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[15:14:52.412 D] Goal: ForceSetVendor-v1085: "In Progress (no associated quest)"
Scheduled run for Mail, Repair, Sell

[Ref: "[N-Quest] (62-64) Zangarmarsh [Cava] $Rev: 173 $" @line 2461]
[15:14:52.412 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[15:14:52.412 D] Goal: Nothing
[15:14:52.412 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedMoveTo.
[15:14:52.412 D] Goal: Moving to <-214.1521, 5491.481, 21.75795>
[15:14:52.439 D] Activity: Loading Tiles
[15:14:52.439 D] Loading Expansion01_21_32
[15:14:52.734 D] (Singular) [CombatLog] SPELL_CAST_FAILED Traveler's Tundra Mammoth#61447 failure: 'Невозможно делать это на ходу.'
[15:14:52.715 N] Summoning vendor mount for vendor run
[15:36:31.043 D] We died, Clearing current POI
[15:45:19.492 D] [BotEvents] EventChecker threw exception
[15:45:19.492 D] System.Exception: Запрос ReadProcessMemory или WriteProcessMemory был выполнен только частично, at addr: D087D25F, Size: 4
at GreyMagic.ExternalProcessMemory.ReadByteBuffer(IntPtr addr, Void* buffer, Int32 count)
at GreyMagic.MemoryBase.Read[T](IntPtr addr)
at Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWObject.[](UInt32 )
at Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWUnit.[](WoWUnitFields )
at Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWUnit.get_Level()
at Styx.CommonBot.BotEvents.Player.()
at Styx.CommonBot.BotEvents.PulseEvents()

isnt profile related, please report it at Honorbuddy Support

I do not quite understand english and can not imagine what a topic to write about. if you can, please write itself. I threw 3 bug reports that will remedy your profile. with the same problems I encountered half a year ago.
Log honorbuddy

This is the log with the quest faults.

I was able to run your profiles one by one but their were some errors with the character not buying from vendors for quests and not using items for quests.


This is the log with the quest faults.

I was able to run your profiles one by one but their were some errors with the character not buying from vendors for quests and not using items for quests.
[12:18:48.747 N] Compiler Error: s:\Programs\Hacks\Honorbuddy\Bots\AutoAngler2\AutoAngler.cs(122,100) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'ActionMoveToCorpse' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
[12:18:49.269 N] Compiler Error: s:\Programs\Hacks\Honorbuddy\Bots\ehcotiger mega pack\Quest Behaviors\InteractWithEscort.cs(355,18) : error CS0234: The type or namespace name 'QuestBehaviorCore' does not exist in the namespace 'Honorbuddy' (are you missing an assembly reference?)
means your HB instalation is damaged, reinstall from scratch

NEW hb folder and do NEW hb instalation
install only CavaPlugin and test again
Now the install worked fine, however it says "There is an error with the Cava quest behaviour or profiles" when i start hb up inside of wow
Now the install worked fine, however it says "There is an error with the Cava quest behaviour or profiles" when i start hb up inside of wow

reinstall cavaplugin

attention the full install = 3x tortoiseSVN
I'm so sorry for being so "dumb" lol..first time i use both cava and tortoisesvn, not sure how the 3x tortoise works exactly
I'm so sorry for being so "dumb" lol..first time i use both cava and tortoisesvn, not sure how the 3x tortoise works exactly
cavainstall will run tortoiseSVN 3 times

1-> CavaPlugin
2-> Cava Quest Behaviors
3-> Cava Profiles

if you stop after first windown will be incomplete
Cava its possible pay only for 300-600 Blacksmithing profile? Im interested on it! but I really dont want the rest of "premium" stuff, can you sell that feature alone?
been using the professionbuddy profiles mining and bs 1 to 300, could you add a check for gnomish army knife instead of blacksmith hammer and mining pick.

EDIT: also it seems when mining reaches 300 before BS the profile woun't go on
My Honorbuddy just keeps repeating the following over and over:
CavaPlugin]:CavaPlugin Disposed
[CavaPlugin]4.1.5: Loading CavaPlugin
[CavaPlugin]4.1.5: Please wait while the Cava Plugin checks for updates.

Is this normal or am I missing something?
been using the professionbuddy profiles mining and bs 1 to 300, could you add a check for gnomish army knife instead of blacksmith hammer and mining pick.

EDIT: also it seems when mining reaches 300 before BS the profile woun't go on

he always reach mining before bs because its farming mats to latter use
need that log to check the issue
My Honorbuddy just keeps repeating the following over and over:
CavaPlugin]:CavaPlugin Disposed
[CavaPlugin]4.1.5: Loading CavaPlugin
[CavaPlugin]4.1.5: Please wait while the Cava Plugin checks for updates.

Is this normal or am I missing something?
upload log