hello, i can't find: Cava_Starter_Profile.xml
help plz
you got mailHi I am having pretty big issues with your website and with getting Armageddoner access. First of all, I donated 6 Eur in hopes of getting access, but it didnt let me create a account with a username or password. Then I tried creating an account but all its saying is usernames and passwords do not match blablablabla. I even changed my password 3 times and it says that each time. Please tell me what I need to do to make this work. Thanks.
Edit: I guess I just had to wait for my account to activate. Did not know this. If you posted that information, it may be helpful to newbies. I thought registration would be instant as most sites are. Thanks!
is the bot doing quest?
some quests are so problematic i force bot to "slap" mob to start fight
at paypal donation you can add an comment, just add the email you want to receive the login/passThanks for your replies. Yes it does do the quest must be one you forced to slap because the bot will run up and try and attack with slap only thing is it tries and if it does not hit the mob the first time it will black list it and run to the next mob try and slap and miss blacklist then next mob but this one he hits. Out of 5 mobs it only actually hit 2
Also that aside really like our profiles and I had a hard time with your site and trying to understand the difference between
Regular version
Registered version
And then donation version
In profiles
Non donations is only to level 81? Or something
Tonight after work I want to donate but my paypal email and the email registered to your site diffrent is that going to be an issue?
at paypal donation you can add an comment, just add the email you want to receive the login/pass
I have the next problem.
Also... my questing bot is back.. and yes.. my ***** failed ...
Now.. i installed cava, but after the HB start... i cant find a cava plugin in my plugin lists... dont know what im doing wrong... i installed with the .exe in the right place..
I can choose a for example 86 - 88 lvl area.xml ... my HB is loading and then interruping because i cant log in my armageddon account - because the cava plugin is left...
Do do you have any idea what im doing wrong?
mfg Pluesch
im sure you are doing something rong.
in first i have no EXE its not allowd in this forum
make a new folder
install CLEAN and NEW hb to that new folder
follow this guide and install cavaplugin
[Singular] Your Level 70 Blood Elf Frost Mage Build is
[Singular] ... running the Questing bot in Borean Tundra
[Singular] ... Zone: Northrend using my SOLO Behaviors
[Profile Message]: Compiling Borean Tundra
Mounting: Green Primal Raptor
[FlyTo-v1635(fatal)] Toon doesn't have flying capability in this area, and there is no ground path to the destination. Please learn the flying skill appropriate for this area.
Bot stopping! Reason: Fatal error in quest behavior, or profile
please upload full logBug Report:
Just hit level 70, horde, while in Borean Tundra at the Warsong Hold quest spot. The profile aborts anytime I get on the main lift, saying I don't have flying learned... which I do.
Bug Report:
Just hit level 70, horde, while in Borean Tundra at the Warsong Hold quest spot. The profile aborts anytime I get on the main lift, saying I don't have flying learned... which I do.