read cava_help inside cava's folder, if dont help report the issue here with fresh logAfter skipping Jade forest, it doesnt run any quest in the four winds or kai summit without flying back to jade forest...
well deutch or chinese, cant read both maybe someone can help and translate?ich schreibs mal lieber in deutsch
ich kann mir denken das das schwer ist ein script zu schreiben...aber!!!
1 woche laeuft der pc nachts weil er nicht weiter kommt. das script hat mehr als genug fehler.das von kick zu ds zeiten war zu 95% perfekt...aber sorry kommt schneller vorwaerts wenn man selber spielt.......als elementar der katze war es wieder einiger masen ok..... mfg
read cava_help inside cava's folder / clean cachehelp plz
[08:57:36.017 N] Can not turn in quest Stormstout's Hops (ID: 30055) because I don't have it in my quest log! (Or do I: False)
[08:57:36.017 D] Stop called!
[08:57:36.017 Q] Bot Stopped! Reason: Could not create current in quest bot!
[08:57:36.031 D] Активность: Honorbuddy остановлен
[08:57:37.079 D] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
at Styx.CommonBot.TreeRoot.()
at Styx.CommonBot.TreeRoot.()
[08:57:37.104 D] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
at Styx.CommonBot.TreeRoot.()
[08:57:37.079 D] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
at Styx.CommonBot.TreeRoot.()
at Styx.CommonBot.TreeRoot.()
[08:57:37.104 D] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
at Styx.CommonBot.TreeRoot.()
99,5% i bet thats bot issue, not profile issueFor me its like this Could not create current behavior in quest bot; exception was thrown
Bot Stopped! Reason: Could not create current behavior in quest bot, exception was thrown.
ty a lotread cava_help inside cava's folder / clean cache
without log i bet its mesh issue and if you say after hes dead cant find way back, then probably its mesh issue, but.. not sureSomething must be wrong with the pathing.... The bot just runs against walls instead of going around. Not even going to his body after it died... It worked fine before ... Is it a Profile or a bot problem?
View attachment 67150
i've tried using your profile for a while now, along with every other lvling/questing i can find because grinding is rather dangerous.
None of the horde ones work correct, the Ally one worked for a little bit then bugged out again.
For the most part, all your profiles on any toon (5 in total) keeps trying to do 1~10 quest. when they are lvl 22/11/61/60
Not really sure what's going on, HB recognizes my lvl and build, just never the profile
and i'm running updated svn every day
log is just one example
i can produce every one if you want but it is same problem for every toon-not recognizing toon lvl and doing wrong quests.
im sure you are rongIt work's fine for me.. 39-45.
will, but not nowHi,it should be possible to make non human interactive quest required? it would be great! i mean in mop for example on the jade forest,to make it 100% afk,greets!