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I've tried for over 2 hours fixing that non-existing Cava_Starter_Profiles.xml file and i'm seriously getting a nervous breakdown soon.
Updated, reinstalled, restarted the computer, tried making a new XML with the text from http://cavaprofiles.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/Cava_Starter_Profiles.xml, tried separately connecting that link via SVN, but no luck
Could someone please put up a download link to a working profile?
theres no link to profile,

my profiles (some ) dont work alone, they need cavaplugin to work, if you only use profiles , will end up with stucks

read second post to how to install, its realy easy in 3 steps
1-download and unzip Cavaplugin to hb plugins folder
2-run cavaplugin install
Trying to use the 1-90 Alliance pandaren monk but i get same error everytime ,even after reinstalling Cava plugin with Zip and with SVN.
Please help.
View attachment 120196

[02:58:53.751 N] Warning: Errors in quest behaviors!

to fix:
make new folder
reinstall HB for that new folder
reinstall cavaplugin

I've tried for over 2 hours fixing that non-existing Cava_Starter_Profiles.xml file and i'm seriously getting a nervous breakdown soon.
Updated, reinstalled, restarted the computer, tried making a new XML with the text from http://cavaprofiles.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/Cava_Starter_Profiles.xml, tried separately connecting that link via SVN, but no luck
Could someone please put up a download link to a working profile?

Did you really start the "CavaPlugin_Install_English.bat" File? Without it doesnt download the File from SVN and it doesnt show up in Plugins.
theres no link to profile,

my profiles (some ) dont work alone, they need cavaplugin to work, if you only use profiles , will end up with stucks

read second post to how to install, its realy easy in 3 steps
1-download and unzip Cavaplugin to hb plugins folder
2-run cavaplugin install
Yes i've run the install file and can see the full plugin menu in HB, but as soon as i've checked the plugin it says "There is an error with the Cava Quest Behaviors or Profiles".
I've also checked Questing in the top dropdown menu in HB.
I've tried three times from fresh HB installs and have restarted my computer in between too, so the only problem i can think of is that missing profile.
I thought i could maybe have been marked as a hidden file because of some error, but nothing shows up after i've checked "show hidden files" either.

Did you really start the "CavaPlugin_Install_English.bat" File? Without it doesnt download the File from SVN and it doesnt show up in Plugins.
Yes i've done that.
Yes i've run the install file and can see the full plugin menu in HB, but as soon as i've checked the plugin it says "There is an error with the Cava Quest Behaviors or Profiles".
I've also checked Questing in the top dropdown menu in HB.
I've tried three times from fresh HB installs and have restarted my computer in between too, so the only problem i can think of is that missing profile.
I thought i could maybe have been marked as a hidden file because of some error, but nothing shows up after i've checked "show hidden files" either.

Yes i've done that.
There is an error with the Cava Quest Behaviors or Profiles

cause= dont have <Honorbuddy>\Quest Behaviors\Cava folder or dont have <Honorbuddy>\Default Profiles\Cava or both

if you moved Cavaplugin folder to <Honorbuddy>\Plugins\CavaPlugin and ran CavaPlugin_Install.bat im sure the installer will install all needed folders ( all other users use it)

just to remove any errors:
MOVE cavaplugin to plugins folder before run cavaplugin_install
cavaplugin_install will open THREE times the tortoiseSVN you must say yes/ok to all tortoiseSVN windows
the problem of not showing the plugin, I fixed a really stupid way

I forgot to copy the files from the zip folder


the only method that worked for me was the svn
Hi Cava,
Every time I start the plugin it would crash my HB, it started happening after the new installation of HB. This is the Error MSG I am getting in the main HB window.

"Error trying to save the settings file: The process cannot access the file 'C:\Users\My Name\Documents\Honorbuddy\Settings\ServerName\K*****p\CharacterSettings.xml' because it is being used by another process."

EDIT: Nvm, completely fresh reinstall of HB fixed the problem. Thanks for the awesome plugin/profile.
Found myself babysitting this bot its well done but sometimes it trips up on itself. often times when I come back around to this quest bot Ill find it logged out as it will sit in front of a quest turn in it just got and try to turn it in repeatedly then log out and force shutdown honorbuddy. Heres the log for felwood which it just recently happened with a quest.

View attachment 120235
Found myself babysitting this bot its well done but sometimes it trips up on itself. often times when I come back around to this quest bot Ill find it logged out as it will sit in front of a quest turn in it just got and try to turn it in repeatedly then log out and force shutdown honorbuddy. Heres the log for felwood which it just recently happened with a quest.

View attachment 120235

Same but mines more like it just stops after like 30 min and i gottta stop and start Honorbuddy
Found myself babysitting this bot its well done but sometimes it trips up on itself. often times when I come back around to this quest bot Ill find it logged out as it will sit in front of a quest turn in it just got and try to turn it in repeatedly then log out and force shutdown honorbuddy. Heres the log for felwood which it just recently happened with a quest.

View attachment 120235
try this please:

stop bot.
clean cache or run cavaplugin_fix
start bot

let me know if that fix your issue
three quests in same problem... did your fix and it would loop attempting to turn the quest in
Moving to Type: QuestTurnIn
Tried to complete quest 5 times with no success
Closing Questframe
Moving to Type: QuestTurnIn
Stopping the bot!
Bot stopping! Reason: User pressed the stop button

View attachment 120323
three quests in same problem... did your fix and it would loop attempting to turn the quest in

View attachment 120323
[19:00:30.541 D] System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not find file 'D:\Honorbuddy\Plugins\CavaPlugin\Plugin.ver'.
File name: 'D:\Honorbuddy\Plugins\CavaPlugin\Plugin.ver'

cavaplugin isnt 100% instaled,
to fix:
remove cavaplugin folder
download an unzip cavaplugin
copy cavaplugin to honorbuddy plugins folder
reinstall cavaplugin from cavaplugin_Install