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I have a problem with the profile "1-90 [A Quest] (1-12) Pandaren [Cava]."
I start the profile, it takes a quest and go to the area, target an enemy, tap once, then it is nothing and dies ......

View attachment 128886

[17:19:33.257 D] Activity: Moving to Hozen fe-feng (distance: 23.1)
[17:19:34.259 D] Activity: Moving to Hozen fe-feng (distance: 15.9)
[17:19:35.329 D] Activity: Moving to Hozen fe-feng (distance: 8.7)
[17:19:36.066 D] Activity: Moving to Hozen fe-feng (distance: 4.9)
[17:19:36.603 D] InteractDebug:621084776
[17:19:36.604 D] Interact Done:621084776
[17:19:38.763 D] Changed POI to: Type: Kill, Name: Hozen fe-feng
[17:19:51.518 N] Stopping the bot!
[17:19:51.519 Q] Bot stopping! Reason: User pressed the stop button

i think you have issues with your Combat Routine, try an diferent CR and let me know
[17:19:33.257 D] Activity: Moving to Hozen fe-feng (distance: 23.1)
[17:19:34.259 D] Activity: Moving to Hozen fe-feng (distance: 15.9)
[17:19:35.329 D] Activity: Moving to Hozen fe-feng (distance: 8.7)
[17:19:36.066 D] Activity: Moving to Hozen fe-feng (distance: 4.9)
[17:19:36.603 D] InteractDebug:621084776
[17:19:36.604 D] Interact Done:621084776
[17:19:38.763 D] Changed POI to: Type: Kill, Name: Hozen fe-feng
[17:19:51.518 N] Stopping the bot!
[17:19:51.519 Q] Bot stopping! Reason: User pressed the stop button

i think you have issues with your Combat Routine, try an diferent CR and let me know

Following your advice, i bought CR "Portal Premium" and the profile "1-90 [A Quest] (1-12) Pandaren [Cava]." works much better!
cavaplugin isnt well instaled, you are missing cava quest behaviors
to fix:
reinstall cavaplugin from zip file

Reinstalled and working good now.

Seems that stealth in rogue messes up the routine.

For example trying to kill a mob ( sometimes ) it keeps running up and down
to and from the mob. Unstealthed, you get aggro and nothing is wrong.

Its not the routine, tried both singular and payed TH.

Running non stealth now and it works, so its all good.

But please, can you try to find a fix on the "going back to city" thing everytime
the bot gets shut down. Esp WPL is a pain.

FFS and while i type this it flies again back to IF with a error in IF FP.

View attachment 4688 2014-05-15 11.03.txt

[12:52:07.543 D] Run Time: 00:49:26
[12:52:07.543 D] Difference: 00:20:54
[12:52:07.543 D] Changed POI to: Type: Fly, R: Use, Ironforge, Dun Morogh
[12:52:07.573 N] Moving to Type: Fly, R: Use, Ironforge, Dun Morogh
[12:52:08.373 D] InteractDebug:850061424
[12:52:08.373 D] Interact Done:850061424
[12:52:08.373 D] [Lua.Events] Attached to event TAXIMAP_OPENED with handler 
[12:52:08.683 N] TaxiMap is opened! Updating known nodes list.
[12:52:08.697 N] Taking flight path to Ironforge, Dun Morogh from Light's Hope Chapel, Eastern Plaguelands
[12:52:08.919 D] Activity: Waiting on taxi...
[12:57:04.889 D] Clearing POI - Reason Reached final destination with taxi
[12:57:04.919 D] [Lua.Events] Detached from event TAXIMAP_OPENED with handler 
[12:57:04.919 N] Taximap failed to open. Blacklisting the flight master.
[12:57:09.924 D] Updating repair cost for current equipped items. New value: [0g0s38c]
[12:57:10.031 D] Garbage collected 237 nav tiles

3rd or 4th time im flying up and down now.

After the Blacklist flight master it goes running to WPL from IF.

Thats including flying 20-30 min wasted every time.

But the "fly to home city" happens more often. i just dont c why the bot needs that "reference"everytime to
start over.
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Try to deliver the quest Therapy - Quest - World of Warcraft and the quest its incomplete... :S (i try clean cache of honorbuddy and wow) ... My solution: (I abandoned the quest and the bot take the quest again and complete all good)
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Reinstalled and working good now.

Seems that stealth in rogue messes up the routine.

For example trying to kill a mob ( sometimes ) it keeps running up and down
to and from the mob. Unstealthed, you get aggro and nothing is wrong.

Its not the routine, tried both singular and payed TH.

Running non stealth now and it works, so its all good.

But please, can you try to find a fix on the "going back to city" thing everytime
the bot gets shut down. Esp WPL is a pain.

FFS and while i type this it flies again back to IF with a error in IF FP.

View attachment 129014

3rd or 4th time im flying up and down now.

After the Blacklist flight master it goes running to WPL from IF.

Thats including flying 20-30 min wasted every time.

But the "fly to home city" happens more often. i just dont c why the bot needs that "reference"everytime to
start over.

