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Here's the log :)

Hello Cava,

I was using this profile for leveling 2 alts, one horde and one ally and it was working perfect for both until 88 / 90 lvl. :cool:
But than I made a Human Lock, and lvled him with your profile from lvl 1 until lvl 42 and than its just bugged, showing me message:
" Can not start bot - this profile does not contain a quest order! "
Tryed everything, and on end I deleted whole HB, instaled new HB, new SVN, downloaded your profile and everything like I did before, but again when I log its same " Can not start bot "... I deleted all quests, my bags are empty, I come to region where I should do quests, but nothing help.
Than I tryed to lvl up with dungeonfinder, to pass that 1 profile (39-44 lvl) but its all same now on 49 and 50 lvl.


P.S. I dont have a log, since it can't eaven start. And when I go and select a exact profile from Cava folder, it show me error in line 127 etc etc...

Oke here is the log: View attachment 408 2014-03-20 21.12.txt
alot this:
[20:13:29.501 V] [Compiler Warning]: e:\Program Files\HonorBuddy\Quest Behaviors\AbandonQuest.cs(166,30) : warning CS0672: Member 'Honorbuddy.Quest_Behaviors.AbandonQuest.AbandonQuest.Dispose()' overrides obsolete member 'Styx.CommonBot.Profiles.CustomForcedBehavior.Dispose()'. Add the Obsolete attribute to 'Honorbuddy.Quest_Behaviors.AbandonQuest.AbandonQuest.Dispose()'.
[20:13:29.501 V] [Compiler Warning]: e:\Program Files\HonorBuddy\Quest Behaviors\AscendInWater.cs(70,30) : warning CS0672: Member 'Honorbuddy.Quest_Behaviors.AscendInWater.AscendInWater.Dispose()' overrides obsolete member 'Styx.CommonBot.Profiles.CustomForcedBehavior.Dispose()'. Add the Obsolete attribute to 'Honorbuddy.Quest_Behaviors.AscendInWater.AscendInWater.Dispose()'.

means your HB instalation is damaged/broken

To fix:
make a new folder (MUST BE NEW, reinstall over old folder= same bug)
download and install HB to that new folder
Download an install cavaplugin
test it
Omg you are so fast with replays - RESPECT for that and for a great prifiles! <3
Will come back when I reinstal and test it. ;)

thanks a lot !!!
Hey Cava, nice profiles. One question however, ive noticed on some profiles it diffirentiates between WL and non WL. DO you mind explaining the difference between the two?
Hey Cava, nice profiles. One question however, ive noticed on some profiles it diffirentiates between WL and non WL. DO you mind explaining the difference between the two?

wl was originaly (With Loot+all quests) because when i start scripting i did it without loot, then with time i changed all profiles to user option, now all profiles are based on use selection, if use enable loot, profiles will loot all mobs, if user disable loot, will only loot mobs if they drop item quests (improove speed), but the WL profiles also run for all quests for achieve map quests, thats why i keep then in folder.
So, this definitely isn't 100% afk...

I've left it to run a few hours, and I'm logged out dead, as a ghost.

One thing that is really annoying, whenever you restart it, for some reason it always flies back to Org, then back to the same spot we were just at to continue questing... it makes no sense.
So, this definitely isn't 100% afk...

I've left it to run a few hours, and I'm logged out dead, as a ghost.

One thing that is really annoying, whenever you restart it, for some reason it always flies back to Org, then back to the same spot we were just at to continue questing... it makes no sense.
upload log please
So, this definitely isn't 100% afk...

I've left it to run a few hours, and I'm logged out dead, as a ghost.

One thing that is really annoying, whenever you restart it, for some reason it always flies back to Org, then back to the same spot we were just at to continue questing... it makes no sense.
I had this too. I only found out days later that I was stupid :P
I started the profiule through the plugin, but everytime I loaded the 1-12 profile while my toon was >12. So it started to go to Orgrimmar every time, returning to where I was and then continuing questing. My bad! :)
CavaPlugin 4.3.0 Live

Added profiles for learn:
Mount Hyjal Portal
Vashj'ir Portal
Deepholm Portal
Uldum Portal
Twilight Highlands Portal
all this profiles are armageddoner reserved
For me, Cava's Profiles just worked once, and i tried them several times with different Chars/Bots/Machines whatsoever.
I always get some kind of errors,

right now i stuck with a fresh install, i justs loops
[CavaPlugin]:CavaPlugin Disposed
[CavaPlugin]4.3.0: Loading CavaPlugin
[CavaPlugin]4.3.0: Please wait while the Cava Plugin checks for updates.

