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The bot is on the quest Ogre Combat and it just keeps killing dreadmaul ambushers. It's supposed to be killing dreadmaul maulers and dreadmaul warlocks instead.

View attachment 5328 2013-12-22 19.49.txt

Edit: now it's finally starting to kill what it was supposed to kill. But it took quite a long while. There are a lot of unnecessary hotspots south of dreadmaul hold.
The bot is on the quest Ogre Combat and it just keeps killing dreadmaul ambushers. It's supposed to be killing dreadmaul maulers and dreadmaul warlocks instead.
I just had a similar thing happen. In my case I think it was killing mobs that weren't part of any current quest in order to get a quest drop.

It would be very handy if it was possible to see what the bot's current objective is.
The bot is on the quest Ogre Combat and it just keeps killing dreadmaul ambushers. It's supposed to be killing dreadmaul maulers and dreadmaul warlocks instead.

View attachment 114882

Edit: now it's finally starting to kill what it was supposed to kill. But it took quite a long while. There are a lot of unnecessary hotspots south of dreadmaul hold.
fixed at rev 163
thanks for reporting
View attachment 114906View attachment 114906

Horde - Zangarmarsh level 63
On Quest Familiar Fungi when I started flying in circles above the target mobs, but never landing to kill them for the quest. I tried restarting HB and WoW, reloaded plugin, updated plugin, etc. HB just starts spamming "Mobing to Type: Hotspot, Loc:...."

1 sec on log
seems nav issue, wil check it better, also you have an plugin? who is giving errors and probably giving some lag
and the bug its to pick up Unidentified Plant Parts x 10, not Quest Familiar Fungi

[04:23:37.885 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior [ForcedQuestObjective Objective: [CollectItemObjective ItemID: 24401, Count: 10]].
[04:23:37.885 D] Goal: Collect Unidentified Plant Parts x 10
[04:23:37.886 D] Changed POI to: Type: Hotspot, Loc: <-806.2661, 5923.055, 23.43429>
[04:23:37.983 D] Activity: Moving to hotspot
[04:23:37.983 N] Moving to Type: Hotspot, Loc: <-806.2661, 5923.055, 23.43429>
[04:23:37.983 D] Activity: Loading Tiles
[04:23:37.983 D] Loading Expansion01_16_32
[04:23:37.983 D] Error reading file data #3: input .lzma is too short
[04:23:37.983 D] Loading Expansion01_20_33
[04:23:38.147 D] Loading Expansion01_16_32
[04:23:38.147 D] Error reading file data #3: input .lzma is too short (plugin? error)
[04:23:38.147 D] Could not generate path from {-284.4104, 8305.952, 19.75137} to {-806.2661, 5923.055, 23.43429} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindStartPoly
seems the plant its at rong place and bot cant nav to that,
I'm Horde. I've used Zygor and don't remember spending that long in Zangar.
this from zygor guide:
ZygorGuidesViewer:RegisterGuide("Zygor's Horde Leveling Guides\\Outland 60-70\\Zangarmarsh (62-64)",[[
startlevel 62.90

ZygorGuidesViewer:RegisterGuide("Zygor's Horde Leveling Guides\\Outland 60-70\\Terokkar Forest (64-66)",[[
startlevel 64.79

with zygor guide horde char moves to Terokkar Forest at level 64 + 16bars
Hey take a look at this mount issue will you. It seems to be Defaulting to riding the Tauren Paladin Sunwalker mount and over riding my choice.


Cava profiles are scripted to change mount to default race mount

if you want use diferent mount do this:
in all profiles edit the line for your race with right id or delete full lines

to find it, do an search for:
<If Condition="Me.Class == WoWClass.Paladin">
<If Condition="Me.Race == WoWRace.Tauren">
and edit the MountName="69820" for what you want

before you ask, the mount select override in profiles its there to avoid bot to use some rare mounts and game users start pm'ing to ask how to obtain that specific mount, also bot with random mount its realy easy to spot, none humam player i know switch mount so often
Alliance side, few quests in Terrace of Ten Thunders are bugged, toon will get on a mount and just run around in circles. Wouldn't afk this part as it looks totally bottish.
Is there any way to tell what the profile's current objective is? Right now my bot is repeating the same short route over and over and keeps dismounting every 6 seconds because of the anti-stuck option.
Alliance side, few quests in Terrace of Ten Thunders are bugged, toon will get on a mount and just run around in circles. Wouldn't afk this part as it looks totally bottish.
upload log with that issue please
Is there any way to tell what the profile's current objective is? Right now my bot is repeating the same short route over and over and keeps dismounting every 6 seconds because of the anti-stuck option.
click info button
click info button
When I do that I see stats like XP/HR, Kills, etc. I don't see anything that gives me an idea of why the bot keeps repeating the same route.

[Edit] I figured out how to finish the quest. Now I see a Goal listed in the Info section but it wasn't showing up before.
View attachment 728 2013-12-24 15.10.txt[Profile Message]: Compiling Searing Gorge Map Zone
Bot stopping! Reason: Bot stop requested by Halt quest behavior.

i got that message and my bot stopped working. ive tried reseting it, clearing cashe, plugin fix, updating again... im not having any luck.
View attachment 115037[Profile Message]: Compiling Searing Gorge Map Zone
Bot stopping! Reason: Bot stop requested by Halt quest behavior.

i got that message and my bot stopped working. ive tried reseting it, clearing cashe, plugin fix, updating again... im not having any luck.
fixed at rev 164
Thanks for reporting
Ty, turned framelock off and now it works.

I've noticed some freezes with frame lock enabled as well - with it disabled the profile runs incredibly smoothly.

Perhaps an advisory message to users with framelock enabled would help, or would you rather we report individual occurances so the CustomBehaviours can be fixed?
While questing in zangarmarsh, the bot grinds 6 bog lord tendrils seemingly in advance of a future quest. The problem is, the bot mails the 6 bog lord tendrils when it gets back to town, making the whole grind a waste time.

Edit: now after a bit of questing it's trying to gather the 6 bog lord tendrils again. Hopefully it doesn't mail them again this time...

Edit2: Yep, mailed again :(