I sent donation today need access please user name derrex..... paypal is 12932676
Does this even work still? I did exactly as showed in the install and I can see it under my plugins via the folder but when i log into game and load honnorbuddy it does not show in the plugins. Then when i tried to load it from the source it tells me "Can not start quest bot - this profile does not cotain a quest order!"
did you use cavaplugin folder?Does this even work still? I did exactly as showed in the install and I can see it under my plugins via the folder but when i log into game and load honnorbuddy it does not show in the plugins. Then when i tried to load it from the source it tells me "Can not start quest bot - this profile does not cotain a quest order!"
thanks for your donation, please check your emailHello Cava thanks for the profile! I just donated 6 euros what should I do now to use the Armageddoner ?
reinstall cavapluginWarning: XML Error: Could not parse 'If' body node! - On line 14
Changing current profile to Cava Profiles by [Cava] $Rev$
reinstall cavaplugin
I'll try when I get off I do have the cavaplugin# folder and I re downloaded via svn to get its own cavanplugin folder but when last I checked there was nothing to install in the folder only the text files with the places to lvl
so the only folders that seem to install is scrpts , cava started profiles, read me....... inside the scrpts is maps and MB im not seeing what the other folders are there to install