Seems that stealth in rogue messes up the routine.
need know where/profile/quest to fix the issue

But please, can you try to find a fix on the "going back to city" thing everytime
the bot gets shut down. Esp WPL is a pain.

after finish 89->90 profile will rescript all of then to fix some issues the run to main city its one of then
Try to deliver the quest Therapy - Quest - World of Warcraft and the quest its incomplete... :S (i try clean cache of honorbuddy and wow) ... My solution: (I abandoned the quest and the bot take the quest again and complete all good)

both objectives are in profile before turn in quest
if bot try turn in incomp'lete quest, meas bot ran in singular bug (usualy just restart fix the issue)
Stuck on a boat running into a broom on the dek wich blizzard obviously put there intentionally.

Stuck there for some time i guess since i havnt gained a thing in 2.5 hours.

After i manually jump he runs out, boat goes away and bot runs into the water from

darnassus to main land with 6x fatigue. Obviously on its way to felwood.

log added, dont know if you find use in it, anyway : View attachment 129202

from [07:29:13.269 N] on and off loading screens, this ment stuck on boat and going up and down to nassus.

And i dont know why, but on every new fp i learn, by routine, i get this :

Moving to Type: Fly, R: Learn
Taximap failed to open. Blacklisting the flight master.

Even tho i got connecting ones, every time. And the bot opens the flight masters path. Still get the error.

Updated Hb now and now nothing works no more.

View attachment 2116 2014-05-16 13.14.txt
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Stuck on a boat running into a broom on the dek wich blizzard obviously put there intentionally.

Stuck there for some time i guess since i havnt gained a thing in 2.5 hours.

After i manually jump he runs out, boat goes away and bot runs into the water from

darnassus to main land with 6x fatigue. Obviously on its way to felwood.

log added, dont know if you find use in it, anyway : View attachment 129202

from [07:29:13.269 N] on and off loading screens, this ment stuck on boat and going up and down to nassus.

And i dont know why, but on every new fp i learn, by routine, i get this :

Even tho i got connecting ones, every time. And the bot opens the flight masters path. Still get the error.

Updated Hb now and now nothing works no more.

View attachment 129208

log added, dont know if you find use in it, anyway : View attachment 129202= invalid attach

After i manually jump he runs out, boat goes away and bot runs into the water from
darnassus to main land with 6x fatigue. Obviously on its way to felwood.

i know this issue, reported it like 1 year ago no1 care, bot dont know the travel path and try run(swin)

Updated Hb now and now nothing works no more.
do this:
make new folder
install NEH HB to that new folder
install cavaplugin to that new folder
test it
hello =)... got some problems.. have done 3x fresh installs from start.. but i get "Can not start quest bot - this profile does not contain a quest order!" worked fine a few hours ago. but then come the patch, so whats wrong?
Anyways rly good profile! love it!
hello =)... got some problems.. have done 3x fresh installs from start.. but i get "Can not start quest bot - this profile does not contain a quest order!" worked fine a few hours ago. but then come the patch, so whats wrong?
Anyways rly good profile! love it!

Seems there are a lot of changes in the new HB Version. So CAVA has to change his Plugin, give him some Time.
Hey, I just started using your leveling profile because Kicks is letting me down.
Unfortunately, I encountered a bug the very first minute after turning it on.

When trying to take a taxi ride (see log) the character isn't dismounted by the bot. It keeps spam-'clicking' the wind rider guy. "You need to dismount first.".

Changing current profile to [H-Quest] (44-47) Tanaris [Cava] $Rev: 236 $
Mounting: Swift Lovebird
Mounting: Swift Lovebird
[TaxiRide-v1085(info)] Taking a ride to: Gadgetzan
[TaxiRide-v1085(info)] Taking a ride to: Gadgetzan
[TaxiRide-v1085(info)] Taking a ride to: Gadgetzan
[TaxiRide-v1085(info)] Taking a ride to: Gadgetzan
[TaxiRide-v1085(info)] Taking a ride to: Gadgetzan
Mounting: Swift Lovebird
Taking flight path to Bloodhoof Village, Mulgore from Orgrimmar, Durotar