if i go to plugin-> Cava Plugin -> start i get Exceptions in form of
Error trying to save the settings file: The process cannot access the file 'C:\..\Settings\Eredar\*******\CharacterSettings.xml' because it is being used by another process.

such a shame it newer worked for me, because i think your work is grat

Edit: Awesome! Did a fresh install agen, downloaded the plugin manually, installed Cava's Profiles via .bat file. Now its working. Thanks!
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Not sure about this one
I got the plugin working fine with a low level toon then I when I try and start the plugin with a a lvl 87 toondoesn
HB crashed doesn't give much info other [13:31:12.133 N] [Singular] Initialization complete!
[13:31:12.273 N] [CavaPlugin]4.3.0: Loading CavaPlugin
[13:31:12.273 N] [CavaPlugin]4.3.0: Please wait while the Cava Plugin checks for updates.
[13:31:15.476 N] [CavaPlugin]4.3.0: is up to date and ready to use.
[13:31:15.486 N] Installed plugins
[13:31:15.486 N] Anti Drown - Enabled
[13:31:15.486 N] AutoEquip2 - Disabled
[13:31:15.486 N] CavaPlugin - Enabled
[13:31:15.486 N] DrinkPotions - Disabled
[13:31:15.486 N] Questhelper - ItemForAura - Enabled
[13:31:15.486 N] Refreshment Detection - Enabled
[13:31:15.486 N] Talented2 - Disabled
[13:31:15.495 D] Activity: Initialization complete
[13:31:15.495 N] Initialization complete.
[13:31:15.496 D] Activity: Honorbuddy Startup Complete
[13:32:00.150 N] [CavaPlugin]:CavaPlugin Disposed
[13:32:00.153 D] [Lua.Events] Detached from event START_LOOT_ROLL with handler 

no too sure whats going on with this
Sup cava! :) Really nice plugin you got :) but 1 thing i wounder, is this plugin load profile´s when it done with one? like 40-44, when that profile is done, does it load another one after? Becouse when I have the bot going for some lvls, when I come back it logged me out, allways "you have ds from the server. hope you understands my bad english :p
Not sure about this one
I got the plugin working fine with a low level toon then I when I try and start the plugin with a a lvl 87 toondoesn
HB crashed doesn't give much info other [13:31:12.133 N] [Singular] Initialization complete!
[13:31:12.273 N] [CavaPlugin]4.3.0: Loading CavaPlugin
[13:31:12.273 N] [CavaPlugin]4.3.0: Please wait while the Cava Plugin checks for updates.
[13:31:15.476 N] [CavaPlugin]4.3.0: is up to date and ready to use.
[13:31:15.486 N] Installed plugins
[13:31:15.486 N] Anti Drown - Enabled
[13:31:15.486 N] AutoEquip2 - Disabled
[13:31:15.486 N] CavaPlugin - Enabled
[13:31:15.486 N] DrinkPotions - Disabled
[13:31:15.486 N] Questhelper - ItemForAura - Enabled
[13:31:15.486 N] Refreshment Detection - Enabled
[13:31:15.486 N] Talented2 - Disabled
[13:31:15.495 D] Activity: Initialization complete
[13:31:15.495 N] Initialization complete.
[13:31:15.496 D] Activity: Honorbuddy Startup Complete
[13:32:00.150 N] [CavaPlugin]:CavaPlugin Disposed
[13:32:00.153 D] [Lua.Events] Detached from event START_LOOT_ROLL with handler

no too sure whats going on with this
upload full log please
Sup cava! :) Really nice plugin you got :) but 1 thing i wounder, is this plugin load profile´s when it done with one? like 40-44, when that profile is done, does it load another one after? Becouse when I have the bot going for some lvls, when I come back it logged me out, allways "you have ds from the server. hope you understands my bad english :p
profiles will load next map/profile as soon your char hit X level all this is auto, if you have dc problems upload log with your dc
reinstalled HB reinstalled Cava plugin
after installing from the bat file first time I run it HB crashes
Then when I run it again the pop up window for the language select comes up and it does an update then asks me to restart.
When I restart and try to open the plugin HB crashes the usually window of selecting the profiles doesn't load :confused:

I think I've got it working ;)


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