i belive not: let me explain, both ally and hord have same quests (or near that) by example if ally need kill 12 dogs hord need take up 12 cat nails, and after that ally need ride an choper to rescue 3 members, horde need ride an mamute to rescue 3 members
not perfect the same quests but are near. The main point for your question is all that quests have unique IDs, and its that way blizard and bot know if you did /dint X quest at this point and looking the last example game knows that you did quest to ride an mamute to rescue 3 members and that quest share that info with ally side quest, so the game dont allow you to do ally side quest, but for bot you didnt do that quest (ride an choper) and he try and try and try
theres only one way to do that its write an profile thinking that by example:
If char didnt quest (X-ally) and didnt (X-hord) then accept X if hes ally or accept Y if hes hord
each profile that way take ages to be made and sincerly i belive no1 (profile writers want do something like that) i dont, but im just a rookie
hope you dont be mad with my answer but was truly honest with you