[19:06:58.541 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedIf.[19:06:58.541 D] Compiling expression 'HasQuest(27035) && !IsQuestCompleted(27035)' @ line 417
[19:06:58.541 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedIf.
[19:06:58.541 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedIf.
[19:06:58.541 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedIf.
[19:06:58.541 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior [ForcedQuestPickUp QuestId: 27075, QuestName: Servants of Cho'gall].
[19:06:58.554 D] Changed POI to: Type: QuestPickUp
[19:06:58.554 D] Goal: Picking Up Quest - Diener von Cho'gall (http://wowhead.com/quest=27075) : From - Ashlan Stonesmirk (http://wowhead.com/npc=1073)
[19:06:58.573 N] Moving to Type: QuestPickUp
[19:06:58.592 D] Loading Azeroth_39_41
[19:06:58.677 D] Loading Azeroth_38_41
[19:06:58.733 D] Successfully generated path from {-4977.418, -3758.095, 320.6348} to {-4977.084, -3768.229, 320.6345} in 145 milliseconds
[19:06:58.736 D] Activity: Loading Tiles
[19:06:58.751 N] Moving to Type: QuestPickUp
[19:06:59.750 D] Interacting with Ashlan Schmunzelstein (Unit Id: 1073)
[19:07:00.893 D] Current shown quest (http://wowhead.com/quest=27077) is not the quest we want (http://wowhead.com/quest=27075). Closing the quest frame to select to correct quest.
[19:07:01.060 D] Interacting with Ashlan Schmunzelstein (Unit Id: 1073)
[19:07:01.937 D] Current shown quest (http://wowhead.com/quest=27077) is not the quest we want (http://wowhead.com/quest=27075). Closing the quest frame to select to correct quest.
[19:07:02.069 D] Interacting with Ashlan Schmunzelstein (Unit Id: 1073)
[19:07:02.822 D] Current shown quest (http://wowhead.com/quest=27077) is not the quest we want (http://wowhead.com/quest=27075). Closing the quest frame to select to correct quest.
[19:07:02.949 D] Interacting with Ashlan Schmunzelstein (Unit Id: 1073)
[19:07:03.831 D] Current shown quest (http://wowhead.com/quest=27077) is not the quest we want (http://wowhead.com/quest=27075). Closing the quest frame to select to correct quest.
[19:07:03.972 D] Interacting with Ashlan Schmunzelstein (Unit Id: 1073)
[19:07:04.789 D] Current shown quest (http://wowhead.com/quest=27077) is not the quest we want (http://wowhead.com/quest=27075). Closing the quest frame to select to correct quest.
[19:07:04.956 D] Interacting with Ashlan Schmunzelstein (Unit Id: 1073)
[19:07:05.839 D] Current shown quest (http://wowhead.com/quest=27077) is not the quest we want (http://wowhead.com/quest=27075). Closing the quest frame to select to correct quest.
[19:07:05.973 D] Interacting with Ashlan Schmunzelstein (Unit Id: 1073)
[19:07:06.860 D] Current shown quest (http://wowhead.com/quest=27077) is not the quest we want (http://wowhead.com/quest=27075). Closing the quest frame to select to correct quest.
[19:07:06.991 D] Interacting with Ashlan Schmunzelstein (Unit Id: 1073)
[19:07:07.878 D] Current shown quest (http://wowhead.com/quest=27077) is not the quest we want (http://wowhead.com/quest=27075). Closing the quest frame to select to correct quest.
[19:07:08.028 D] Interacting with Ashlan Schmunzelstein (Unit Id: 1073)
[19:07:08.929 D] Current shown quest (http://wowhead.com/quest=27077) is not the quest we want (http://wowhead.com/quest=27075). Closing the quest frame to select to correct quest.
[19:07:09.045 D] Interacting with Ashlan Schmunzelstein (Unit Id: 1073)
[19:07:09.929 D] Current shown quest (http://wowhead.com/quest=27077) is not the quest we want (http://wowhead.com/quest=27075). Closing the quest frame to select to correct quest.
[19:07:10.059 D] Interacting with Ashlan Schmunzelstein (Unit Id: 1073)
[19:07:10.939 D] Current shown quest (http://wowhead.com/quest=27077) is not the quest we want (http://wowhead.com/quest=27075). Closing the quest frame to select to correct quest.
[19:07:11.071 D] Interacting with Ashlan Schmunzelstein (Unit Id: 1073)