slower but omg i can sleep and let it do the work with questing it stops every hour when i`m lucky..
Thanks brah i hope you can help me, and btw great job it would make my wow life so much simplier if it works for me. I`ve spent much on leveling sites, would not be a problem donate for something that promisses so much.
Sorry by my bad english.
already tested that quest with Quest Behaviour CollecttThings didn't workBot stand at this place <-360.894, -4135.871, 156.3301> at the quest "[33] All That Skitters" funny part is I found another botter stuck at the same place...
Had to manually do this part then he didn't got stuck again.
so far hord only runs from 1 to 5 and from 85 to 90Bot won't level a Goblin DK. Keeps trying to do the 1-5 Goblin quests while being in BC.
if you let him keep running will bot eventualy finish quest? if not please upload logHi,
Just used your profile. It's amazing, but I faced a issue with [Quest] MOP 85 to 90 With Loot By [Cava].
Using an alliance character, the quest Spitfire - Quest - World of Warcraft has a problem where the character always faces away from the fire when putting it off.
thanks for the info and log, will check that asapI've intervened and completed the quest so I can't test it again. Most of the time not, somehow the bot turns 360 degrees before casting spit cider. If I'm not mistaken there was only 1 spot that managed to be done correctly.
I've attached the log.
lvl 56 monk, moving to winterspring, not moving at all no more.
Just stands there, horde catnip!
View attachment 86420
changed \Default Profiles\cava-profiles\Cava\
to \Default Profiles\\Cava\
still the same, stands there and doesnt move, at all.
Edit: Manual handed in Falling to corruption and Don de'eko magic, and it runs again
Edit2: And after 5 min , 2 quests later. Still standing there again.
Edit3: Moving again after manually handing in winterfall activity.
strange issues about:
[21:11:36.227 D] Unable to find Data and/or 'Weight Sets' folder, cannot parse weight set's.
Dit some new update of the bot break this? never had it.
probably you will need reinstall bot to an clean directory, but its better ask for support from some1 from staff confirm that
Could it be that i deleted the plugin auto equip? Since Cava's profile clrs your full inv from time to time, incl hs and ALL heirlooms, protected
it via plugin / addon, still deleted. Lost quite some heirloom allr since you can only call back once every 30 days / char!
sureAnother question, i deleted the auto equip plugin. Some days ago allready since i lost quite some heirlooms allready.
Now, 10 min ago, your profile cleared my inventory again, somehow i auto equiped somehting else then heirlooms and
i lost again 5 k gold and 6 k honor points worth of heirlooms. it deleted all.
Is there any way you can alter this in your profiles, since it is not the bot that does this, nor is it a plugin, since i dont have any.
Just cant believe all 6 heirlooms are gone, again. And i did item restore allr, since it deleted on yesterday aswell, this is why
i deleted the plugin from my hb. ( unticking it doesnt work, since on every restart- arelog, it auto ticks again ) So, basicly means
30 days waiting to restore again or buy new ones. Kinda sux when you just started fresh on a new account.
Checking the rest of my gear now, turns out it equiped on ilvl, deleted all my lower gear and equiped "better"one.
This better one was my mistweaver gear, so im a windwalker now in full mistweaver. It doesnt get better then that.
Would be nice if you found a better sollution to do this in your profiles then this, since i lose more then i gain atm and it isnt
the first time gear gets handled like this.