hey, I have a question! I would like to usw Kunlai with level 89. theres always the message that it needs the townlong profile but i would like to do Kun Lai with 89! Any solutions?
sorry cant unzip that, can you please upload again?Hope ju can resolve this!
sorry cant unzip that, can you please upload again?Hope ju can resolve this!
My character keeps trying to pick up quest "The Road to Kun-Lai" it's given by Messenger Grummle. The quest requires 87 but it's in the 86 level Valley of the 4 Winds profile.
fixed at last update, dont need it nowOpen up the XML file ( ctrl + f for search ) and search for "Grummle" typ at the begin of that line <!-- and on the end of that line -->
It will look like this then: "<!--<PickUp QuestName="The Road to Kun-Lai" QuestId="31254" GiverName="Messenger Grummle" GiverId="63778" X="-381.3245" Y="1952.716" Z="128.5654" /> -->"
He won't pick up the quest now.
there is a few things about what we can use to scriptI Started using ur Profiles at Level 85 3 Days ago, im now 88 1/2 and it works pretty good. I Only went AFK once for 6 Hours, and when i came back to bot were dead flying circles lol.
Also i have to Restart the Bot alot, since the bot stops questing or moving just for no reason - which isnt a profile problem i guess, more like a bot issue.
I Never had any kind of great bugs i couldnt fix with a bit huma interaction or a bot-restart.
But there is some Issues with Running, the Bot Attacks every Mob he sees on the way back to turin Quests or else. I'm using the With Loot profile, but this shouldn't make a Difference i think.
Is there a way to fix this for me? For Example in the Townlong steppes, he will just attack every mob on the Battlefield until he is dead. NoCombatMoving doesnt seem to work here.He Runs up Hills with 2-3 Mobs and Pulls them all, even if he has a Questtarget on the road for example. This is annoying, because he dies and waste alot of time killing mobs where he should just ran over to get to its target. He even attacks Elites.
Log is Attached.
And i have a suggestion about making the Questing faster. Since there are alot of Quests at the same Spot, is it possible to do Quests simultaneously? Like he have To Kill 7 Mobs, And Find 7Pieces of Wood, when a piece of wood is near, he still picks it up even if hes doing the Killquest. Would speed the Leveling Process up a bit if this is possible.
so far
View attachment 61392
Worked okay through jade forest & Valley of the four winds, but kun-lai summit and beyond it just either goes to a flight master and sits there forever or hearthstones. It spends lots of time trying to soul harvest (running on a destru lock) which is now a passive ability, and its always telling me i havn't chosen a weapon style which i have no idea how to do.
Imprint ispent all my day with 2 chars running kun-Lai to remove all reported bugs, Farmhand Bo its fixed but so far i didnt upload the fix, no point to upload dix by fix, soon will upload that profile without bugs ( i hope ) well tbh i think i drop too many blackspots lets see...
thats all about "story line" if you do an quest and for some reason break the story line, we need find wich npc dont have the quest after that and change it to fix to all possibilitys, right now the wowhead isnt too much helpfull, think for now we need find it one by one and fix it one by oneIn all fairness, it isn't Farmhand Bo himself since I had another toon pass him. It would be the ability to bypass an npc or quest that we already did and are getting stuck on. In the case of my one guy, he is stuck on Farmhand Bo and that will cause me to have to do the rest of his by hand if there is no resolution for this problem. I suppose that isn't a big problem...I will do it in a month or two. It would be nice though to have the option to just skip him (or whatever else isn't working) and move on. Thanks again for the awesome work.