[-- EDIT1 -- While typing the above, my character flew (because I dismounted it manually) to the next stop and it happened again! --]
[TaxiRide-v1085(info)]Taking a ride to: Gadgetzan
Mounting: Swift Lovebird
Taking flight path to Bloodhoof Village, Mulgore from Orgrimmar, Durotar
[Singular] PetManager: 'Growl' Auto-Cast Already Enabled 
[Singular] PetManager: 'Growl' Auto-Cast Already Enabled
TaxiMap is opened! Updating known nodes list.
Mounting: Swift Lovebird
Taking flight path to Mudsprocket, Dustwallow Marsh from Bloodhoof Village, Mulgore
[-- EDIT2 -- Please stop making it mount after opening the taximap (but before confirming flight location) -_- 3 times in a row now. --]
[-- EDIT3 -- After reading above posts I understand that the recent HB updates could be the reason for these bugs and thus will I wait patiently. --]
[-- EDIT4 -- Setting Inn location "fails"? --]
[Singular] PetManager: 'Growl' Auto-Cast Already Enabled
Mounting: Swift Lovebird
Moving to Type: Fly, R: Learn
Moving to Type: Fly, R: Learn
Moving to Type: Fly, R: Learn
TaxiMap is opened! Updating known nodes list.
Mounting: Swift Lovebird
Moving to Type: Fly, R: Learn
TaxiMap is opened! Updating known nodes list.
[Profile Message]: Compiling Tanaris Quests (44-47)
Moving to Type: Buy, Name: Dirge Quikcleave
Mounting: Swift Lovebird
Moving to Type: Buy, Name: Dirge Quikcleave
Buying #40 [Cured Ham Steak]
    --->  Selecting gossip option: Make this inn your home. - #0   <---  The "Yes" "No" window popped up for like 0.1 second and he ran out immediately.
Moving to Type: QuestPickUp
Moving to Type: QuestPickUp
Mounting: Swift Lovebird
Moving to Type: QuestPickUp
Mounting: Swift Lovebird
[-- EDIT5 I'm really happy with how Cava actually quests in the appropriate region, wheres Kick's profiles always go for the green quests. --]
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Hey, I just started using your leveling profile because Kicks is letting me down.
Unfortunately, I encountered a bug the very first minute after turning it on.

When trying to take a taxi ride (see log) the character isn't dismounted by the bot. It keeps spam-'clicking' the wind rider guy. "You need to dismount first.".

Changing current profile to [H-Quest] (44-47) Tanaris [Cava] $Rev: 236 $
Mounting: Swift Lovebird
Mounting: Swift Lovebird
[TaxiRide-v1085(info)] Taking a ride to: Gadgetzan
[TaxiRide-v1085(info)] Taking a ride to: Gadgetzan
[TaxiRide-v1085(info)] Taking a ride to: Gadgetzan
[TaxiRide-v1085(info)] Taking a ride to: Gadgetzan
[TaxiRide-v1085(info)] Taking a ride to: Gadgetzan
Mounting: Swift Lovebird
Taking flight path to Bloodhoof Village, Mulgore from Orgrimmar, Durotar

[-- EDIT1 -- While typing the above, my character flew (because I dismounted it manually) to the next stop and it happened again! --]
[TaxiRide-v1085(info)]Taking a ride to: Gadgetzan
Mounting: Swift Lovebird
Taking flight path to Bloodhoof Village, Mulgore from Orgrimmar, Durotar
[Singular] PetManager: 'Growl' Auto-Cast Already Enabled 
[Singular] PetManager: 'Growl' Auto-Cast Already Enabled
TaxiMap is opened! Updating known nodes list.
Mounting: Swift Lovebird
Taking flight path to Mudsprocket, Dustwallow Marsh from Bloodhoof Village, Mulgore
[-- EDIT2 -- Please stop making it mount after opening the taximap (but before confirming flight location) -_- 3 times in a row now. --]
[-- EDIT3 -- After reading above posts I understand that the recent HB updates could be the reason for these bugs and thus will I wait patiently. --]
[-- EDIT4 -- Setting Inn location "fails"? --]
[Singular] PetManager: 'Growl' Auto-Cast Already Enabled
Mounting: Swift Lovebird
Moving to Type: Fly, R: Learn
Moving to Type: Fly, R: Learn
Moving to Type: Fly, R: Learn
TaxiMap is opened! Updating known nodes list.
Mounting: Swift Lovebird
Moving to Type: Fly, R: Learn
TaxiMap is opened! Updating known nodes list.
[Profile Message]: Compiling Tanaris Quests (44-47)
Moving to Type: Buy, Name: Dirge Quikcleave
Mounting: Swift Lovebird
Moving to Type: Buy, Name: Dirge Quikcleave
Buying #40 [Cured Ham Steak]
    --->  Selecting gossip option: Make this inn your home. - #0   <---  The "Yes" "No" window popped up for like 0.1 second and he ran out immediately.
Moving to Type: QuestPickUp
Moving to Type: QuestPickUp
Mounting: Swift Lovebird
Moving to Type: QuestPickUp
Mounting: Swift Lovebird
[-- EDIT5 I'm really happy with how Cava actually quests in the appropriate region, wheres Kick's profiles always go for the green quests. --]

When trying to take a taxi ride (see log) the character isn't dismounted by the bot. It keeps spam-'clicking' the wind rider guy. "You need to dismount first.".
yes i got that last night also, isnt profile related its an HB bug, was tinking write an fix routine but no need, armageddoner users just need activate CavaPlugin anti-stuck routine, char will be dismounted after 6 secs and will use taxi travel.

Please stop making it mount after opening the taximap (but before confirming flight location) -_- 3 times in a row now.
again... its HB bug, not profile related

Setting Inn location "fails"?
need log to confirm this

I'm really happy with how Cava actually quests in the appropriate region, wheres Kick's profiles always go for the green quests.
thanks for your words, hope you enjoy cava profiles