thank you, after updating HB the plugin worked again. Now related to Mining/Blacksmithing:
Sorry for my ignorance (im new here) but how can i resolve? im using Cava Profile window to select Mining/blacksmithing.
[22:02:41.111 D] Activity: Loading Tiles
[22:02:41.112 D] Loading Kalimdor_40_19
[22:04:49.798 D] Updating repair cost for current equipped items. New value: [0g9s85c]
[22:08:41.758 D] Unloading tiles!
[22:08:41.761 D] Loading Kalimdor_40_19
[22:10:49.951 D] Updating repair cost for current equipped items. New value: [0g9s85c]
[22:13:42.408 D] Unloading tiles!
loading tiles = not profile related (look the times for each line)
also the bug with switching from quest bot to pb bot is fixed
Sorry for my ignorance (im new here) but how can i resolve? im using Cava Profile window to select Mining/blacksmithing.